New warning for PvP servers is amazing

I’m not sure why PvP realm players get such a bad rap for being toxic. There’s nothing but positive motivation in this thread.

Ha, ranking in classic during covid is probably why Andrew Tate is so popular 4 years later.

Just double toxic brain melt on top of itself.

The 1% is the fun side, if you actually like WPVP. The idea that faction balance is necessary or even important is ridiculous. People who think balance is an issue complain about instanced BGs with equal numbers anyway.

That type of player can use the toggle on a Normal server.


Couldnt disagree any harder but you are welcome to your opinion.

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Fair enough, but I doubt you’ve been playing on the lesser faction side to feel it. It’s quite remarkable really — though keep in mind, P2 on the lower faction end was my favorite part of Classic 2019.


well, by all means enjoy. You’ll never find me intentionally on a PVP server anyway. More for you all I guess?

With the layering tech they are using, hopefully even if factions are giga imbalanced, world pvp wont feel like being tortured for daring to not play the giga faction.

I have a feeling they are going to revert this one pretty quickly when ppl cant group up with their friends and get frustrated over it.

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considering there is only one single pvp server, reverting that change would essentially be dooming the smaller faction to not being able to farm mats, and killing the faction off entirely as people quit or rerolled.

Not if the balance is still 50/50.

The change I am talking about is the layering they are trying, where every layer will be balanced and times to phase in and out will be insanely long…

Ppl might get really annoyed at that.

lol what a horrible excuse.

I’m switching to PvE so I don’t have to run back to BRD 17 times before getting in.

Anyone who feels the same just shouldn’t be rolling on PvP, cause that’s what PvP servers are all about lol

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what? how u PL alts on the other faction

Oh just wait, they’ll all be here when phase 2 launches, complaining about the very thing they knew was going to be that way


Maybe. But with only 1 server, and “enforced faction balance” there’s not much wiggle room for complaints. Of course people will still find something, not to mention there’s always class balance to complain about!


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100%, Cant wait to just have the new warning image saved to my desktop to just pop in at all times.

I actually need to type it all out to have on my copy pasta tab in disc.

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It’ll be the same thing they complain about every server. losing a pvp engagement. Wether that’s a bg, with equal team numbers, or world pvp, with unequal numbers


Yep. I’ve already saved it ready to go

That’s a bit like walking up to a stranger, yelling curse words at them, insulting their family and making rude gestures to their dog, then holding up a copy of the first amendment when they take umbrage with your actions.

I’m not sure what it would accomplish.

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Because its fun to share the details of a contract that people willingly signed and agreed too and are now upset about it.

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