New War Within trailer released!

Meh. Not feeling it.


TBC was horde centric
Wrath was both
Cata was horde centric
Mists was both but mostly horde centric
WoD was all horde centric
Legion was both saving the world
BFA was more Horde centric
SL both saving the world
DF both saving the world
TWW Alliance centric

So 1 out of 11 versions of the game. Get over it.


I’m surprised that Thrall is still struggling to connect to the elements. I thought he got over it in Shadowlands after talking to his mother. Also, I’m a little disappointed that they cut Anduin’s luscious blond locks.

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Me when I lie

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oooo TY! That was pretty thrilling.


They’re like beautiful jewels, like looking into the void itself. :heart:


Hey, some people are into that.

…some people are into that too.


They’re not gonna give thrall titan power or something, are they? Keep taking away the elements from him…

Please… no more thrall. Can we see some of the other Horde race characters


Sorry, what’s there to fix?


Got Diablo Vibe from that trailer.

Alleria looks sexy to be honest. Her new hairstyle is what void Elves deserves. This what people been asking for as long Void Elves have existed.

I liked it!

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If the next 1-2 expansions have heavy elf themes, you can expect Lorthamar and that Nightborne queen to have a lot of involvement now that their honeymoon is over.

At least we won’t have to save the Horde… again…

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Bro missed TBC, Wrath, Cata, Mists, and WoD apparently

Or how BFA was all about Horde destroying Alliance over and over lmao

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Please no. I hated the Nightborne stuff and it was going on forever. That race received more lore than some of the core races, lol. xD

I’m too lazy to watch it. Is it good? Should I care? Does it make M+ better?

They can’t, they’ve killed most of them off or set them on the sidelines for too long. They actually had to bring Thrall in because there really aren’t many options.

(That and I do think it’s semi-symbolic of Metzen returning).

Honestly, Jaina feels like the odd ball out here to me and the promotional art. The focus was on Anduin and Thrall, and Alleria came in more for the end of Dragonflight questing, but Jaina has sort of just…not mattered until she got highlighted in the art and this trailer. I might be missing something but she seems to be the weird one here.

Yes it makes you earn more awakened crests.

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Neither, Both, Horde, Both

If BFA counts as only horde destroying alliance, then no xpacs are actually horde based since its just horde being destroyed

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Pretty sure with the previous promotional art Jaina is going to become the leader of the Kirin Tor. Dalaran might get actually destroyed, with alleria mourning with it’s banner in the hand.