New War Within trailer released!

Womp womp

Anyways go play WW when it arrives this summer!

Mother poop on a stick…

Can we please just put Thrall in the Maw?

Good comeback for the double standards you proudly hold

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I love Thrall and am happy to see him back. But I do agree. Apparently Gazlowe is around for the expansion though, so that’s cool. I’m hoping maybe a patch where we visit Undermine!

Yeah, I didn’t want to touch too much on what may be happening with Dalaran since that does border on spoiler territory. Just for everything so far, she stood out to me as being out of place.

Metzan is the Warchief. Thrall has to be there. Doesn’t mean thrall will have all the main roles. This is a trilogy after all, TWW might be officially the first 2 years expension and they hit us with the next one. I could be wrong but I like to theorycraf the idea. We’re not going to murder Xal’atath in tww.


Well it’s theorycraft, I’m not datamimer. But that’s what I pick up from the promotional art. I could be in the wrong field. It’s just what I believe might happens.

Hate me?
You body got nice beef. I going get some BBQ sauce.

I’m just tired of him as I’m sure a lot of us are. He’s been butchered almost the point of Slyvanas and this will very likely be the tipping stone.

They just need to make some new characters or something. Let the old ones lay and take time to recover from all the fragmentation the writing has thrown at them.

I enjoyed the cinematic. Curious to see where the story leads. We’ll find out I guess.


least biased void elf player :rofl:

Good smirk, I’ll grant you.

Other than that, maybe I’m just edging on burnout but as a long time Hordie, ‘meh’.

Or maybe that burnout is giving me Xalawhatsis sympathies. :slight_smile: After all, she does have a good smirk.

I don’t know. I like Thrall. He is a very humble and is the best of the moto of what is strength and honor. I admit he is soft for an orc but the character as a rich history and it’s hard for me to leave behind Warcraft 2 and Warcraft 3 character as those games are my childhood.


womp womp

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Thrall be using a tauren totem.


Thall is what the Horde is supposed to be about. Honor. Strength. Humility. Unity. Different races and people banding together in the face of adversity to form a strong and united coalition.

Any Horde players who think he’s too “soft” are just edgelords IMO


He thought his own totem was the problem. Borrowed a friend’s.


I like Thrall too. Unfortunately he’s been tossed around through so many different emotional states. First the Warchief we all loved, then Cata’s Shaman, then Shadowland’s BFA continuation of homestead Thrall. Why is such a critical, grown up character going through so many phases of evolution?

He’s one of my favorite characters easily but they just need to let the man retire emotionally. Put some youngling Troll (Or whatever) in his place to have all these “growing up” journeys.

This cutscene is SO good. Love the way Alleria’s eyes dart around when she’s staring out at the void, the writing is excellent, the music is perfect. AHHH. I’m so excited.


Yep, it’s fantastic.

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