New voice lines: Ashenvale, Ankoan, etc

its too much of a waste of a good villain


Honestly, to me, Azshara being a one patch villain is a waste regardless. She should be an expac villain, with The nightborne and the night elves being at the front of the story. Rise of Azshara even sounds like an expac, not a patch.

Cause like, she’s AZSHARA, the quite literal queen b i t c h.


i hope nzoth is given a expansion of his own.

Squid dad would be a great expac villain, and not this half / half villain he’s going to be for the second meaning of “Battle for Azeroth.”

oh dear god…what if we get a 8.4 and this expansion lasts even longer


Do not speak such vile heresy. THEY…will hear it. Looks forebodingly at the blizzard logo


mother of god…

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No it’s too late, what have you done you fool?! You foolish fool!
Screams in the background as BfA is artificially stretched out.


oh by the light! i have doomed us all!
runs away screaming


Smh. I need text yo.

They at least had a confrontation with the man.

Not a very satisfying one. Well, at least Sylvanas’ wasn’t. I haven’t seen the Alliance side but I imagine it’s pretty much exactly the same? Maybe a little better for Jaina considering she was just dumped by him and not killed :upside_down_face:

I’ll be honest im kinda burnt out on elves after bfa and legion.


I’m not sure if it was meant to be satisfying. It’s meant to confirm that the man they love/hated is too evil/strong to save/stop.

As long as its not mudhut horde and human paladins I’m happy.


I’ve been burnt out on Humans since at least Wrath.

They even haphazardly shoved a whole town of them into Val’sharah.


Their presence there annoys me more than it should. It was such a random addition that served no real purpose. It didn’t drive forward the greater Gilnean story, it ultimately had no bearing on the rest of Val’sharah, and arguably it would’ve been more impactful if it had been a Night Elf town since then there’d be emotional weight to being attacked by their honored ancestors in Black Rook Hold.


I’m burnt out on Humans but they keep showing up everywhere :roll_eyes:


Likely darkshore was won, Nathanos is in Nazjatar during the starting questline and later is summoned to Orgrimmar, which means the darkshore battle was won and the ashenvale one is being near the end, the horde needs to buy more time for the 8.3 in the meantime, also this a great break from the ckhold of Nathanos the worse horde commander in the story.


If there’s one thing BfA’s story has taught me, its that being killed by someone is actually a good thing and makes you join their side. So really Jaina is the true victim here.