New voice lines: Ashenvale, Ankoan, etc

So stop me if it was already posted here but I don’t think that we have discussed about these voice lines about retaking Ashenvale at 38:55

( Credits to the story forum discord)


Interesting that there is a retreat line, I thought it would be clear victory, but I didn’t hear any real victory lines aside from the “Victory is near” one, but voice lines are normally in order of when they happen, so I dunno.

I am guessing it is for a world objective which could be PvP or PvE like they announced they were doing in Nazjatar.

This would explain the winning and loosing lines.

Maybe yeah, but as far as I could tell there wasn’t a horde counter point, and that seems REALLY odd to me that the conflict wouldn’t involve both sides if it was something like an objective, or even a questline.

Maybe it wasn’t added yet :man_shrugging:

If it is not a word objective, I could also see a scenario and the loosing lines are heard by the Horde when they win.

Some think it is for the revamp BG but it makes no sense since the lines don’t seem to line up with a “capture the flag” scenario.

Mmm, it kinda does cause you could have the victory one being like, having a 2-0 lead, the hang their tattered banners could be the victory line, and the retreat would be for losing, and she did say Silverwing I believe, which is the faction for the Alliance in Warsong Gulch

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Well maybe it could work but it is strange since there is no voice line in the old one and the remastered BG was already added I think.

Su’ura Swiftarrow, which the voicelines are credited to, is the Alliance Warsong Gulch battlemaster. It’s probably for the BG revamp.


True, but maybe it’s an upcoming brawl? She doesn’t seem to have enough idle lines to be a normal clickonable npc, but she does have a few, so again, I don;t know. The lack of a horde version is what’s weird to me.

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I guess it is for this then even though I think the BG is already revamped and we also lack of Horde lines for this possible BG.

She could also appear outside the BG like the Black Bride is doing in same patch.

Black Brides getting offed in a scenario tho, and this seems to be very back and forth lines for winning and losing, including lines that really work for like a time limit running out.

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On an other topic the Ankoan have a lot of “jokes” lines which seems to be for both sexes, could it be for an allied race or is it normal for ncp races ?

Seems pretty normal, some races have aggro lines if you click on them too much, others make jokes.

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Her Horde counterpart should be… Gardok… Gargok… Something like that. If someone wants to look through all the voice lines for him.

It’s possible. But most of her lines refer to Ashenvale, and I’m not sure if Darkshore is even reclaimed yet (maybe? I guess? According to the mission table, and the Alliance winning “on all fronts”). Add in the mention of the Silverwing Sentinels, and how her lines seem to fit a back and forth (with a line about Horde banners to fit capture the flag), and I’m 95% sure she’s for the revamp.


Since the topic’s been broadened to Ankoan, I’ll add this:

I didn’t see a female model. Or at least, a model that jumped out as female (Sometimes it’s subtle). But they can wear armor, instead of having the armor as part of the model, like the NPC Nightborne.


I just found lines for Arathi’s BG so yeah, it is probably nothing.

It’s pretty cool tho, no lie :slight_smile:

I thought Night Elves were going to Abandon the Alliance because of Ms Blueberry Elf Whisperwind being impatient.

I highly doubt Blizzard is actually going to do a Ashenvale Remake Zone. Probably for the Warsong Gulch BG.

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Maybe about as much as the Blood Elves abandoned the Horde in MoP. Gameplay constraints.

Considering Anduin’s distinct lack of an arrow between the eyes, Tyrande is showing the patience and restraint of a saint.


i really wanted this to be true, while tyrande is busy in ashenvale, she sends shandris to deal with azshara.

so while jaina and genn re-direct their focus to azshara and not the horde, tyrande will continue her war in both fronts with shandris representing the nelfs in nazjatar.
And plus it would mean that they finally reclaimed darkshore.

but sadly… it appears that those are just some generic lines for the bg… and nothing about canon. u.u