New voice lines: Ashenvale, Ankoan, etc

I’m really of the opinion that anything that doesn’t have Tyrande doing stuff with Azshara in the RISE OF AZSHARA patch is a huge misstep in the story.


eh. is fine… there really hasn’t been much sign that tyrande even cares that much about azshara anymore.
Tyrande is pretty busy at the moment, and if they are pushing to ashenvale is great.
unless you want that tyrande abandon her people in darkshore and lose that front as well?

Well, she could also teleport everywhere like Blightcaller does.


Azshara is the person responsible for Tyrande’s entire character after becoming leader of her people. She has spent 10k years doing everything she can to NOT be Azshara, including having visceral reactions to being called Queen, and Azshara being the entire focus of her personal Nightmare during the Nightmare war. Also Nathanos was meant to be her foil for Darkshore, but he’s not there anymore and its still going on. Easy enough for her to go as well.


Plus, Malfurion can hold things down in Darkshore. He is practically a demigod in his own right.


Lore wise he’s superman with antlers, which is why everytime they use him they have to write some really dumb point that stomps him just “malfurioning” all over the enemy for it to be even close to fair.


Yeah, but at least it won’t be an axe to the back, this time. He’s re-specced Guardian, with all that passive damage reduction and mitigation.


He probably has a pocket healer with him this time, so he’s fine.


i literally have no counter argument for that. only that it would not the first or the last time that blizzard don’t give protagonist to the actual victims of the villain. (not saying that is good)

at this point i just hope that azshara don’t die so at least we get something about the tyrande vs azshara stuff.
it would help if blizzard explains her absence.


Yeah…Stares at neither Jaina or Sylvanas being at the death of Arthas


From the datamined lines from the raid, it seems like Thalyssra and Jaina seal Azshara away (somehow, in something). It’s early PTR, but it’s a glimmer of hope this isn’t the end of Azshara.


My vote is still on during the cinimatic where N’zoth escapes, he says something snarky like “You served me well, My Queen…but sealed away here, you are the Queen…of nothing.” Like she said to him in her Warbringer, then gives her the succ for her power back or something like that and kills her.

Mind you that’s not what I want to happen, I love Azshara and I want her to have a much bigger role in things to come and for Tyrande to get closure with her, but that is what I THINK will happen.

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i doubt it will happen, because in the post raid dialogue lor’themar says that he will escape now, which suggests he hasn’t done so yet

He also says “how Azshara fell” which is much more deathy then her being bound, but it certainly seems like we don’t kill her in the fight, as even her death animation is her panting on the floor, so something else has to.

as far as i know jaina and thally just bind her

Yeah, but fall to my knowledge has always gone along with dead when referring to a singular character.

not necessarily, could be a fall from power type of situation.

I feel like that would have been said if that was the case like “Azshara only fell from power” or something of that like, not straight up “fell”

shrug guess we gotta wait then.

Indeed. I dearly hope I am proven wrong and she’s okay, but BfA has yet to disappoint in doing the most disappointing thing possible given the chance.