New Tyrande stuff

Literally the first time she appears ingame she listens in on the Alliance and the Horde working together, clearly stating that they’re there to hunt demons in Ashenvale, and then decides to attack them because they’re there. She attacks, kills the paladin leading the Alliance and Horde there, at which point the Legion shows up and starts killing everyone.

h ttps://

Wait, when did “allowing the Horde to become strong” come up? Her first appearance in WC3 she’s condemning the Alliance and the Horde for entering Ashenvale, and launches an attack on them. When Furion suggests allying with the Horde and Alliance against the Legion she adamantly refuses. Finally she, Furion, Thrall, and Jaina are summoned by Medivh, and though Tyrande tells them that they “are not welcome here”, follows Medivh’s advice and works with the Alliance and Horde to defend Mount Hyjal.

She suggested Illidan “could be a powerful ally against the Legion”, but didn’t claim he was necessary to defeat them.

The only thing she had to say about sacrificing their immortality was asking Furion is he was sure it’s what he wanted to do;

Tyrande Whisperwind : You realize that we will age as these mortals do. Our powers over nature will wane in time.


between your scene and this decision, the alliance and horde troops attacked the night elf borders, of course she´s hostile toward them. The greenskins killed even cenarius, a good friend and powerfull allied since 10.000 years.

In her argumentation against the sacrifice of immortality she also brings the last events that happened to her, including the attack of the Horde. She says that they will be weaker in the future if they sacrifice immortality


Yea, but she also overhears them explicitly state they’re in Ashenvale to hunt demons, just before having mentioned something “dark stirring within the forests”. I’m not saying she didn’t have justifiable reason to be hostile with the Alliance and Horde, but I don’t think starting another fight with them while the Legion is around was the “right” decision either.

When does she say that? Because in the scene where they’re discussing the idea literally all she says is

“You realize that we will age as these mortals do. Our powers over nature will wane in time.”

h ttps://

We know that Tyrande “saw” them not “heard” them. And that they attacked them because Cenarius ordered the attack under the assuption that they were Legion forces because of the fel taint the orcs carried with them.

Also at the time the world was under inminent destruction so freeing Illidan would at the very least help them live another day which was actually the case. Had she not freed Illidan then Felwood would have served as another legion front from which Azeroth would have not being able to defend from.
It doesn’t matter if Illidan then went on a crazy path. At least everyone survived the invasion in the first place and that was everyone’s primary concern.

Had she not being “hot headed” there would not be any Blood Elves as playable race because they would all be dead.

It’s one thing to have the luxury to have all the time in the world to come up with a plan but when you are literaly facing the very end of the world unannounced, thinking on your feet is something not everyone can succesfully do and Tyrande made all the best choices with the information she had.


not only a powerfull ally, the perfect ally against the undead and her legion masters

And that says it all, so she had reasons not to like orcs and humans, and was not just hot-headed because hot headed…you know, my point is not that tyrande have no flaws, my point is…she have reason to be so.


True, and like I mentioned before I think her reasons were justifiable. Let me state outright I’m only here to argue against the claim that everything she did in WC3 hotheaded was always right. Tyrande was steadfast in her refusal to work with the Alliance and Horde at any point, until the eleventh hour and Medivh convinced her too.

That’s true, Illidan was critical in defeating the Burning Legion during WC3, and then again in Legion. I’m just arguing Tyrande didn’t have the foresight to know Illidan would be essential to defeating the Burning Legion, just that he would be “the perfect ally”.

The Burning Legion would have won and defiled Nordrassil, absolutely. Everyone would be dead then.

I would argue refusing to work with the Alliance or Horde on any level up until the Burning Legion were at the cusp of victory wasn’t the best decision. I could see an argument as to why, but resigning herself to fight the Horde, Alliance, and Burning Legion all at the same time wasn’t the best decision I feel.

Alright fair enough. My argument was just that Tyrande was always right during every hot headed moment she had. I can agree she certainly had reason to be wary of the Horde. And I suppose the Alliance, because they were associated with the Horde?

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“Blizzard: You don’t and here is another irrelevant human taking the spotlight of something they shouldn’t be involved”

But what piss me off is that they give a very short time to show off the cast of said race that was affected badly in the previous expansion. Zandalar was perfect to show more of Rokhan, Vanira and Zen’tabra but most of that time went to Nathanos in the warcampaign and the fodder blood trolls.

Same with Nazjatar being mostly humans and Theron at the spotlight despite other races had a better build up to deal with her(Graal followers and Tyrande)


Well I think that hotheaded attitude can be cataclyst to make a bad decisions.

  • Horde in the end helped in WC3 defeat burning Legion, without aid of H and Alliance nelves wouldn’t make it through.
    Horde was also crucial in helping defeat various world threats.

And explain to me how immortality would save them from being invaded? The result would be exactly the same. if anything losing immortality should force them to procreate because they’d understand that they don’t have all the time in the world and they should focus on making babies.

It’s just opinion and personal impression. I don’t expect for people to share it with me because that is highly subjective. Garrosh has plenty of fans because of his attitude, the initial set up to make his people thrive and he was also hotheaded and hated any objection. Plenty of people to this day praise him and believe he was right on plenty of stuff, I disagree with them but I’ll likely never find agreement with those people.

With the immortality came an eternal youth, they were constantly at the zenith of their ability, not everyone lost power and there was control over nature which granted them Nordrassil, which also gave them much more power to fend off enemies.

They were immune to disease on top of it. We know that “aging” has been perceived as a real widespread disease. Some died, but they all felt it.

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But with loss of immortality they’d have a need to actually breed, so it’s better solution for longer time. If they wouldn’t give it up, they’d lose it anyway because Archimond would violate this tree anyway and doom everyone around.

Night Warrior’s Curse



We now know that Archimonde is by no means so invincible, see WOD, he could have been defeated differently.

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He was defeated in nick of time back in WC3, he was about to blow the tree or drain it from power. Sure, he is not invincible but how much time did they have to actually come up with proper approach before much bigger damage was done?

See, that’s what makes the end of WOD so bad, because the Archimonde was so easy to defeat it challenges everything WC3 set up.

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I still fail to see how that changes anything? Archi is not a push over, and even if nelves and the rest would be able to take him down, he still had advantage of time and distance.

WOD questions that Archimonde could not have been defeated after all_ Even without sacrifices -


I already elaborated that they’d lose immortality anyway because Archi was about to destroy the tree anyway.

amassing army and transporting them to his destination would take time, enough for him to make a damage. You don’t know what he could’ve done with tree, destory it and they’d lose imortality and booms anyway, or drain power, and they’d lose it as well and Archi would get a power up.

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Who says a Malfurion alone could ever drive an Archimonde away in anger? he did so in the past

Elune could have sent her help, Thrall could have summoned the elements, the world of WC3 was different than the WOW world which put much more powerful characters on the good side.

Because it didn’t happen in WC3. If it was possible it would happen, but it didn’t.
If Malfurion was capable of soloing him, he would do that. But he didn’t and he was the one who came up with the plan.

Here is your answer.


However, I base my argumentation on the current state of knowledge, we know that it could have been different from what finally happened. There could have been other ways without sacrificing immortality. Because that was your question, how could it have been done, I just wrote it to you.