New Tyrande stuff

That current knowledge didn’t at any point interfere what we witnessed in WC3. If defeating him was an option, they’d pick up the fight. But it wasn’t. I really fail to see what is left to argue here?


They never even think about another plan. Malfurion is the one who came up with the plan.
Back in WotA, Malorne on his own was almost an equal to Archimonde. I have little doubt that they could defeat Archimonde on their own, but with greater losses. The night elves came out of wc3 relatively unscathed.

Do note that the destruction of the World Tree didn’t actually destroy the remaining Legion forces. They were cleared out by the night elves though remnants existed in Felwood. Archimonde’s death was the primary goal and they used the trap only to minimise their losses.

Also note that Tyrande wasn’t counting on Illidan “betraying” them by taking up Gul’dan’s power. With him still around they would definitely be more of a match.


So that brings us to the point I was making before. That if Malfurion was the one who came up with the plan, then he couldn’t solo him, and if they didn’t have any chance to come up with different plan it meant that they were running out of time. The narration back then was that they didn’t have time and other options, and the consequences of Letting Archi get his hands on the tree were meant the be dire.


You state that, but there is no evidence of the same. Malfurion is more likely to have used a plan that would ensure very few night elves die, but that their unnatural immortality is now quenched.

But I will concede that the mortals were useful in hindsight. Jaina especially had important scouting and teleportation powers.

But them being useful doesn’t mean that Tyrande would ignore what they (apparently) did in Ashenvale, and killing Cenarius. The onus would’ve been on Thrall to explain Grom’s actions, not Tyrande, who had a right to assume the worst based on what she had just witnessed. I think people are putting a lot of meta-expectations on a Tyrande who just watched her demigod be butchered by said mortals. Frankly, Malfurion’s reaction is more jarring.


Totally agree. The cast of the other races are hardly ever seen and when they are it’s so short. The Trolls should have had more focus in Zandalar. There was a large cast to choose from so why were we looking at Blightcaller all the time?

Or Shandris and Thalyssra. It’s just so annoying.

I had the same reaction.


I called it first.

Gonna have to make a meme about it now- putting the “Blessing of the Night Warrior” side by side with “Night Warrior’s curse”
And deliver it to Blizz.

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Most of us chalked it up to character development for when Sylvanas got the boot so he could take over and have a developed Forsaken leader ready to go. That they learned from the Vol’jin problem of leaving behind nothing to replace what was lost.

Turns out they only learned how to make it worse.


Just when you think some interesting character development is on the horizon…nope it was all a trick. At this point we’re the morons for expecting anything.

You know her story is probably gonna last the whole xpac right there’s like five patches

They really played it up too.

Nate questioned Sylvanas after the Arathi meeting, hesitated in shock at the order to burn the tree, showed real grievance in his discussion with Garona, led the defense of Dazar’alor, managed to stand up to Tyrande for a brief time, helped us fight Jaina, etc etc.

They really did play up Nate and just… threw it away.


Umm they made the main playerbase hate him with all that stuff you listed

Did they? I don’t recall a single person complaining that Nate had an outburst against Sylvanas in BtS. In fact, most people used it as a sign Nate would turn on her.

Same goes for his reaction to the order to burn the tree.

Most people were relatively happy with his talk with Garona, as it gave him a reason to be so spiteful and humanized him in a way.

Dazar’alor and Jaina? Yeah, we would have preferred Rokhan leading the charge. But I don’t think anyone HATED Nate because of it.

Tyrande? Yeah, that was bad. But I thought it made sense if they were trying to push him Horde-side, regardless of how hamfisted and silly it was.

People hated Nate because of his neverending snark, which some people did come to appreciate. Tyrande is the only point I mentioned that people found dislike, and that was mostly Alliance.


You have been wrong nearly every time you’ve spoken on this forum.

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Most of the main playerbase is horde and they don’t like Nate cause he was a butt to them the whole time

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I mean the Tyrande dying part is right though, and Shandris was indeed made into an Anduin puppet all of a sudden.
From “Justice for Teldrassil” to “Oh Anduin is right let’s forgive and forget”.


We also don’t like Baine, yet we still have him. I really don’t see your point.

And the populations are much closer than you might imagine. Endgame content is definitely skewed Horde by a large margin though.

lol right last I checked the horde has 15% advantage in pop now in NA

Can I get some sauce on that baws?

Also, I really don’t care if it is true. It still doesn’t correspond to your point at all.

Nate was built up, Nate was tossed away. Dem the facts.

yeah he was built up to be hated, there is a reason he is a jerk to the player every single time, Hey I play horde too

Glad that was your experience. Wasn’t mine.

Again, where that sauce on why Nate was built up the way he was? I recall many Forsaken posters, whose opinions quite frankly matter more than any of ours on the topic, being quite fond of some of Nate’s quirks.

Remember how excited he got when you threw onions at birds? I memba.