New Tyrande stuff

wow has always been moralistic, like if you dont understand that after 25 years of lore I dont know what to tell you

The issue with Kat’s arguments in general is he assumes characters have meta-knowledge. Like sure, we can assume Sylvanas is going to die in Shadowlands (We don’t actually know that, but whatever). But Tyrande can’t operate under that assumption. She doesn’t know anything about raid bosses, game mechanics or Blizzard’s writing style. She just sees someone who is deserving of punishment, and she has to do what she can to make that a reality.


tyrande isnt real aki, blizzard can write her being blind with revenge till she loses everything and then she is sylvanas 2.0 or they can write her doing what is right. I feel like you didnt read what is happening in the text, she ltierally left her people for revenge

This gets wrapped up in two things, I think.

One, most Horde players are tired of the game telling them that they’re a terrible person. Regardless of the opinions of forum posters, it’s not the reason people play, and it seems like an objective such as this one contains a high chance for the story to moralize at Horde characters again. Call it a reflexive flinch if you will.

Two, Tyrande was already rather rude to the Horde player who helped her out even before Teldrassil. Same thing with number 1, most people aren’t interested in playing out some sort of self-flagellating penance with her, and that ignores all the logical inconsistencies of her even accepting the help of Horde characters. It makes way, way more sense for both parties in this interaction to not even want to see one another, so why force them together for the purpose of allowing the game to (again) berate the player for a choice they didn’t even make?

It has nothing to do with the actual act of freeing people from hell, and everything to do with the “politics” that seem likely to surround such a quest.


There is literally no sign so far that the horde players even have a different experience not in text not in anything, its far more likely that blizzard is going to go full lazy and not have tyrande say diffferent things and not have the horde do different things it saves them time and money

Not to mention that this quest is Only for the people who pick ardenweald

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I mean if that makes them unhappy why not jump at the chance to do some good?

This I actually agree with. It makes no sense for the the factions to be that chummy after Teldrassil.


I don’t think you understood what I am saying here. It’s not the “act of doing good” but the fact that the narrative has thus far missed few chances to remind the Horde player that they are, in fact, a terrible person.

This is a video game. We don’t play to be moralized at.


all stories have morals and politics


What I suspect will occur will be sort of like what happened with the Suramar Nightborn Campaign where overall the help I rendered as an alliance player was sort of canonically credited to the Horde’s champions.

In this case it will be lore credited that a champion of the Alliance rescued those Kaldorei.


That’s fair. I hate being forced to act like an utter moron in games where I can clearly see what’s going on so I guess I can kind of relate.

So if they didn’t rub your nose in it you’d be fine doing something for the Alliance?


Looks like Tyrande is going to bite the dust in this expansion.

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If they gave me an objective that said “Rescue 10 souls from the Maw” and I was able to rescue 10 Night Elf souls, I wouldn’t care in the slightest. That would be 100% fine by me.

Of course, it WOULD be nice if there was the option to set free some Horde race souls there too. But if they let me collect my 26g 57s and ilevel 554 green and sent me off to the next exclamation point with no fuss, I doubt I’d care too much who I rescued.


the whole point of the xpac is to rescue souls, I am sure theres some horde ones too selfish horde player

Does Tyrande literally abandon her people in an eternal hell to get vengeance? That’s so whack and disheartening as someone who has adored this character for ages.


It sort of seems that way but we are lacking 99% of all the data we need to say that for sure. We do not even have text dialog for this scenario, let alone audio. It is quite possible there are some very important points missing, and they could totally scrap these stages or edit them before we even get to test them on Alpha.


I agree!! I’m just kinda tired honestly of Tyrande ALWAYS getting the short end of the stick when it comes to her story moments. No cinematics in this expansion, one questline which was dubbed as her “supposed vengeance”. It’s just disheartening to see.


my completely baseless gut feeling guess is this is supposed to be the moment that starts the hunt for a “cure”

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It seems that way and of course the pro night elves should genocide everything people dont understand how this is bad for tyrande

its not, its the final part of the tyrande quest so far, the cure stuff happens before the maw stuff

Yep, every time she shows up they never fail to add something that degrades her or slights her character. I don’t know why they hate her character so much but this is just something that always happens.