New Tyrande stuff

I mean considering we just engaged in open rebellion against the Warchief who wanted them there and have almost identical goals to the Alliance in SL I don’t think that’s going to happen. Say what you want about how we got there but the post 8.2.5 Horde is by and large extremely apologetic

(not to say Tyrande will trust us personally of course)

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Well that and blizzard already said that the horde and alliance are both having the same story, so there isnt gonna be changes to the quests

Leaving a Covenant to join another is easy according to Blizzard. Rejoining it is harder.

In otherwords you can go through each Covenant but the 4th one you complete is the one you stay in unless you want to do grueling work.

thats not how it works

the one you pick is the one your basically suck with, switching covenants is going to be a grind, and its ment to be so

This scenario is looking worse and worse for Tyrande, doesn’t even seem like she has a “big part” like they were claiming, just a small scenario locked behind a covenant that doesn’t even seem to matter to 3/4th of the rest of just the end game story. What a joke.


Yeah. I remain unconvinced that they have finally learned anything. So I’m apprehensive of new content.


Seems like you haven’t been reading interviews…

I have been, see you should read more than the title, the quests are like the class hall quests, which means alot of time to put in for each one, so yeah you can leave the covenants and join new ones, but like lol someone who does this for the story is going to shoot themselves in the foot they are going to be months behind everyone else

Maybe you should think before you doom a player being behind everyone else having to regrind everything

Forgot that the Quests themselves were like War Campaigns… I really should have considered that… Sorry.

That’s exactly what I was thinking reading through this thread. It’s like people have no empathy whatsoever. Enemy, friend, what does it matter when they’re suffering in hell? It’s not like most of them deserve to be there regardless of what you think of them.

I’m not a fan of revenge being portrayed as inherently wrong. There can be justice in bringing down the people who wronged you and ensuring they can never harm anyone else again, it’s ridiculous that writers love moralizing about how it’s this evil thing that makes you as bad as the people you hunt. That’s just not always true.


Revenge is wrong, justice isnt, Revenge=/= justice

tyrande leaving behind nelves who need her for revenge is always going to be wrong. Tyrande putting the needs of her people first knowing that she’ll get her and her peoples justice on sylvanas at somepoint is right


Justice and Revenge has an overlap. There can be a sense of vengeance to bringing those who wrong you to justice.

Sometimes, Revenge does equal justice.


This thread and all others are going to be far more productive and enjoyable if we all uniformly don’t acknowledge Katiera’s posts.


Again, I disagree. Exacting vengeance upon the people who wronged you or those close to you can be cathartic and exactly what people need from a personal perspective. From a greater perspective the Warcraft universe is a great example of justice failing time and again(Garrosh for example) to the point vengeance achieves far more than some idealistic adherence to law.


revenge is generally not a good thing theres a reason why in books and movies those who lust for revenge are always in the wrong, george lucas changed the name of revenge of the jedi to return of the jedi for a reason, revenge is generally selfish, and even if we go with what you think so far from what we know Tyrande is going with the selfish destructive verison of revenge leaving behind the player to save her people rather than doing it herself.


shrugs I know how they’re going to paint it but somebody needs to stop Sylvanas and she knows you can handle saving her people. I’m just saying revenge has merit and to paint it as something wholly wrong all of the time is some really black and white thinking.


and we are going too, I am literally arguing in fear of losing my favorite character, I literally dont care about sylvanas she is going to die and thats gonna be that, I care about the future of the tyrande and the nelves, there is going to be more story for them, and I’d like tyrande not to be a raid boss

Well… Revenge sometimes contains Justice, but Justice is not always found in Revenge. Or all that often, actually.

It looks like Tyrande has perhaps been so overwhelmed by a compulsion to seek her revenge per the demands of the Night Warrior ritual that she has lost her ability to see what she is doing is not helping those she undertook the ritual to avenge anymore. Her seeking Justice has warped into just a blind desire of Vengeance, consequences be damned.

and all this could be set up for her to be a villain which is something Galenar, Aki and grandblade simply seem to refuse to understand

I dont want tyrande to be a villain
I dont want her to die realizing she was wrong
I want her to live and lead her people.

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That’s on Blizzard for lazily retreading moralistic storytelling where revenge turns people into monsters. I could exact revenge on someone who deserves it without falling into the dark because, given it came to that, it was likely something that needed to be done. Like I said above the lazy black and white moralizing of it as being always wrong falls flat when confronted with the reality of the situation. It’s like writers always equate it as you chase revenge once you’re going to be stabbing people for getting your name wrong at the coffee shop.