New Tyrande stuff

Revenge (Vengeance) + Justice = Retribution



Tyrande is Becoming Maiev pre legion, but This time Blizzard is using the Maiev became mad with revenge plot with her.

Well that settles which one Iā€™m picking.

Considering all we have are the stages of the scenario Iā€™m not going to go and say this is absolutely whatā€™s happening just yet, but Iā€™m definitely concerned itā€™s where the story is headed.

I donā€™t even like Tyrande, nor do I think revenge brings justice, but I still donā€™t want her to go down that road because it would mean Blizzard is prepping the villain bat after we just had an expansion of players complaining about that.


I have absolutely -100 empathy for night elf characters after being on these forums for essentially all of BFA.


Same. I just want my favorite character to be ok.


As one of the more vocal Horde posters who was opposed to working with Tyrande when this was first announced Iā€™d actually be fine working with her at this stage.

We have confirmation that weā€™ll be working alongside Volā€™jin and a few loa in Ardenweald as well. This zone is definitely not as Night Elf-centric as Valā€™Sharah was. If weā€™re helping both a Horde leader and an Alliance leader with their stuff Iā€™d consider that pretty balanced and a fair trade.


That was known from the start (The achievement was datamined a few builds ago), and not saying it was you, but horde posters went crazy that it wasnt not acceptable to help alliance at all.

A lot of other people wanted this for their favorite character, too.

Even if she goes around trashing you while you quest with her? While Volā€™jin probably thanks the Alliance player for helping him out? No thanks.


we dont even know if this is happening lol, and knowing blizzard the laziest company in the world they wont bother to make new voice lines

Tyrande wasnā€™t enough to make me dislike Valā€™Sharah. I seriously doubt sheā€™ll make me hate Ardenweald. At worst I can can skip her dialogue or organize my bags while sheā€™s talking if it is really bad.

What annoyed me about the Tyrande reveal was it felt like itā€™d be another moment where I, as a Horde player, would be forced to work alongside the Alliance if I wanted to be heroic. As if the Horde characters donā€™t matter against cosmic threats and we as Horde characters are nominally Alliance whenever we want to save the world.

The fact Volā€™jin is there too with his own storyline relieves that concern of feeling like the Horde is being marginalized the second the focus shifts to more druidic, neutral content. At least as far as Ardenweald goes.


I canā€™t say I share your optimism, but Iā€™m not going to begrudge you.


Nothing says that yet.


I donā€™t see the issue with that. As a horde player why would you expect her or any other alliance leader to be nice to you at all? Wouldnā€™t you rather the character stay true to their personality and the events of the game instead of situational behavior?

It will be the end of my time here.


Iā€™d rather not interact with her at all.


I think the problem is Blizzard writing a story where the horde player gets grouped up with Tyrande in the first place. Like, why is that necessary to add? Is it purely being done just for the writers to rub it in?

It felt annoying enough in Valā€™sharah, after her dialogue was already watered down once and without a major attack on the night elves by the horde. This just seems like itā€™s worse in every way. :confused:


Which is ok too. If anything the two factions should have similar quests with their respective leader but if there is a crossover said leader should treat the opposing faction accordingly.

I totally agree.

Which shouldnā€™t have happened but people were so butt hurt over it.:unamused::roll_eyes:

It is worse.


Well to be perfectly honest, I prefer the watered down dialogue over the original. Yeah, maybe the first version fit her personality more, but Iā€™m not going to value the dialogue of an NPC (that Iā€™m not meant to relate to in the first place) over my own enjoyment.


Were you around for 5.3, when Blizzard not only gave the option for Alliance players to make Volā€™jin grovel, but also went out of their way to point out the ā€œstenchā€ and ā€œmissing teethā€ in the text description of him?

This is a two-way street, is what Iā€™m saying. If Tyrande was a harpy to the Horde player and Volā€™jin mocked the Alliance player, I might consider it a fair trade and be done with it.


You do understands that our characters donā€™t actually exist or accomplish anything in the gameā€™s lore, right? Weā€™re just roving cameras from which we can ooooh and ahhhh over the writersā€™ favorite NPCā€™s.