New torghast first look in 9.1

I don’t think I’ve hit layer three… lol. I may have but I’m not sure. I did the few quests in there and was done. I haven’t even made any legendaries yet.



We got a 4-star rating blitzing to the exit.

It might have been bugged or they didn’t implement it correctly - 4 stars opened up the Adamant Vaults for that layer (the exit switches color from Orange to Red and you get an extra floor + extra boss), but you needed 5 stars to unlock the next actual layer. When we skipped stuff and got a 4-star rating we were able to go into the Adamant Vaults but had to replay the layer, and when we 5-starred it then we could go to the next layer.

This is wrong. If you successfully clear it fast, you’ll be rewarded for it. If you fully clear everything, you’ll be rewarded for that.

You can choose which way to approach Torghast.

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Completely unacceptable.

This is a joke of a decision and has to be rolled back. You don’t get to dictate where or how people can have fun.

Are you looking through the new patch for things to complain about? This is like the 5th thread you’ve posted about 9.1 new features being bad cuz like bfa

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If you are barely beating level 1 — how are you thinking youll beat level 2?

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By getting gud. Let people decide when or how they get gud. Like how it is right now.

Then get gud and do better on level 1.

So basically like how it is right now? Just complete the layer.

Don’t add a dumb timer because you ran out of ideas.

I defended Torghast pre nerf and thought people should play better but this is a joke. Never defending this dumb decision to attain a few stars for the next layer.

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It is LITERALLY the designer’s job to prevent people from ruining their own enjoyment of the game.


Sorry no.

This decision is basically “We couldn’t think of anything new so here’s a copypasta of a timer and rating system we use everywhere else”.

It reeks of being lazy and being void of creative talent.


Whats the difference between:

  1. barely passing floor 1 to get to floor 2
  2. getting gud at floor 1 to get to floor 2

Blizzard is making it easier to “complete” the layer so you can get your soul ash and check out. But if you really, really struggled, they’re not going to encourage you to go onward. Improve your play, and then you can move on.

Like, okay, here’s the thing. You have this group of players who just wants to collect as much soul ash as possible, but they suck at the game. How do you create a system where they don’t drive themselves away from the game in pursuit of rewards that are beyond their reach? Nerfing the content just makes them push onto a higher layer and you get the same situation.

Exactly. We’re basically just talking about degrees of success. Finishing a layer 1 with 3 stars is not a “win”. You lost, but you got partial credit for your answer.

These look like good and engaging improvements. Now we just need to see what cosmetics rewards will be added to improve incentive.

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The sense of achieving something.

What would happen if you were told you didn’t beat the raid boss in 3 mins so you don’t get to do the next boss for example?

Sorry no. Let’s agree to disagree.

You can think this is very good but I think it’s a joke. I’m not going to agree this is a good decision.

Adding save points is already solving the problem. You don’t need to create and solve an artificial problem which does not exist.

No one asked to be limited to what they could achieve.

No not gonna agree on this. I’m calling it for what’s it for and it’s a joke. I do not like them limiting players based on a generic timer and rating system.

The timer and rating system should be for bragging rights. Not to lock people out.

Like I said to another poster, let’s agree to disagree. I 100% disagree with your post.


3/5 items that contribute to the score favor clearing everything without dying…

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By whining about not being able to clear content and how their “time spent was wasted”, they did ask for this. They are asking Blizzard to not encourage them to attempt content they will completely fail with nothing to show for it.

Like, I want you to understand this dude. We are in this situation because people were whining like crazy about how hard Torghast and how they were failing Layer 8 over and over not getting their soul ash for the week, flushing hours down the toilet against content they should not have been playing in the first plcae.

You are simply factually incorrect about what happened and what led to this new system. You are simply mistaken.

Well it needs something because right now, Torghast is boring trash. I welcome anything that might make it slightly better.

I mean I dont think the timer is necessary – all I think is Torghast needs more QoL, difficulty, and better rewards.

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Raid bosses all have a timer and most of them stop you from continuing on if you don’t kill them.