New torghast first look in 9.1

Blizzard is changing the way the way the Torments systems works in Torghast! Instead of the Torments that occurred in Patch 9.0, there’s new Torments and different amounts based on the layers that you are doing.

  • Layer 1-3: 0 Torments

  • Layer 4-5: 1 Torment

  • Layer 6-7: 2 Torments

  • Layer 8: 3 Torments

  • Layer 9: 4 Torments

  • Layer 10-11: 5 Torments

  • Layer 12: 6 Torments

Sounds familiar, madness debuffs in horrific visions, where the more masks you put on (aka layers here), the more debuffs you get, no more stacking

While the UI for the Scoring system isn’t fully set up yet on the PTR, you’ll need to achieve a score of at least 4 stars on the final scoreboard to unlock the next layer.

We’ve datamined some interesting strings that indicate that many things will contribute to your score including:
Rescuing Souls
Number of Deaths
Hot Streak Score

At the end of the run, you’ll be scored on a 5 star system based on the above factors. If you achieve at least 4 stars, you’ll unlock the next layer!

There it is General Discussion, get fast and good or don’t unlock more layers for more ashes, no more avoiding stuff, you kill everything in your wake or get used to staying at layer 1 forever

Above the Torments on the UI, and below the usual Torghast UI, a new element has been added – a Score Streak bar!

When you complete any of the above objectives such as killing a mobs or freeing a soul, the bar will go up. However, it’s important to go quickly and do things as fast as you can as the bar will slowly tick down. When you get the bar past the line, the bar will turn red and you’ll get an Empowered buff.

While it’s unclear exactly what being Empowered does at the moment, it’s assumed that it increases the score gained from any activities done while you’re empowered! Be fast and be efficient to keep that score streak up.

Be fast and get rewarded by powerful buffs, be slow and you may not even complete the run/get a better score

No more stalling at safe points if you want more ashes for legendaries

Also talent point system

The better you do, the more talent points you get

Looks familiar? Let me show you the talent system in horrific visions

So there it is General Discussion, this will be a worthy challenge and I believe will be so much better and enjoyable coming 9.1


These are look like great improvements to a mode I already love. I really like the option to either go quick or slow and efficient.

So they’re giving me even more reasons not to go? I can work with that.



hmm, I’ll probably try it but if it means that I’m not getting anything using my normal playstyle it will get dropped quickly.


Pretending Torghast doesn’t exist.


Still looks like it’ll be a joke.


Do the timers depend on class spec though? if it does then I’ll just do the achieves with a disc priest and one shot the end boss

It’s not really an option because if I drop below 4 stars then I can’t unlock the next layer regardless of whether or not the final boss is killed. They need to change that part.


I don’t understand what you mean. What does killing the final boss have to do with what I said?

Still no rewards aside from ash, so I don’t know why I’d care to do it more than once a week… If even that.


You said you like the option of either going fast or slow and efficient. If you are interested in unlocking the next layer then you CAN’T go slow and efficient regardless of what happens with the final boss.


And you know this how exactly?

Because it says so right in the notes provided at the beginning of this thread. You didn’t read any of that before commenting?

“While the UI for the Scoring system isn’t fully set up yet on the PTR, you’ll need to achieve a score of at least 4 stars on the final scoreboard to unlock the next layer.”


Ill play devils advocate and say we dont know how much each qualifier is counted… being slow and efficient may get you enough “points” to move on vs fast and inefficient may do the same.


Look at all that soul ash! We gonna be RICH I tell you! And with riches I mean air because we can’t have enough of that.

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The word “torment” being used now makes Torghast even more similar to Diablo III’s rifts. I didn’t hate that game, so I have no opinion yet on whether this is a good thing, but isn’t it a bit odd that they’re borrowing D3 game designs to ‘make WoW better’?


You’re really misunderstanding me. How do you know going slow and efficient won’t unlock the next layer?


We will have to wait and see but I’ll be incredibly disappointed if this turns into another form of Island Expeditions. I HATE timers and I don’t know why Blizz is so determined to put them in more parts of the game.


I mean I guess it is a decent enough idea. It depends how long it takes to unlock.

Visions were kind of a giant pain until you got the full tree unlocked, and that took so long that I didn’t bother to do it on more than 2 classes.

Also - tangentially related but if they want the “go go go” bonus modifier - then maybe stop closing the anima selection window when I enter combat. I know what I’m doing (or got pulled by 1 random mob, or can close the window myself or make the selection myself, etc).

My understanding is that it isn’t a timer that will kick you out - more so just like bonus points for chain pulling/killing. So a soft timer I guess. I can live with this.

Because I highly doubt that taking your time to clear each and every single room possible will net you four stars. No one knows for sure, but based on what I’m reading that is how it looks.

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