New Tier 3 crafting costs 2.8 million gold just for vendor mats + whatever crafters charge you

Whelp, glad its going to be an insane price for the majority, going to go unlock the patterns and see how much people are willing to pay

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What a good way for blizzard to get 250$ worth of tokens out of people. Lol

Don’t forget finding someone who already has the tier 3 set you’re looking for AND lvl 300 classic skill in the respective profession :slight_smile:

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technically all they would have to do is duplicate naxxrammas from wotlk and just retune the bosses for lvl 60. and then add in the old loot tables. bam done. it doesnt even have to be instanced since its floating in midair and the space it used to occupy hasn’t technically been filled with anything.

You can’t make something exclusive AND accessible. That’s impossible. If it’s accessible, it’s no longer exclusive.

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There is no effort required whatsoever. Stand right under the orb and 90% of the mobs will aggro on you. I don’t even know if it’s possible to fail done this way.

Yep, my thoughts exactly. :100:

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Blizz needs to do one of the following:

  1. Change Phylacterweave to cost 200g
  2. Reduce the Phylacterweave by a factor of 10. So 7 for bracers instead of 70.
  3. Make Phylacterweave more readily available (maybe 3-5 pieces a boss) AND Bind on Account instead of a approx 5% drop chance from dented items.

My man, you’ve been here all day complaining about the same thing. Just stop typing, log into the game, and start farming gold. I believe in you. Take this energy and put it towards being productive on the issue instead of crying.


I’ve already made 400k making Undeath Metal and Cursed Cloth (I charge: Tip whatever you can).

I just tab out while waiting on KT and Gorthik adds to be done with. Almost have the leatherworking T3 conversion items.

There’s other patterns besides the t3 stuff that have weird numbers that seem way higher than what’d normally be required. Looking at the Necrotic Gown and the Shroud of Forbidden Magic, the numbers look off. The Gown only requires 50 Wartorn Scraps where as the Shroud is 200. Feels like all of the required materials had an extra 0 tacked onto the end.

That is crazy considering you don’t have the relevant achievement for having a set of T3, which you’d need to craft those items. Happy for you though.


I do on my hunter, I don’t know why the armory is so weird with my Mage (I did transfer from Dalaran so maybe thats why), but Feats of Strengths haven’t been updating on Voidarcane’s armory. Such as AotC Sark. Also I’ve done 60 orders between the two T3 crafted items.

I am happy they have put tier 3 back into the game but i would have loved for them to have made it a 40 man raid and an attunement to pay homage to the level 60 raid and put 2 loots per boss then luck be on your side!

WoW is an mmo it just seems like another missed opportunity to me and yet again more into the solo play direction.

You wouldn’t happen to have a character on Proudmoore that could craft the undeath metal piece, would you?

I found the fake paladin.

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Clearing Naxx in vanilla was definitely the first CM they ever made.

Blizzard should just remove this from the game since it’s just upsetting people.

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you’d likely need to be at gold cap to buy each piece…especially if some players want said piece for themselves.

Just out of curiosity how many tokens did it take before you received a piece of lamented? I’ve killed 30 Naxx bosses so far for 10 tokens and they’ve all been greens.