New Tier 3 crafting costs 2.8 million gold just for vendor mats + whatever crafters charge you

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So happy the pally armor looks like garbage. I donā€™t have to worry about it.

No idea why in those days they thought pallies wanted power ranger armor


This is what happens when people twist an old raid tier set into some sort of weird flex like they just did a challenge mode and whine about their ā€œprestige.ā€

Itā€™s just an old tier set. There was nothing special about it. If it was a challenge mode, this would be a different story. But it was just an old set that fell victim to a raid revamp.


Well i know what im not crafting anytime soon or ever. XD way to add content that a fair portion of the playerbase wont be able to touch haha.


I canā€™t wear any of those sets, so instantly useless to me

Anti DK discrimination at itā€™s finest

And monk. And dh. And evokerā€¦


Well itā€™s a good thing itā€™s not worth buying.


I donā€™t play those classes, so I do not care about them

DK is all that matters

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Jokes on Blizzard. Aside from Warrior and Mage, those sets look like trash. I only had a passing interest in farming these as something to do when Iā€™m bored, but requiring people to have a Feat of Strength to even get the recipes instantly destroyed any chance Iā€™m going to waste my time. Got better things to spend my gold on.


the hunter set is one of the most atrocious sets they ever made smh


Iā€™m also hearing that the versions you can craft are class-locked, unlike the BMAH mogs.

Just a massive L for Blizzard on this one. Why even bother adding this?


Correct, it is Class locked.

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Wait itā€™s 2.8 mil for VENDOR MATS?

Was somewhat excited for this before, even if it was gonna be something I casually grinded out on an alt or two down the line just for like 1-2 of the sets bc I like their look but seeing as this is ended up being just an overcomplicated gold sink thatā€™s gonna be a hard pass from me


The only reasonable reason I could see if they are trying to put a gold sink into the game that the super rich would actually spend on.

You also need a player who has 300 Classic Crafting skill and the Achievement ā€œDrop Dead Gorgeousā€ to unlock each item. (requires an item crafted for each item you find to unlock)

The Feat of Str - is Having collected a set of class armor in Naxx 40.

Good thing I donā€™t really care about Tier 3.


Isnā€™t that exactly what the bmah is?

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Did anyone think Blizzard was going to make it easy to get something like this?
Over time, 2.8M isnā€™t such an inconceivable feat. Nobody says you have to get this stuff done in a week or two.


The sets look like garbage and only prove the rule that people will covet anything if you just make it ā€˜rareā€™ or call it ā€˜specialā€™.

Iā€™ll admit the completionist in me would have gone back at any point and farmed a set or two had they done something like add a portal to Naxx in CoT or the current ā€˜secretā€™ method to get back to classic Scholo and a special instance of Naxx.

But waste that amount of gold to buy a crafted set - yeah, nope.


What gets me is that they added old Scholo back so people could farm appearances. But not old Naxx? Why? Because BMAH barons whined?