New Tier 3 crafting costs 2.8 million gold just for vendor mats + whatever crafters charge you

The wowhead comments are some of the best things this patch has brought.


You can also get it now, assuming you pay for yours first. Then you get to join the “club”. The problem initially is that this entire endeavor REQUIRES people who raided Naxx pre-Wrath or a BMAH junkie to even get the ball rolling. AND they have to be interested in obtaining the recipe in the first place. Some servers might not even have people who meet this criteria.


That’s the biggest issue I see with this “feature”.

Literally the dumbest part of this whole thing is the “you have to have it to craft it.” Swing and a miss for Blizzard, looks like FF is looking better every single day.

It’s a secret mission based on old content… can’t wait for the “we removed X requirements because we’re actually daft.”


the dead servers of Balnazzar and Forgotten Coast can rest assured I’ll be there for them :sunglasses:

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  1. having, showing, or done with good judgment or sense.

I don’t think there’s very much good judgement or sense in an alternate way to obtain “removed mog” that is so convoluted and arbitrarily restricted that virtually no one even among those that can afford the gold sink are going to ever bother with as opposed to just relying on the BMAH like they’ve done for the past decade.

The ridiculous vendor mat goldsink can even be considered justifiable if they just removed the “lol you already need a T3 set anyway to craft these” requirement. That’s the real nonsense criteria of this. What’s next for this formula? Bringing back Black Qiraji Battle Tank as a crafting recipe, but only OG Scarab Lords from Vanilla could learn/craft the recipe for you lmfao?


At this point: what was the point of bringing back Old Naxx if:

  1. Things are unobtainable
  2. Things have arbitrary gating to get and are class locked.

Why bother?


So they can say they added something players requested, and /pat themselves on the back for such a job well done.


well good thing I can’t even do the achievement then - I just won’t have to worry about that.

So where was all this outrage the past decade? Pieces have been regularly selling around that price and climbing since WoD. That price is also largely going to stay fixed, and effectively nerfed each expansion with inflation.

So hidden that it was discovered, and made into a guide within 24 hours. What an inconvenience.

Lol… the exaggeration is strong with this one. The achievement is not that minimally rare that you can’t find someone with it, and it’s only going to become more common over time as these sets get crafted out to people. People will absolutely advertise their craft with it. For your low pop realm concerns just get the original items off the BMAH since the competition is nearly nonexistent and you can regularly get items for sub 100k. If I can occasionally get pieces for around that price on Sargeras, it’ll be a piece of cake for your low pop realms.

This is an accessibility change first, and foremost. It’s also likely a larger gold sink due to it being more accessible, and not limited to just a few items per day, per server.

So it’s too niche to care about, yet here you are whining away.


ill pass on this. BM has been way cheaper anyways.

Blizz themselvs are also to blame with their dumb mentallity for not just putting a bronce dragon rep and changing the easter plaguelands to the old content and letting players farm it properly


Actually you can. While the tier 3 sets were for specific classes, the items never had class restrictions. Originally you got them via quests specific to the classes so there was no need to add class restrictions to the items themselves. When they were available on the BMAH, any plate wearer could unlock the appearance for any of the plate sets.

My Death Knight currently rocks the Warrior tier 3 cause it looks amazing for a DK:


It was always stupid, OG Naxx ever being removed to begin with was stupid and completely unnecessary lol. T3 pieces on BMAH being artificially inflated by an arbitrary cutting of it’s entire source was always a bad decision that no one liked and the people who did spend millions on those pieces did so out of necessity because they had no other option to get those pieces if they wanted them, not bc they thought spending millions on a 15 year old piece of mog was peak WoW content

When did I imply it wouldn’t get discovered? What I mean by “hidden questline” is that quests of this nature often end up being very convoluted and tedious. This is usually offset by there being a legitimate reward at the end of it. Instead the reward is the privilege of being allowed to grind for mats for gear and recipes you yourself are in all liklihood not even allowed to craft yourself because of a BS prerequisite to already own a set

WoWhead shows 2% of profiles have it, yes this only counts people with accounts on WoWhead but most players worth their salt will likely have an account there. Of those accounts, who knows how many are even active? Of those active players, how many are realistically going to be willing to do their own grinding out to even unlock the recipes to craft these pieces for others AND will offer their service for a reasonable price?

Do the math buddy, I know complex series of factors aren’t easy for the average gatekeeper to rationalize.

An accessibility change that is significantly less accessible than what we already had??? Every day must be opposite day at Blizz HQ then

I’m not whining, I’m just stating facts and my 2 cents on an issue that many players other than myself have a gripe with. The only t3 set I had any amount of care for was the priest one maybe, but you’re nuts if you think I care that much about a minor amount of aesthetic drip for the 1 priest alt I have that’s like level 20 and I only played to farm some old mogs they brought back during a WoW anniversary event like 6 years ago


The new craftable ones do, apparently.

Another L.


really? wow that sucks!


Malicious intent.

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This is all likely Ion’s idea. He’s elitist and wants to keep things like this exclusive. He prioritizes the wants of the few over the many.


The craftable set is only usable by their respective class as far as I know

BMAH is still anyone

The items to change into the armor seem to be class specific but I am still not clear if the appearance can be used by any class of the proper armor type once unlocked. Has there been any data made available about that yet?

Like can a warrior unlock the appearance but then its usable on the DK?

Right now:

These have no class restriction, and I havent found any new item ID’s with the same name. If the item produced through the new options are the same then a warrior should be able to unlock the skin for all plate wearers.

As far as I can tell, only the tier 7 recolors of tier 3 have class restrictions, and wowhead is not showing any new versions of the old tier 3.

This gift just keeps on giving.