New Tank Meta "Blame the Healer"


How is that different from most of WoW history?


In the past 4 expansions at least.

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That used to happen all the time. Tank would do a massive pull and when he died kick the healer never the dumb tank.

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What I remember kicking healers were checking my death logs and seeing 1 heal cast in 15 seconds or so, and no heals afterwards, and the group having no damage taken.

That is what it took for me to kick a healer out of a heroic before we even got mythic.

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Its just so much easier to blame the healer than try to fix whatever mess Blizzard made.

I know people like using the word “meta”. Maybe once they’ll actually use it correctly. :face_with_monocle:

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Meta: referring to itself or to the conventions of its genre; self-referential.

The new conventions of the Dungeon/ M+ genre are to blame healers for all mistakes as Blizzard intended.

For real, makes no difference.

Except maybe it will actually be the healers fault sometimes now. :wink:

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The difference is, that I’m playing as intended when I rage kick the healer.

Sure, it will be the end of the world of Warcraft because tanks can’t stand in everything known to mankind and not take damage any longer. Oh woe is me, it’s the healers fault. Lol

Honestly this has been the train of thought of every group since wow existed. It doesn’t matter to anybody that plays a healer, it’s almost comical.

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Healers have been playing the victim the scapegoats since 2004, surely you know the rules by now.

EDIT: Long day at work, typed the complete opposite of what I meant.


Honestly I couldn’t have said it better myself.

This I 100% agree. Hence the new meta.

I got kicked from a shadowlands dungeon after a tank died from standing in multiple things and he blamed my blood elves hairstyle for being ugly and I shouldn’t be a healer if I wanted to be distracting.

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Truly ahead of his time

So we are reverting back to how it was from Vanilla through BfA?

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I just now realized I worded my reply in the complete opposite of my intent; I meant healers have been the SCAPEGOATS since 2004, not playing victim. It was a long day at work today…

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I mean, both can be true at the same time, lol.

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Remember this WoW Pro Tip: If there is a hunter it will always be his fault!

I was more of referring to the stereotype of always blaming the healer when someone dies.

No Stereotype here; its always fact it is the healers fault.