New Tank Meta "Blame the Healer"

I’m rolling a healer alt for TWW because abuse is my kink.


See blame healers, everyone wins

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So…how is blame the healer new as it’s been done for a while now. Why we got a healer shortage because the healer gets blamed for the tank being dumb or dps pulling stuff, they get blamed even if they die first before the wipe happens due to dps pulling and redirecting aggro at them, they also get blamed if the tank runs off on their own and dies while everyone else is getting ready to start. I mean it’d be a better Meta to not blame the healer but blame the tank if the tank is being dumb or taking too much damage too quickly


new healer meta. ignore the tank. after awhile theyll get the message. if they use profanity report them. then blizzard delivers the message to them personally. with a “your account has been suspended for x amount of days” message. whereupon they go and cry to the customer support forums. if they continue they graduate to the “your account has been permanently closed” message.


See this dude gets it, blame the healer for everything is really catching on.

This is standard for every bad Veng DH tank so IDK why you’re acting like this will be new for you

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Before I had to at least try to not get blamed, now nothing is my fault. It’s great!!


Good riddance to this and may it never return. Healers being 4th DPS is a cancer of the highest order, glad efforts are being made to excise it. If I had my way, healers would simply have all dps spells disabled in group content. Make healers HEAL again.


They were healing.

Unless you were pushing incredibly high keys, you never needed to touch dps.

The casual playerbase would completely riot if healing required constant healing spells to be cast every cast by the best players. The trickle down effect would be hilarious.


This is hilarious… but also so sad because it is true and I think everyone can relate to this feeling.

Feels bad, man. Feels bad. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

If they design the tank/heaker synergy similar to ff14 it won’t be that bad. Tanks can survive pretty well on their own but depend on healers also.

I still will be hesitant to tank in pugs though because you never know when you’ll get that healer that wants to DPS and doesn’t ever heal. I would take a healer that heals and doesn’t DPS over that any day


Hello friends!
Greetings guildies!
Bye-bye pugs!


Just saying its weird to be all “I will only tank if its really easy and I dont have to work with my team mates”

DPS and Healers have to deal with this already.


Ever since Mistweaver came out, this is not the general expectation anymore. I wish it was, though.

Honestly was kind of boring outside of mythic + which at times has made me question why I even play this game anymore.

Already ahead of the curve and unistalled can’t blame me now :dracthyr_tea:

I blamed my healer for everything already anyway. He’s used to it.

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This post is funny because healers already have to do more mechanics than anyone else as keys get higher.


Exactly and healers got way better and funner things to do then get blamed for everything which is no doubt gonna become more common in TWW.

Like calling it now once people start hitting endgame healers will start quitting and the forums will be full of complaints about healer shortages.

I never stopped healing tanks, and I’ve saved a lot of wipes as a result. I look forward to making sure that our guild tanks don’t even notice a nerf. Bring it on.