New Tank Meta "Blame the Healer"

Yeah, and I was referring to something else, lol.

I’m on a roll of getting healers that actually heal me. But I think we’re in for a world of pain come war within with everyone getting an army of alts from remix. So many people not knowing how to play their class combined with harder dungeons and tanks that die.

Blizzard isn’t encouraging people be mean to others, they want the whole group to be involved in group play and the dynamic between roles to make more sense.

The group will work together to be successful. Healers have already been dealing with this forever…and ever…and ever. It’s no different for healers at all because they always required the group to be good at their role to be successful at their own role.


Maybe not directly but this will be the result; players blaming someone else for a failure is the most reliable game mechanic in wow.

Not PUGs; Expecting any sense of teamwork from a random group; with no voice chat (most of the time), no planned route, and any sense of Ego doesnt breed teamwork. Healers will get the brunt of this new wave of failed keys.

I guess we will see how it goes in the new instances when they come out. It could be terrible, or it could be just fine. It really depends on the damage tuning in the instances themselves and our ability with handle it as a group.

If they over tune the instance damage then yeah, it will definitely be punishing the healers the most. It almost always is hardest on healers at the start too though as everybody learns things. I hated season 2 healing a lot at the start.

Players doing mythic dungeons need to learn that standing in things and not playing well is not healers fault every time. That also isn’t blizzards fault that some people can’t understand those things. PuGs have always been a mixed bag.

My experience in pugs this expansion has been mostly good.

We will see!

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I see nothing new about this meta.


why would i blame the healer if i have a oh crap moment they keep me alive

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Its for when you die; its automatically the healers fault now

We’re used to being told it’s our fault at the same time that we’re looking at every stop, interrupt, and defensive chilling off CD.

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Oh silly those dont matter lol

What do you mean I already get blamed :woozy_face:

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I’ll gladly take the blame and get kicked if it nerfs whiny tanks more

<3 UwU <3


Aww you promise

I still think healers should flop over dead if DPS are doing poor damage. Really make healers reliant on DPS.

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I think healers wish they’d flop over and die when dps sucks.

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No, you are now expected to know how to use your class to mitigate damage. No more bad players just getting carried by their role being unkillable gods.

It’s 2024 and people still don’t wait for me as a tank to group up mobs and get threat. If I’m still on my mount you probably shouldn’t start popping CD’s?

I think a lot of players really are clueless


I for one will be going out of my way to make healers lives suck.

and then kick them.

It’s a good thing too, an MMO SHOULD NOT be soloable IMO

Players who think there Gods gift to WoW be delusional :joy:

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