New Tank Meta "Blame the Healer"

Is it even possible for raid tanks to die? Maybe mythic Fryakk?

Heroic and under I think it may be impossible.


More like “Watch everyone not mit/interrupt and blame the healer.”

Sounds familiar. Oh that’s right. The game’s already like that.


Unless they change something, Prot Paladin is going to be pretty much the same. They’re losing a little bit of armor and -1s on SotR but…

The point is that Prot Paladins whole thing is damage reduction. They don’t self heal very much at all, and their self heal is being buffed lol.

All expansion it’s “tanking is basically the easiest role. A joke for raiding. M+ you just have to know the route. Tanks are god like beings”


Welcome to having to work together


In other words nothing is changing. When the tank rushed ahead, pulled the entire dungeon then died from his incompetence same thing LOL. Maybe now tanks will work with the group instead of aggravating team dynamics like the past few years.


Wait… I thought thats what tanks were supposed to do!

I think everyone is getting too serious for what was obviously a joke post

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Nah I shall still huntards. If there no huntards then I blame the healers

Then why didn’t the healer heal him? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Exactly it’s the healers fault for all this now. All I have to do is charge in and blame the healer. It’s so exciting!!!

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yeah right lmao.

I get that people will have varying opinions on this, but any delusions that this is going to force some new teamwork meta that isn’t already present? Not true for any level of play, and I’ll stake just about anything on that statement.


Hold on guys, I think they are on to something. Tanks and dps will work together… to blame the healer for everything. It’s a beautiful new meta!!

I can’t wait for healers to be vote-kicked in heroics when the tank dies.

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While you’re blaming the healer, other tanks will adjust and clear content, business as usual. Let me know how long your new meta works out for you.


Sorry bro you already out of the group and they already ignored you, no one is reading your essay

And? No healer is going to care if they get kicked by a horrible tank, that’s a favor.


Wow way to victim blame here guy… real uncool.

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I just died because you were typing an essay how could you!!!
Less typing more healing pew pew


Me playing this to healers every dungeon now


Who types in game?

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I’m going to try the “It’s all Brann’s fault” strategy.