Because it was inferior to the other choices. Now that the option to have both is here, it becomes quite powerful. It’s only flaw is the 6 second buff needs to be longer.
“Dead Weight?” My job is to deal damage.
If I wanted to take a heal with the current tree- I’d take Renewal. It can be used in form. Currently we get free regrowth and I use it. Using that is helping my healer as well.
‘To green’?
Maybe -you- should read the ability?
Furor:When you shift into a form you haven’t been in for 20 sec, abilities cost no Rage, Energy, Astral Power, or Mana for 4 seconds.
It is indeed 20 seconds. You have to sit in another form for 20 seconds to get 4 seconds of “Power Shifting”.
I’ve read all the talents maybe you should take your own advise and stop trolling.
Your job is to stay alive while doing damage. If you can throw out a heal to help out your healer after taking unavoidable damage and you chose not to, you’re dead weight.
And using SM on that regrowth is better, and available more often than renewal.
You don’t have choosing balance affinity as an excuse now.
Yea, PS is now a talent choice.
How much you guys wanna bet this kid skips it?
Your main form…. Yeah.
That’s not sitting. That’s business as usual.
Every 20 seconds you have the option to use potentially harder hitting attacks * for 4 seconds, and then swap back to your main form, which, if it was feral, was likely energy depleted before shifting, and full energy upon shifting back.
Stop pretending youre being forced to be in a form for longer than you wish.
(no one know yet as spell percentages haven’t been released)
You have 0 raid logs as Feral. If it it was a main spec for you- where are you parses?
You don’t play more then one form of endgame so another reason to not pay attention to you.
Do not respond or interact with me further or I will report it.
We were specifically talking about the talent trees. Therefore i said the bleed build is built around two spells, two ON THE TREE, that are required to take for the bleed build to be viable.
Blizz pigeon-holed ferals into not taking a bleed build. We werent talking resources.
No im arguing that the direct dmg to bleed talents is highly offset.
NO spec needs NINE plus five for shred talents in their trees. Period. Thats just lazy and garbo. If blizz does this for all the specs the talent trees will be highly unsuccessful and boring af. This is what people DIDNT want.
Im done arguing with you. You can argue that blizz did an amazing job bc we all know you have and will, but it isnt going to get more people to play feral. Its not going to make the spec fun, probably less, and its still going to be a bottom dwelling spec like it has been for the last decade.