Druid Talent Trees…wow this is a hot mess.
There are a few positives but are very outweighed by the negatives.
With the Druid tree I’m a little miffed that I will have to talent into things I will never used like Rejuv and Swiftmend to get Remove Corruption.
The same can be said for Typhoon and Hibernate. I’m going to take talents and abilities I don’t want to which doesn’t feel great. This feels like a return of the Hybrid Tax in a new form.
Why do I have to go so far down the balance tree to get a CC that should be more widely available and easier to get to?
Furor is only for pvp, there is no other reason to take it so why is it a level 10 spell? Move it somewhere else and put something useful in it’s place for Bear and Cat or just remove it.
I’m not going to be leaving Cat form for 20 seconds to shift to another form for that length of time for such little benefit that’s unreasonable.
Currently none of those spells are worth putting any points in as a melee damage dealer. I’d take nature’s vigil only if I had to.
The Feral tree needs -a lot- of help. You need to go back to the drawing board for most of it. Why is adaptative swarm there it’s a very boring, unreliable button? Convoke without the conduit Buff and Niya Mastery is kinda… meh. Where is Sickle of the Lion? Why are there no BFA things like Jungle Fury or Wild Flesh Rending?
Scent of Blood has no place on the talent tree. Get rid of it. It has 0 play and use for a reason it’s a waste of a slot.
The tree looks completely unfinished with Berserk being that split it. It’s already not an interesting button to press being a 3 min CD and with the effects split- to get to other options on the tree I just won’t take either one.
Like it makes me not want to use my 3min CD because it just doesn’t do enough on it’s own being split up.
We have so many “points” just to buff Tiger’s Fury yet Balance doesn’t have a tax like that?
Please remove Draught of Deep Focus as it’s not interesting gameplay and replace it with something more impactful to the rotation.
FERAL DRUIDS NEED TO GET REBIRTH IN CAT FORM. I don’t care if we have to talent it but this needs to happen.
Being able to take Savage Roar and Soul of the Forest? Thumbs up.