New talent trees

Not true. While yes you stay at the points, it gives valuable feedback into how lowered geared ferals are playing. Not everyone, not even 20% pvps to include glad level. So to see how “normals” roll out helps.

They have always balanced around max level players.

This has made PTR and pre-patch always wonky. This is why now, and when it came out the first time, feral is relatively weak in WotLK until level 75 when you get savage roar. You are balanced around having it.

Well thank god we dont have savage roar anymore, huh.

And in the build I have, I cannot get both BT and Adaptive Swarm while also having CoLaD. If they balanced around not having all three, then when you did get them, bleeds would become OP.

Oh, I wasn’t questioning taking Frenzyband. I was questioning taking it without the talents that support it. However you answered that anyway because it is more fun for you - and that I can get behind.

I think this is just a PTR vs Beta difference. Wasn’t meaning to bash Double Clawed Rake - I think it’s a great talent actually - was just curious as to the reasoning of not leaning into it more.

I suspect that you will find once you are at max level that you can drop a point in Tireless Energy and take Tiger’s Tenacity.

Not really? There is a big distinction between not having all of your talents and just chilling in heroic dungeon / M0 level gear. I’m saying considering any tuning around the former is a waste of time.

Plus, any gear you have now is not remotely comparable to a fresh 70 in heroic/M0 gear.

I would not be surprised.

From my testing on the PTR, my biggest worry is Convoke still being the strongest talent you can get and having to build around it. It is amusing to watch even elites die quickly to it, but the gameplay is pretty boring over all.

Why worry about convoke? Its a cool looking spell that a hit it and forget it. Plus its a great opener. It fits a need for feral.
At 70 your most likely able to get middle and one side of the bottom. So for aoe, you can get convoke but also life and death, tear, and prob infected wounds although it costs a ton.

See. at level 70 this is pretty much the base set-up for aoe.

With how things are at meow, your forced with 3 points to choose between Energy, Infected Wounds, Cleave bite, and laser kitteh. So of course you want infected wounds, and cleave bite, but that only leaves 1 point for energy. Not only does it increase energy by 60 which is huge but it also increases regen by 10%. That cannot be replaced for a random combo point proc. With aoe your not fishing for combo points, you HAVE to have the energy to sustain thrash, rip, rake, moonfire, tear, and swarm. This doesn’t even include adding bites, managing beserk, and tiger’s fury. That energy is a MUST.

I’m actually going to disagree with that. Maximum energy isn’t actually super important because we shouldn’t ever be capping energy in the first place. A higher cap just makes it easier to pool without being punished, but if you can pool effectively without it then it just gives you 1.5 extra Shreds over the course of the whole fight or 1.5 extra swipes per trash pack, which doesn’t matter in the long run.

In fact I think overvaluing energy is a trend in your whole build. I don’t think that Moment of Clarity or Cat’s Curio are necessary by any stretch especially when you’re giving up on Apex Predator for them.

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here is another build, with almost no resource allotment.

Everyone doing content where optimization matters will end up taking it because (a) it’s one point (b) it’s behind a talent you’re always getting anyway (Berserk) and (c) it unlocks SI which is also required.

Agree on CEC though. 2 points in the bottom set which compete against CI, BT, Apex, Circle, SotF, Swarm, and Convoke just isn’t gonna get taken I don’t think.

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I would think that what it’s competing with would matter more than its proximity to other talents in this instance. While it’s true that it unlocks a path to SI, so does Dreadful Bleeding, which I imagine will be a staple due to how much of our AoE damage comes from Primal Wrath. Either that or you get there through PS on your way to BT. So while MoC can lead to SI, it’s not required to do so. So I don’t think that’s a point in its favor. So even though the investment cost of 1 point is low, it would depend on what other talents want that one point.

But at this juncture I don’t feel confidant stating how that comparison will shake out since I expect a major tuning pass before pre-patch and this is ultimately a question of tuning. If MoC adds enough extra damage that it doesn’t get shut out by the other competing talents, it’ll be taken. If it doesn’t, it won’t.

Where i am at right meow is what would i get if i didnt take resource oriented talents.
for rhis st build,

the choices are extremely limited.

After playing some classic again, replacing improved innervate with a version of old revitalize (chance for resource on rejuv ticks) in some form would be a better spell for that slot that has actual value in content you’re the only healer.

Even if it was reworked so the rejuv only give the casting druid resources instead of the receiver it would be more interactive with the kit then the current flat 5% mana regen. Add a condition that other healers with rejuv can get mana too if it needs some healer support interaction.

The point of my post was to identify what one would receive if they did not take the increased resources.
For the top of the tree:
Either take 1 point in Tireless energy or you get Swipe or PW, both of which are useless for ST.
For the middle of the tree:
You get 1 point in Moment of Clarity or RF/TT, RF, RP, or BS/WS. Since BS/WS, RF are aoe, your left with RF/TT, or RP, but of which is resource oriented.
For the bottom of the tree:
You dont take any resource points yet you still are not able to reach Apex.
Also, is there EVER a time we take Frenzy? I don’t think so.

So, in the ST reality, there really isn’t anything that we would receive if we did not take resource oriented talents. In fact, we couldn’t even build a viable ST build for both the top and middle parts of the tree without taking some sort of resource oriented talents.

I think this sheds light on the future of feral druid playstyle. With how many resource talents that were implemented into the tree, blizz may just be pushing players away from the ‘pooling resources’ playstyle for a more smooth, continuous playstyle based on passive resource talents.

I do like Resto but the main thing holding me back from playing it is not knowing how much HOTW will be necessary for doing competitive damage.
Its probably likely that Resto DPS might be balanced around its use right? Am I overreacting here?
As solely a M+ player, I just hate how it works. I’d much prefer a shorter duration and shorter cooldown. I wanna go back to the BFA glory days, cat weaving and not relying on a 5min 45 second duration dps increase that is likely to not get fully utilized.

your class talent tree build actually looks so miserable. Big yikes hope to god they fix the class tree before prepatch.

Mark of the Wild was just redesigned to be the most boring button press I could imagine :expressionless:.

I sincerely hope they reconsider.

Its that way because to me there is no value to either furor or hotw bc it requires shapeshifting, something I never do in the middle of combat except for specific reasons.
You wont find me weaving. Imo if a druid spec has to weave, that spec is garbo and needs work.