I notice that isn’t a commitment to improve the situation
On the wowhead calculator it shows a few talents in tooltips that are supposedly augmenting other talents but they are not in the talent tree yet…
Raging Fury- Finishing moves increase duration of Tiger’s Fury by 0.4sec per combopoint, is on the tooltip for Tiger’s fury.
Heart of the Lion- Finishing moves reduce the cooldown of Berserk by 0.5sec per combopoint, this is in the tooltip of berserk, I assume it would go where jungle stalker still is since that is in the base Berserk talent again now.
Ashamane’s Guidance- Your melee attacks have a chance to activate Incarnatoin for 6sec. That is in the tooltip of incarn but is also not in the tree…
The point is, they are clearly doing things behind the scenes despite not making a Druid post on the forums yet, if you take these Wowhead talent calc tooltips as hints…
I do definitely believe that. The tooltips are proof enough of that. But that doesn’t alleviate my concerns for a couple reasons.
I’ve seen how many iterations the other class trees go through. I don’t believe that Blizz is going to nail Druid on the first try given that they did not do so for any of the other classes. No matter how good their rework is, it’s going to need time for refinement. The longer they wait to get the rework out, the more difficult that’s going to be. Time is at a premium if the leaked release date is to be believed and they’ve already squandered 2 months of it.
The other reason is that I’m not confident that the rework is going to actually hit the mark. The consequence of never posting about Druid is that we have no idea what their design goals for Druid actually are. What do they want to emphasize about Druid? How much have they heard what we’ve already said? Do they actually know what Druid’s pain points are? I have no answers to any of these questions and no evidence that the rework is going to be actually useful rather than just a different flavor of bad. Just as important as knowing what changes Blizzard plans on making, I also want to know the why of it and that’s something we can only get if they post.
Given the short timeframe, a lot is riding on this mystery rework and it’s difficult for me to have faith that it’s actually going to land.
Nope, don’t want to shape shift during a rotation, in fact the less I have to pop out of form the better.
Ion is a lawyer. Lawyers are trained not to overpromise.
This looks like just adding the existing 4 set bonus
And slightly modify the current talent effect
But my experience and feelings keep reminding me that these changes are not enough
Some talents need to be changed to improve significantly
The two different intensities of Predator and Sabertooth are chosen together, and the intensity and practicality are not at the same level at all.
I saw a couple different effects pop up in the new tooltips but Sickle of the Lion was not one of them. You might be looking at is the Heart of the Lion tooltip that was bundled into Incarnation, which is the 2pc bonus, not the 4pc.
Isnt this how it works?
Decent set of resto and feral changes got posted with the suggestion of more in the actual patch notes.
Listed under the druid beta post
The resto changes look amazing.
I’m so happy we got an update, thank you Dev for being thorough in your post! Lots of very exciting changes are in there for sure. Can’t wait to mess around with the trees again!
Happy to see Resto and Feral get some love, I guess Guardian and Balance will be next week.
Wondering if well be getting changes to the class tree after all 4 specs get some reworks or if its set in stone now. Convoke was still shown in the spec tree along with swarm and its improvments so they arent moving.
Sooo I see ZERO 3 point nodes. THANK. YOU.
These are all awesome things and I like this direction, highlights that make me excited:
-“consume part of Rip’s duration to deal some of its damage instantly”
-“In the case of Savage Roar, we removed it.”
-“Primal Wrath has been moved near the top of the tree to give Feral an AOE combo point spender early.”
The fact that I know I can’t be funneled into Roar,
/Chef’s kiss
The changes to the Feral tree are a step in the right direction, but there are still problems. Some are minor pathing issues (getting to Apex feels like bleh), but I think the biggest problem is the total lack of Feral utility.
Agreed. Hard to tell without full knowledge/an updated calculator, but I’m really loving what I see so far. Lifebloom looks like it can be built up to be super cracked.
The changes they have proposed/made to the Rdruid tree are surprising, however they still need to polish the “At least 1 damage/dps talent” issue, as many healers have one. But anyway, apart from that I’m too happy about the idea of reworking the mastery, since it was practically totally illogical (unless the hots lasted long, which they didn’t), which caused more problems than solutions to the current rotation .
No it is limited to your spec. Like as resto you cant heal via your Dps. You can only dps via your heal. Same for other spec. Can only heals via their dmg but cant do the opposite
I agree. I would like to see feral PUMP bleeds. I want to see peoples hitpoints chunk when it ticks. I like the direction so far with these changes. I would like to see more group utility though.