Okay. I got my guild master (who has alpha access) to look at the trees for me. The layout of the tree is the same. It’s mostly just tooltip changes but here’s the big takeaways… (I only looked at Feral)
TF gives 50 energy base now instead of 20. The TF talent now increases it up to a whopping 140 energy.
The middle Berserk node now gives our baseline Berserk. So the stealth bonus and CP refunding are both in that node. The right-side build-a-berserk still gives the Frenzyband bleed and the left-side build-a-berserk is still Jungle Stalker. Since the Jungle Stalker effect is now baked into the middle node this node is pointless.
All ranks of the max energy talent now give a 2% increase to Haste. This bonus doesn’t increase with more ranks, it’s 2% at every rank.
Infected Wounds increases Rake by 20. 20 what? Who knows. But 20.
Balance needs a reliable way to spend resource to deal AOE damage. Considering no communication or changes were made during alpha, I assume the spec will function the same way in DF with some tweaking and that is very unfortunate.
I feel that the 4 specs and general tree of the druid. It needs a clear revision, improvements and rework (in some cases). Because, as we were the first, we are very outdated whether it is a healer, tank or dps (compared to others). Since in our majority of talents they are… passive (and there is almost nothing new).
Can we rework Nature vigil to make it work if its either dmg or healing and not just according to spec. Like if you heal you do dmg and if you do dmg you heal. Not just limit to Resto doing 1 thing. All 3 spec doing the other
It looks like a couple token efforts to address some of the symptoms our tree has rather than the actual redesign to fix the underlying causes that it needs. I would love for someone to actually post about it to explain the design goals they have in mind for Druid as it’s currently not obvious what the purpose driving any of this actually is.
What you might be seeing is that Survival Instincts and Infected Wounds swapped places. That change was made a number of weeks ago and is the only change that has ever been made to the Feral tree layout since its original version.
many already have access to the beta (I think almost everyone). I’ve noticed that… I feel like the druid is the worst tree ever… literally every spec and class tree in general… feels very old and outdated. And even though many say that “The Rdruid tree is decent” it really isn’t at all. Basically… The general tree lacks new or fresh spells (even the two new ones they have put are bad compared to others), the druid tree seems very stupid to me (the issue that several nodes are passive spells that we have to spend in abundance to be able to have access to the finals) also this one lacks offensive spells (which all the other healers except the Rdruid have), the feral according to what I have been told is a “mass of eggs” they have no idea what direction to take to the Feral druid, the tank is suffering a lot with utility losses and the boomy not to mention… it’s exactly the same as in SL (with its eclipse mechanics)… I’m surprised by the poor quality of the product and many people who still They continue to defend Blizzard tooth and nail…
PS: And it’s not because I’m a hater, because I love WoW… but noticing that one of my favorite classes (and others) are not receiving even a single response… it’s very discouraging and before they tell me that " There is still a long way to go" well… I would like you to put yourself in our shoes right now with your favorite class or main (I don’t think anyone would like that your class is almost 2 months without response or changes).