Even in PvE it’s not going to be the same as the Convoke we’re using right now. Right now with the Niya soulbind you get a MASSIVE mastery increase when you use Convoke plus you get the conduit that increases your damage done while channeling Convoke. With both of those plus the legendary gone, Convoke is significantly less of a burst. It’s not going to be the same monolith in Dragonflight that it is currently.
WoW Dragonflight Beta Starting Soon - How to Sign Up - Wowhead News
It’s happening … alpha? Nope… Beta?..
Enjoy your days.
Hoping since priest is getting their mentioned update with what will probably be the first real beta patch druid still has time for them to post our intended rework for the same one or one directly after.
I’m somewhat conflicted on it for Balance myself. If I had a choice between my spells hitting insanely harder or a spell where it does insane burst damage every 1 min I think I’d rather have the former. Convoke for balance has the issue of randomly hitting targets that are immune to stuff, a good example of this is the chess area in Upper Kara right before the final boss.
The concept of it is cool but it would need some major tuning for me to want it in my kit.
I would rather they removed incarn and kept convoke as a choise node with some other burst ability. Some people love convoke, but as you say it probably wont be viable in pvp at all, so some other form of choise of burst cd.
I am just so extremely bored of the 3min cd niche as both boomkin and bear.
I was about to post the same thing. Congrats to Druid on being the only class to receive zero (0) Blizzard feedback response or design notes throughout all of alpha!
Scary, right?!
I completely understand, I’m not a fan of the 3 min CDs either. Feels terrible in M+ to go from boss to boss and CA is still on CD. You would think upon designing the spec that way they would at least give us a Restless Blade equivalent because the spec desperately needs one… along with a 2 min CD instead of 3.
I’ll be happy with Convoke being our burst if it functions as a true ST spell but I’d also like our stuff to hit harder too. Seeing SV Hunters and WW Monk pump out so much damage in a small timeframe while Balance is struggling to catch up just feels terrible lol.
Blizzard has decided for me to main Affliction lock. Should be refreshing being able to kill people in BG’s again.
I refuse to reroll, Shadowlands is the end of this near 2 decade journey.
Good news guys! The path notes for the first beta build are here!
Let’s take a look at that Druid section, quoted in it’s entirety here for your convivence.
The first ever alpha/beta cycle where I frankly have no desire to try it all due to how the druid communication has been. I just know I’m going to just be overly disappointed right out of the gate. At least in the past I had some hype, but this is just so underwhelming.
Billion dollar company.
It looks like WoWhead did datamine some spell changes for Druid that didn’t make it into the patch notes for some reason.
I’m not quite sure what these changes amount to though and I want to see what the actual tree looks like to see if the shape changed. Some notable things I’m seeing…
The max energy talent now has a small amount of haste coupled with it, likely in an attempt to make it actually a damage increase to take.
Something about auto-attacks having a chance to activate Incarnation for 6s.
Something about finishing moves extending the duration of TF by 0.4s per CP.
Looks like Infected Wounds got some buff to Rake coupled into it.
Honestly it’s not entirely clear just from these tooltips what exactly has changed… but it could be something. The lack of any communication at all is inexcusable though. Why do we have to guess via datamining what is happening to our class?
EDIT: Also I THINK that Convoke may have been moved to the class tree? I really can’t tell.
It’s under General so it’s very likely that’s the case.
It’s not yet moved on the beta client at least, it’s still very much in the spec trees still.
Has the layout of the trees changed at all?
How unfortunate, I guess next week is when we’ll see something I hope.
I don’t trust these mining change posts half the time since they’ve made mistakes in the past and used the wrong diffs to build these from in the past. I’d only trust an official post from Blizzard at this point.
Negative, not that I can tell. Furthermore, specs aren’t being persisted, you have to allocate them everytime you login .