New talent trees

hey here’s something new today!

  • NEW Syzygy Celestial Alignment blasts all enemies in a targeted area for (200% of Spell power) Astral damage and applies Stellar Flare to them.

Is it real or is it a troll?

I have lost so much faith that I no longer trust almost anything u.u

It looks real, but if you go digging, the priests also got only one, so I will call it a small treat so you miss the feasts the other classes are getting.

And yes, I am cynical at this point.

I honestly think it’s true the Druid/Priest dev quit because we’ve gone 30 days since Priests were last told there was incoming overhauls and not a single update since then.

This is why you don’t pre-order, ESPECIALLY a blizzard product in 2022.

Of course they can’t be trusted, that’s been the case for like 10 years now

This isn’t conjecture. The dev posted on twitter that they resigned.

The fact that Blizzard had just one person working on the druid class, the single most complex class in the game, is sorta mind boggling.

The fact that the same person also ran point on priest is outrageous. No wonder they bailed and turned off their phone.

To be clear, I am not a fan of their recent work product, but if there is nobody at Blizzard that was ready to pick up the work when they left, then they seemingly had no support structure in place when they were there. I feel for them.


TLDR; Syzygy stealth nerfed due to lack of DoT interactions with Stellar Flare.

So I toyed around with the talent and it’s cool, but I think that the change from applying MF/SF (which was the concept in earlier builds) to applying Stellar Flare is actually worse.

  1. Druids still have to multi-DoT on AoE pulls - kind of crumby for an AoE talent
  2. Stellar Flare has zero interaction with shooting stars or orbit breaker
  3. Stellar Flare literally does less damage than both MF/SF as currently tuned. This is despite it being a casted DoT that we talent into.

This is the first build where Syzygy is usable, but I hope that the devs notice the negative interactions that these changes have with our kit. Maybe have it multi-DoT mf/sf again, or change interactions with Stellar Flare and/or buff Stellar Flare’s dmg.

Syzygy is a cool concept and I think that it has potential. Hope they make it usable, because it could really help our AoE.

I’d also add that it’s starting to be a minute ago that the dev left and I’m assuming they gave Blizz SOME kind of notice before it was officially announced on Twitter. While I can understand an initial speed bump after they left the excuse is starting to stale. What’s the plan for getting Druid and Priest back on track and why haven’t we heard anything?

Pushing boomkins even further on the 3min cd spec and zero dmg in between.

Can they possibly do worse?


So balance isn’t looking any better for DF then I take it? And you’re nerfing elementals AoE to the ground on a spec that had no reason being nerfed. The evokers better be good, I guess because my favorite classes are just getting absolutely gutted.

We have heard from them.

Devs are responsible for multiple classes and are working hard on them and we’re hearing from them all the time. Almost all second passes have been positive, and each tree released for each class is learning from feedback of previous classes, like more pathing choices and fewer 3 point nodes.

We don’t know that Druids aren’t on track. People are just assuming that because the Dev quit and Blizzard didn’t write us a personal letter telling us who the replacement is that “it’s not on track.”

Demon Hunters don’t even have all their talent trees and the majority of specs have yet to get their second pass yet. We are in the same position as the majority of specs.

Druids yelling about not getting a second pass “because our talents came out first” or “we haven’t heard anything in weeks” or “Blizz owes us an explanation about who the new dev is” are being ridiculous.

That’s ridiculous. No matter how you try to spin it, one class receiving zero updates in six weeks is unusual. I get that there’s unusual circumstances involved but when that happens I expect communication. That’s not asking for a personal letter, I want literally any amount of blue text telling me what the plan is for Druid. Heck we don’t even know why Druid has received no updates since it was revealed. While the dev quitting is the most likely reason, for all we know it’s because Blizz thinks their trees are fine, which would fly in the face of all the feedback they’ve received.

Given that every single other class has a blue post explaining what the design concept behind their tree is I don’t think that’s an unreasonable ask. There’s enough feedback on every single Druid spec at this point that Blizzard really should respond to it in some fashion. Not doing so for as long as they have is frankly unprofessional.


its good marketing to have drips of information every week. they could’ve released all the classes at once and all the updates at once, but that generates far less buzz then wondering if this week is your classes’s week for news.

Dripping? The faucet is shutoff.

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Nor do we know that they are due to the lack of communication.

And who’s fault is that?

What specs haven’t seen any significant changes to their trees?

You’re being ridiculous in defending an inexcusable situation.

It’s also bad marketing to not say anything and leave parts of your community in the dark for too long, which creates community-wide panic and distrust.


It really isn’t. Marketing is for the majority. The WoW Druid Forum posters are definitely an incredibly small minority. The average WoW player is never checking these forums, and maybe at some point they get a wowhead or similar news push that mentions a class they care about. No one outside of the very plugged in are aware of the dev quitting or who got the latest pass of talent updates. And for the people who are very plugged in, most of them will get over the lack of communication the moment the Druid second-pass arrives, until it’s time to chicken-little about the next meta, so there’s really no reason for Blizzard to rush. It’s not like a good update will be “too little too late” for the majority of Druids.

Check again. There are updates every day. Just because they haven’t been Druid updates does not mean the information doesn’t generate buzz or clicks.

The Druid updates will come fam. Relax.

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hah … i saw that, but true.

The only updates that would generate buzz for me is druid updates. The well is dry and every blue post for hunters is like a dagger in my heart.

Alpha… Beta?.. Gota be pre-release? Next patch? The x.5?.. Nvm … next xpac.

Been there, done that.


I’m gonna be honest I’m not cynical enough to believe that the primary purpose of alpha is as a marketing stunt. Even if it were, then why would you purposefully exclude on class from the marketing and lose out on some hype when you could just as easily throw in some token changes just to whet people’s appetites? After all, there’s no shortage of suggestions in the Druid feedback thread. If they truly just wanted to make changes for changes sake it would be very easy to do so.

For what it’s worth, I do believe that we will get a rework of the Druid tree at some point. That much I think is obvious just from the shifting design philosophy Blizzard has had in regards to how the talent trees should work. My concern is that seeing how much iteration other specs are going through that our redesigned tree will come too late to go through the iterative process that it needs to be good. Yes I know DH’s just got their tree but I’m concerned that a rework for Druid isn’t super high priority since we technically have our tree already, even though it can barely be called a first draft. I’m not willing to sacrifice my main spec as a piece of design practice for every other spec.