Feral Druid talent feedback:
In regards to the general class talent tree:
FUROR, this is just not good enough as a capstone talent. There are a few things that could be done to make it exciting to take, I know others have posted similar ideas/feedback but just to add my own 2 cents…
Allow it to remove the GCD from entering a form you have not been in so you can instantly use abilities. Give some pay off to actually using shifting between forms as a playstyle choice, I know that is difficult because the other capstones are Heart of the Wild/Nature’s Vigil that only provide an offrole bonus, but it definitely needs something more than what it is.
CYCLONE, this ability is too heavy of an investment from a feral perspective, to force one to essentially take the “resto affinity” or “balance affinity” path and then also take x3 points in Nurturing instinct seems really harsh. This spell has been very core to the spec in regards to pvp especially, it does not feel good to be forced to invest 6 offrole points in order to access it at all. If it is not going to be baseline for Druid, I think moving Cyclone to a more fair position in the tree would at least be a fair compromise.
In regards to the Feral spec-specific talent tree:
Tiger’s Fury should not need 4 talent points to make it restore 50 energy as it does at lvl 60 on live now. If a branch off from Tiger’s Fury is desired, maybe have it be Jungle Fury, azerite armor trait from BFA that made Tiger’s Fury give bonus crit rating as part of the use effect.
The max energy increase talent seems pretty off putting as a 3point talent with no other effect, why not just put this back into Moment of Clarity and move it as an optional talent node under Omen of Clarity.
The Shred talents that enhance it’s effect while stealthed should be 1 talent.
Predator’s Swiftness and Survival Instincts would be better much earlier in the tree.
Infected Wounds should really be much earlier in the talents AND increased to ~40% slow and also apply from Thrash. This gives feral access to a decent AoE snare unique to the spec.
SAVAGE ROAR, finishing move that increases damage by 15% and energy regeneration by 10% while in Cat Form, lasts longer per combo point… I think having an optional choice node off this talent would inspire more people to use it again, I was thinking something along the lines of the glyphs that Feral had access to in the MoP/WoD era as potential choice node with new names I made up as examples:
*Shirvallah’s Savagery- Savage Roar is now usable with 0 combo points for a 12 second duration, usable while in prowl.
*Kimbul’s Fury- Dealing damage with rake or shred while prowling activites Savage Roar for X seconds (this effect can have an X second cooldown if needed for tuning purposes).
BERSERK, I think Berserk should be combined back into one cooldown talent and not split into Relentlessness/Jungle Stalker, I know others have said this repeatedly in feedback posts but I just wanted to reinforce. If the “build-a-berserk” design idea is what you want to go for, then definately put in something like the Sickle of the Lion 4pc bonus from patch 9.2.
Sudden Ambush, this talent is a weak SL potency conduit that is not very appealing, perhaps it can be replaced with something like Bloodmist, azerite armor trait from BFA: your rake damage ticks have a chance to activate Berserk for 4 seconds. THEN, you can put in Sickle of the Lion as a Berserk enhancement off that in the tree (you can even say Sickle of the Lion procs from Bloodmist apply at X% less effectiveness or whatever numbers tuning makes sense to avoid it being over the top).
Incarnation, increasing the duration of Berserk effects and giving 20% energy cost reduction is just weak, especially if it is going to be a choice node with Convoke. Incarn should definitely do more, maybe have it empower other abilities other than just Rake/Shred or add a damage modifier in general, just SOMETHING else.
These are just a few changes that could be included which would, as someone who has played Feral Druid on and off for years, breathe some cool synergies into the talents and in my opinion would make people feel more inspired with choosing feral talents.