New talent trees

Lets be real the feral tree is a complete f fest and needs to really be looked at pronto. Granted I’m balance druid but man we get so much more utility than feral and we are a ranged spec.


This is what I was afraid of that we were one of the first classes to have a talent tree so early… it shows that blizzard has no idea what to do to have a synergy between our trees (at least for Feral, Boomy and Tank and a bit of Rdruid). I have noticed that we are… almost the same (referring to the general tree) whereas others… I don’t know, they recover more things than us (I feel that we are among the last to obtain something new or return). Another thing that is bothering me is… are the hunters the only ones with “Feedback”? I mean, there are classes that are in a similar state or almost on par with the hunters… and the latter have received so many changes that it seems as if they are the only class with a talent tree (Shadow priest, Feral Druid, Boomy, Bear , DK, etc.). Maybe I’m being negative or pessimistic but… I think we won’t have a good talent tree in the end (I still have a little hope… but I hope they respond to the comments of the other players and that for once I don’t be hunter for a change)


The Guardian tree that was released on 7/19 is very underwhelming and somewhat confused.

All of the Moonfire talents should be connected like they were initially. They should lead into Circle of Life and Death. The new placement of Fury of Nature makes no sense.

“Build-a-Berserk” is an okay idea, but they are blocking the path down to things like Blood Frenzy, UFR, Rage of the Sleeper and Untamed Savagery/Rend and Tear. There’s not a world where you don’t end up taking Persistence and Unchecked Aggression due to what’s below them. Even the Ravage one is a must, but you at least have other talents that path to the same nodes beneath, so if for some reason you wanted to skip Ravage, you could.

Reinvigoration, Circle of life and Death and Survival of the Fittest being 2 points and blocking the final few talents feels pretty bad. We’re funneled via Berserk enhancers into Reinvigoration and Survival of the fittest which are situational and not engaging to pick/play with. 30% CDR for Barkskin, Survival Instincts and Frenzied Regeneration is strong, but spending 2 points on both of those just to get what’s below it isn’t cool. Having a choice node at the top of the diamonds, like the initial trees, felt much better.

Fury of Nature and Circle of Life and Death leading into Incarnation makes very little sense to me. Fury of Nature is especially underwhelming without the rest of the Moonfire talents and costing 2 points.

Making a mock up M+ build leads us into getting everything that we currently have, not much more, and it’s mostly passive. We skip the majority of the Maul and Moonfire stuff because we lose too much in M+ to invest heavily into those 2 things. We pick up Bristling Fur to get what’s underneath it, not because its a great choice. We gain threat and damage due to Untamed Savagery, at the cost of Rend and Tear, and Circle of Life and Death, mostly to get Incarn below. We get CDR on our defensives which is nice for the gaps in between Incarns. Raiding Guardians might have more opportunities to play with some of the Maul and Moonfire stuff.

If the Guardian tree goes live like this, then I think it will be stronger than what we currently have in SL (excluding Ravenous Frenzy w/ lego and tier) for M+, but no choices that change the way we play. We’ll still pull big with Incarn, and take it easy outside of that with more frequent defensive cooldowns. I guess it’s not terrible, just disappointing.

Someone in alpha posted hes dps profile from some dungeons…moonfire was 60%+ of hes dmg.

I could play incorrectly and make 60% of my damage Maul or something in M+.

I could be completely wrong in my assessment of the talents, but I think that in trivial content you can have fun and spam Moonfire. In content where you have you to maintain Ironfur and build rage, the Moonfire builds don’t look like they’ll hold up. A lot of sacrifices have to be made to invest deeply into the Moonfire stuff. The guy that your referencing could’ve been memeing super hard. I don’t know without seeing the logs myself.

I’m willing to be wrong. More interesting, strong builds is always a good thing.

If you add 76% dmg to moonfire initial dmg and dot dmg, than speed up the ticks by 25%. How much dmg will moonfire end up being. Than some galactic gurdian with 300% extra damage on initial dmg. I mean I am not saying he played guardian perfectly :stuck_out_tongue:

I am just saying moonfire might be doing decent dmg (+76%dmg, +25% faster ticks up from base), + some healing, + 4% dmg reduction.

Sounds like a decent tankign tool to me.

I can’t be the only one disappointed with the moonkin (and base druid tbh) talent trees.
For the moonkin one specifically, there are SO many “dead” talents and most of them are at critical pathing junctures.

Talents like Improved starsurge & starfall (bonus damage to eclipse spells & dot extension), and stellar inspiration (1/2% chance to double the extension or empowerment effect of starsurge/starfall) in addition to the blessing of an’she (shorter lunar longer solar or vice versa) hard gate the left side of the tree and are all functionally dead talents because of how the eclipse system currently functions. As it currently stands, almost all moonkin damage is passively dots and starsurge. Our generators deal SO little damage, so all of these buffs to them end up being negligible in nearly all forms of content.

This is incredibly disappointing as talents like oneth’s, dreambinder, umbral infusion, and moons/foe have HUGE synergy with the rest of the tree AND the boomy class as a whole, but aren’t accessible without putting 5-6 dead talents points into traits that exist as conduits now that NOT A SINGLE PERSON USES.

Also, while convoke is a cool thematic ability, it’s useless in M+ and PVP, and is going to be useless in this tree as well because there is no conduit, or legendary power effecting it (e.g. unity or boat). There’s no point bringing something back for the sake of flavor if it’s missing the part that made it good in the first place.

Also, the orbit breaker torghast power is a cool addition, but who thought to change it to shooting stars over moonfire?!

I think it’ll be interesting if something like that is very strong, especially if it helps fill in the gaps between Incarn, or maybe move away from Incarn altogether.

I think the initial tree was still more strong than the one that was released was this week. We were able to get Earthwarden, Twin Moonfire, Circle of Life and Death, Incarn, UFR, Pulverize, Untamed Savagery/Rend and Tear, Guardian of Elune, Blood Frenzy and Rage of the Sleeper all in one build. Was it too strong? Maybe. The way that they fixed it was by shuffling uninteresting talents into spots that were previously choice nodes, and they made several 1 point talents into 2 point talents. Along with separating the Moonfire talents from each other.

The build-a-berserk concept is only cool if:

  1. you are given the option to build it how you want (i.e. don’t force players to buy the berserk talents to get to capstones)


  1. there are cool and interesting things to build a custom berserk. Don’t just nerf berserk by 100% then allow players to buy back 33% per talent to get back to what they already had. Spending one point to regain something you had is fine in the new system, but splitting into three genuinely feels like someone just didn’t want to put effort into designing new points or searching through archives for cool old guardian and feral mechanics.

From what I understood in DF all base spell are unlock at lvl 10. So its not 24 like before

The should brind old Elune Favored. It was Nature + Arcane. And now its only arcane which is very sad.

I also find in weird that Berserk Persistance (Frenzy + Iron fur Cdr) is placed into the right side intead of the left one sinse the next node in the left is Passive Frenzy reduction.

They also nerfed Elune Favored which was a good combo to get with Moonfire build and rage of the sleeper. Sinse you were able to heal from it and from Barksin like in legion with the leggo. Now its only Arcane and it feel really weak

Nah that’s not true. I’ve seen screenshots of the spellbook from alpha. The requirements are all the same except for a few things like battle res.

For Rdruids, literally nothing new besides going for kitty interrupt. Resto tree looks like current shadowland, but is nerfed in terms of pvp by making us choose roar or bash, and mass roots or vortex, when currently on live u dont have to choose.


I am completely depressed with the community, literally people keep saying “The druids are fine and what about us?” or “I love to see a druid crying”… I never understand the current community, so toxic and harmful… but very hypocritical when it comes to talking about other classes. I say this because sometimes I try to give a point of view or I see some comments related to the Druid and these people usually appear to say that bunch of nonsense. But when talking about a Priest, Hunter, Shaman, etc. There nobody says the phrase “Stop crying” but when I see posts from druids (I’m not saying that everyone is giving positive comments or as feedback) these people usually appear saying the phrase “How beautiful to see a druid crying”.

I mean… it’s understandable that some classes have problems with their talent trees… but unlike us many of them have recovered powers from the past (which I would have wanted to recover something else like Hurricane, Thorns or Symbiosis). We are also with the detail that we continue to lose “utility” thanks to the new Shaman and Evoker talents that take a lot of our utilities and give them to them… I don’t know what Blizzard’s goal will be in the end but so far they are not hitting the I nail the druid in nothing or I don’t know what you guys think.


Full disclosure: I don’t have Alpha, and I only Arena/pvp so I am speaking from that side of things.

Currently, Resto feels like it’s suffering from being one of the first ‘children’, in terms of talent trees.

Class Tree

  • Picking between Bash/Incap Roar creates less windows for you to set up Cyclones. In a world where there’s less mobility, micro cc and interrupts, this works but it feels like all the other classes that we’ve seen maintain or improve on all of those things. So you’re not going to be able to set yourself up for a cyclone as frequently which will likely lead into teams trying to train the druid. This becomes less fun, to play.

  • there’s potential to go a multi-affinity route which could be fun, but this is negated if the strat just becomes run at the orange.

  • Personally feel like Soothe/Hibernate should swap places or some of the nodes should be shuffled. In PvP there’s not a ton of situations where you soothe a target. Hibernate while also being situations has more cases where it’s used.

  • I feel like Resto having feral kick just isn’t going to happen in the current form of the trees. This by definition looks like a trap talent, which is both unfortunate but a let down.

  • Resto seems to lose the most on the class level when it comes to current iteration to DF iteration. Losing the Feline Swiftness and Tireless Pursuit which are conduits is really unfortunate and helps counteract some of the micro cc and mobility that’s in the game by letting the druid be a race car briefly.

Spec tree

  • Ysera’s gift being 3 pts seems to be an absolute anchor and makes it not super realistic to hit stonebark or the choice node under it. Especially considering the other things that are options in the middle and on the left, which are basically mandatory.

  • In earlier builds we could hit Overgrowth earlier but now it seems like we need to spec into some bland throughput nodes that are likely not noticeable in pvp. Would be more user friendly if Soul of the forest was in place of Unstoppable growth, or if deep roots and overgrowth swapped spots.

  • Is this a tooltip error or is Nourish really 18% of base mana? This seems like a lot.

  • By comparison to what’s come out after - the cap stone choices at the bottom feel lacking. Dark Titan’s seems like the play for arena, but is a bit of a snooze fest in terms of player engagement considering how low it is in the tree. Verdant will likely remain mandatory for pvp, the loss of flourish will likely affect the top end druids more than the bottom end.

  • While Ephemeral Incarnation is nice as a 4pc, I’m not sure it’s interesting enough to be a talent, this deep in the tree. From a through put standpoint it’s very nice, but again, boring.

  • I can actually see a world where you don’t spec adaptive or Convoke, which raises the question is this what we’re looking for in a tree? Some like the flavour of Convoke, but it’s not as much of a mainstay in pvp as it is in PvE.

From my perspective there’s no real ‘improvement’ or ‘upgrade’ in this new version. At best we remain the same or on a lateral of what we are now. At worst we end up with less than we have now.


I want to piggyback off of this. First I want to reiterate that Demo Roar should be baseline so I can pick bash and have my same utility in Dragon as I do in Shadowlands. No, you cannot remove tank utility because other players have utility. I pug keys constantly and you cannot rely on other players. So many keys have been completed because I used my tanks utility to cover for the lack of skill of dps/healers. Again, the mindset of developing tank classes based around organized groups is not a viable option. This game is mostly pugged and and pugging is sanity draining, but making a class worse utility wise really hurts their representation.

I feel this Guardian tree is just terrible. Maul as a starter? So many choice nodes that are locked behind 2 point talents which eats up any creativity. Berserk: Ravage is a fine as a talent, but the other two are just eating up points I want to use to make my Guardian a tougher tank in m+ and raid. Pulverize competing with m+ talents, Survival Instincts should be baseline and the 2nd charge in its place. Survival of the fittest a 2 point talent eating up precious points on you way to rage of the sleeper. Infected wounds which should just go back to baseline, it is a risky pick because there are much more needed talents to be viable as a Guardian. The tree still needs a lot of work but I know you can get it right Blizz.

Is brutal slash even worth keeping at this point? It feels so watered down from its origional version in Legion – a very hard hitting AoE with charges. Definately not hard hitting now days.

It seems like all its good for in these new trees is a button press to proc Blood Talons.


It’s nice in PvP, it’s a cheap combo builder that does decent damage over a 2s/3s match, but it should be avoidable for AoE where swipe is just better or like many others have suggested make it in addition to swipe.

In single target it’s better DPE than Shred and in short-lived Cleave situations it’s actually one of the best builders you could want. However once you have multiple targets that will be alive for longer than 3 GCDs (read as: all of M+ above a +5) then you want Swipe instead.