New talent trees mean removal of our baseline abilities?

You ok bud? Ending every post with this is giving joker vibes. (Comic joker not Joaquin)

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I’m alright, thanks for asking.


I cannot imagine that there are many ferals or guardians who do not use skull bash. It has always come later than any other class’s interrupts.

Thats just your assumption and might now ever be the case so why are you crying about a might never happen or might happen in wow 11.0

How about all the whining PU$$IES wait until you test the CRAP before making a billion threads crying about it… eh? eh? eh?


And what we got from MoP - SL weren’t scaled back cookie cutter talent trees ?

The talent systems they give us will always have cookie cutter builds only difference is this system gives a little more class flavor where as the MoP-SL system was more spec focused .

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Really they aren’t. I don’t use flare unless I’m in pvp which I rarely do.
I don’t need Arcane shot because it does nothing for me focus cost when I’ve my spec cobra shot instead.
I don’t need tar trap or frost trap out side of PvP because I’m a BM hunter and my pets keep me from worrying about mobs, and I don’t raid as much as I use to, but I do believe CC isn’t as vital as it use to be like in BC when you had to CC mobs before pulling.
Same for concussive shot and scare beast; they have very little use to me outside of a specific pvp.

It’s not idiotic. Your arguing I need a bunch of utility that my spec doesn’t really make use of out side of one pillar of the game, and best on the system I could just make a talent load out for that singular aspect of the game.

And once again; you will never be pitting a damage tool vs utility tool. It will only be utility vs utility. I don’t understand why your so insistent on believing you’ll loos a damage option to a utility option.

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Dispels and spell interrupts should not be on the talent tree, that’s just dumb lol. The thought of having to talent into kick on my rogue is just laughable, like having to choose between abilities I would normally get while lvling is a bit much.

Oh well I am still looking forward to it lol.

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Flare for the hidden mobs in Spires.

Freeze Trap for Anduin’s adds.

Tar Trap to help the Tank kite.

Concussive (I think it’s the knockback right?) to reposition far adds to cleave them down.

Taking away abilities to make the talent point costs special is a fools choice.


I’ll give you one thing, certain abilities are literally useless on the spec. e.g. Slam on Fury is worthless. That can be culled.

The white knights have been out in force since the reveal. Be prepared for it.

With the current design there’s less “choice” and so there’s less outliers that aren’t optimal. But with the trees and their depth, it’s easy to pick the “wrong” talents.

I wouldn’t mind it if people weren’t so obsessed with chasing the meta that they feel the need to dictate to other people how to play the game.

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One set of hidden mods out of all the mobs usually visible that pose no threat to me despite stealth because taunting pets.
So one raid encounter mechanic.
Tanks don’t typically kite, range do, so if I’m not kiting why would I need it?
Concussive is a single target slow.

Having to choose what is most useful in a particular encounter: gives impact to that choice.
Having it all the time to only use in rare niche scenarios: makes it a meaningless ability that is just occasionally useful.

No one is dictating how others should play . The cookie cutter builds have always been recommended build but never you must play this way . People have always found alternate builds that work for them and do fine .

THat is why with the current system there are rows where it doesn’t matter what you pick or rows that have 2 choices depending on what kind of build you want , say ST or AOE build .

THe new system could possibly say give us options to put points into abilities we will actually use and not worry about ones that are in our books currently that we never use . Also not all of them are going to be spec based . They have already said that there will be some that will be earned just by leveling .

People really need to read up on things before running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Translation: I will use a term that is meant to be derogatory towards anyone who doesn’t agree with me on how terrible the changes are; despite my own arguments being frail and vapid.


I don’t want to jump to conclusions about the new talent system until I see the spell books and talent trees for myself. They mentioned in interviews that some current covenant abilities, legendary effects, talents etc were going to be included in the talent trees.

I currently don’t see much difference between every expansion losing your power to re earn it again with systems, it’s just talents this time. I just hope moving forward, after DF xpan, we will get new points/talents and our points we spent during DL will remain intact.

Is it different for other classes, because with BM hunters
15: All three are single target talents that just vary how they increase your single targeting.

25: Offers 2 talents that affect the functionality of a single target ability, the other is a primarily sing target damage ability but it can do reduce damage to one other target.

30: Is a choice between out of combat movement, a cooldown reduction to self heal by dpsing, or a stealth that can’t be used in combat.

35: 2 talents that are single target, and 1 that gives a buff off of a single target ability.

40: 20% cooldown on 1 defense and 1 utility ability that have a 2 and 3 minute cool down, a movement freeing and speed boost, and an aoe tether root ground target ability.

45: All three are AoE

50: All three single target.

There isn’t much choice in how you want to build there is a best one in each row; even the utility ones.

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I hope they give BM hunters the options to get some of those cool abilities they had on their artifact weapon like:
Titan’s Thunder]: A single target DPS cooldown (1 minute) that causes all of your active pets to discharge electricity into their target for 8 seconds.
Cobra Commander: Your Cobra Shot has a 10% chance to summon 2-4 snakes. These snakes melee attack your target for a trivial amount of damage, but they also apply Deathstrike Venom

Oh and that Unholy DK trait where they’d just randomly summon extra minions as that just explodes. I’d love that to come back.


And not having it at all makes that player incredibly worthless.

That one raid encounter mechanic can quite literally kill all of your raid members.

This mentality is exactly why the talent tree is a bad return, because of this exact reasoning.

Also Freeze Trap can be used as a psuedo interrupt/stun.

Just because you don’t know how to play your class doesn’t mean other people don’t, and taking away their options for validation is bad.


Loves how everyone is total expert on how the new talent tree system will work, without even seeing it 1st hand and testing it out.


So again. You’ve no argument beyond niche uses.

So it stands; I know how to play my class, and you’ve not justified how any of my abilities are of vital importance outside of having them for niche uses.