Cookie cutters are back Icy Veins will be great again
So we’re losing more abilities from our spellbook.
Hw do you know you will have to give up one for the other?
All of those might be ones where they are only 1 point each and you will be able to take them all .
Maybe something like charge will be one of the abilities that you don’t have to spend points on but one of the ones you get from just leveling.
Lol you crying about something that you havent even seen yet Pretty funny. While the chance are you might be able to have whirlwind and Mortal together and most likely have free charge cause it a spell that affter 3 spec
Because baseline skills should be, baseline.
Taking my skills and giving me a choice of only one of them is a terrible idea.
The possibility of interrupts being an optional choice alone is a pug nightmare.
I don’t see the positive in this.
Without the system I have all abilities and can use them how it pleases me. This is total freedom of choice which spells to use.
With the system I probably won’t have all abilities and have to chose between some of them. It’s a limited choice.
I don’t really see the benefit in this. I usually don’t like real life comparisons, but in my favourite restaurant that is a bit more on the expensive side, I get a freshly baked bun with a small pot of home made cream cheese as free appetizer everytime I go there. I don’t get to choose anything else for free, but I take it. Next time I go there I have to choose between the bun or the pot of cream cheese. If we’re using the same arguments as before I should now be happy about getting to choose what I want despite having less then before.
And that’s my main concern with this system. That we will lose spells and skills that were baseline before and which spells that might be in the end. Some people say “That’s fine, I don’t care about that, at least I get to choose”, but in my opinion it’s just not that good. I don’t want to say goodbye to spells that have been baseline in the last years and at the end of the day decide whether I want to interrupt or fear a mob, when I had the ability to do both - WITHOUT borrowed power.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean maybe that sucks for you, but I have a bunch of spells in my book that count as utility and rarely get used. Like frost and tar trap, flare, concussive shot, hunters mark, arcane shot, scare beast, eyes of the eagle, etc.
Cookie cutters never left . Even the talent system from MoP -SL had it’s cookie cutter builds.
Doesn’t matter what kind of talent system they create for us players , there will be cookie cutter meta builds
What most people fail to understand is that the MoP system failed hard after MoP. Most classes or specs never had to go through the choice in having to take a Stun, mobility or a self heal all in the same row with the system we have right now. Or have abilities taken and put in the same talent path (looking at WoD Arms) just to have them removed the next expansion. How many classes and specs suffered from all of that with the current system?
With the new Talent revamp, we will still have our toolkits (that won’t change at all) with Talent choices (many players consider we have bloat again with everything brought back in the last 2 expansions) which will solve the bloat issue. Now those complaining about needing to have the interrupt or that stun, that will be based on what you want. (The pvp game has to much of these abilities baseline, it’s good to reign it in) In PvE, how much cc is really needed? Do we need everyone with an interrupt?
So before people complain, give the system a chance in the Alpha and Beta phases before the pitch forks and torches come out.
You mean there’ll be a suggested build for the guide followers and optimal builds based on the encounters. Very rarely is there an all encompassing meta build or Stat distribution.
Lol there is many baseline skill I dont use. And I’d rather have a point in something else. So they arent fully baseline abilities they are forced on player abilities that are forcing to be baseline
We had to earn those points when we were playing classic. A lot of the stuff in those trees isn’t talents, but spells that we had to unlock by leveling and then pay for with more gold than we had unless we were actively grinding gold. Lots of people went without buying spells because they were so expensive.
Our starter few will be “free”. This suggests that subsequent ones will not be free at all.
And I’d just like to point out here that when they reworked the spell book according to some arbitrary template, a lot of classes lost spells that they had always had at a low level and didn’t get them until much later. Some spells were nerfed to make it appear we had progression when we leveled up and got rank 2. And some spells were gotten much later at rank 2 but rank 1 didn’t exist any longer.
Well, but they’re there and you’re invited to use them if you want to.
This is where Blizz history hurts. People don’t trust that they’ll make changes from testing feedback before launch.
Except it doesn’t. It gives the illusion of choice, but we all know this is the return of the “cookie cutter” talent trees. If you don’t pick the “right ones” you’re “bad” and will be excluded from group content.
I was so glad to see these leave, and now I hate that they brought it back.
Those are all important. (I mean except Eagle, Arcane Shot if you’re a Survival I presume.)
Why do we have to give up our utility for the damage tools that we currently already have ALONGSIDE our utility.
How idiotic.
I’m sure there are many druids who do not use skullbash (interrupt) but i’m going to assure you it is very important.
Every expansion from that point on they’ll rearrange things in the new talent tree system. Remove some things and change where others are placed and you have to re-pick all over again. Just because an ability is easy to pick now doesn’t mean it won’t be harder or impossible to pick later on.
You’re right I chose Moonkin form but i’ll go and use rake and maul Instead of the Moonkin abilties I chose via my Balance afinity.
Meanwhile one the new tree I can chose to have them instead of beeing forced to have them and never use them. Now If i to be resto/cat Yeah I would got and pick them but I didnt So i dont care if I dont have them in my bar or put point into it.
What is the point of having them just to say you have them if you really only need to use them if you want?