New talent trees mean removal of our baseline abilities?

I put in bold some of the answer I felt were the key thing to focus. Mostly because a key feature people are forgetting that Blizzard has already said, and unless it changes this is how it will function, you can set up multiple talent loadouts in a major city, then switch to whatever one you need to use (The way they worded this is without going back to a major city.)

What about some abilities that are super important for gameplay, such as interrupt abilities, that you don’t gain from the starting experience?

  • We are currently trying to focus as many combat-altering abilities as possible into the new talent trees. This can include things such as movement abilities, interrupts, dispels, hybrid healing options, defensive abilities, etc. Our goal is to set up the trees and paths so that there opportunities to choose between different types of utility, but not to, for example, abandon all utility choices entirely in order to maximize your DPS. If you choose not to have an interrupt, it is likely because you traded it out for some other type of utility or CC that you believed would be more useful in the situation. The inverse is also true—specializations that do not have a certain capability in Shadowlands (such as an interrupt) may be able to obtain it by giving up something they currently do have.

Sorry…why do people keep saying they are getting rid of baseline abilities with this new system? Do you complain to Blizzard that when you start a new character that they removed all of your baseline abilities?

Old system

  1. Start new character with 2 abilities
  2. Level to lvl 2 and get 1 new ability on your action bar.
  3. Doesn’t matter if you’ll never use it or not. You get it.

New system

  1. Start new character with 2 abilities
  2. Level to lvl 2 and get a talent point
  3. Spend point for new ability if you want to put it in something else.

Not every level will give you a new ability so there will still be other things to put talent points into.

I get it…it sounds much better to give you all of your abilities and have every single talent change and manipulate those abilities but that sounds like way too much fluff.

But the people saying it is “taking away” baseline abilities is just silly. Instead of it automatically being put on your action bar you will have to spend a talent point instead.


People complaining we have to talent into things to get abilities / spells back, like what’d you expect?

This opens Up customization possibly, god forbid they create options for our abilities to choose from.

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I really do think the new talent tree is their new borrowed power system even though they claim there is none.

They claimed there was no pathfinder either but Dragon Riding proves that wrong and Dragon Flights are just another name for Covenants.

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That is how talent trees function. I like it. Talent trees for me, especially in this form looks better than the non existent thing we had for several years.

I mean, is it earning it when you’ll be level 60 already? Just put points where you want them and save different layouts for different content. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Sounds like a great way to have choices and honestly, it’s not much different than earning them as you level.

The only difference is this time, you can choose what you want, instead of automatically being given an ability.

I disagree. You’ll be earning them as you level the same way, just this time with a choice.

We’ve never had our entire toolkit at level 1. earned your interrupt at level 15, now you’ll get a point to put it into something of your choice for your playstyle at level 15.

Let’s use some logic here.

Letting DPS talent out of interrupts is gonna lead to some great threads

So they’re going to completely wipe out talent trees in the xpac after Dragonflight, and make us level up a new power system?

So getting flying in the start of an expansion that you can make progressively better as you play is equivalent to not having flying for 2/3 of an expansion and having to complete an achievement to unlock it?

How? You don’t get a special power from any of them, and you can progress all four at the same time as you aren’t choosing one to join.

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This. Is the problem. It’s like they haven’t learned anything and are dressing up the same mess with a new fancier bow.

No, it’s just going to be a new talent system and you’ll have 60 levels of points to spend when you log in the day it changes.

You won’t be flying day one. You’ll be falling with style until you learn more. :wink:

Yeah, I don’t get this either. lol

Actually the circle you put in red in the Druid tree is the equivalent of Ysera passive healing. Cause if you look on the same line you have the cat speed. Bear dmg reduction. Passive healing. Bonus range. So it is quite comparable to the talent we already have. nd people who usually pick the healer affinity get Wild Growth.

But with the new tree you may choose to have more than 1 passive affinity and you dont get free wild growth you may even decided to use the point on something else (For Other spec who just want the passive healing) Now if you look at the Spec tree.

The circle on wild growth is most likely a buff applied to Wild Growth. While the Hexagone is probably Cenarion Ward from the talent we already have. But he could of chosen something else. Since Hexagone are a choice. Maybe he picked another passive sinse we dont really how many choice can be chosen in 1 hexagone

What some people don’t seem to understand is that putting abilities like interrupts on the talent tree it forces you to go in a certain direction on the talent tree to get the interrupt (or whatever ability) back. So it’s not really a freedom of choice to pick what you want on it.

Sound familiar?

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I think he knew the answer and was sarcastic to the player he was answering tough but I might be wrong

Eh, it really depends on what the choice falls between. I joke about DPS not taking an interrupt, but really in my groups, I’d rather one DPS have a soothe over the interrupt, so that’d be be good. If I was on my bear, I’d want them to have the extra interrupt.

By that argument we don’t really have freedom of choice now so we’re not gaining or losing anything.
I mean hell most class have at least two rows of utility talents, and every player still picks the same utility because it is the most useful overall.
Why at level 30 would I pick an ability that lets me run faster, or the ability to stealth, when I can just lower the cooldown on my self heal by dpsing.
Why at level 40 would I pick the ability the reduce a 2 and 3 minute cool down by 20% that are a defensive and a utility, or pick a ground target aoe root tether, when I could just pick the talent that makes an already existent low cool down ability get me out of all movement impairing effects and give me a speed boost.

Except what you didnt realized is Interupt are directly in the path of Dps/Tank in the case of Druid tree and you cant really miss it. Now it just open up the path for other spec who normally wouldnt have it. They have the option to pick it depending of the choice they wanna do. Also you can save multiple tanlents and change whenever so why you complain make 1 build to clear M+ fast and switch for another one for boss or something

I was pointing out how their statements had no equivalency to the things they were comparing them to by asking them those question.

Can’t wait until I have to burn points for Charge.

Give up Whirlwind so I can have Mortal Strike.

What a joke.


Except you wouldn’t?
Mortal strike is a utility more than a dps ability. They already said Utilities would be competitive choices versus other utilities and that you can’t completely avoid utility just to focus on dps.