New talent trees mean removal of our baseline abilities?

Do note that once we transitioned from the talent tree to the more streamline talent row we also saw quite a few talents becoming baseline.

As Demonology it was Metamorphosis, Hand of Guldan, Demonic Rebirth, Demonic Embrace, Master Summoner(summon time of demons from 10s to 6s); Cast time reduction on Shadowbolt and streamline secondary stats (removal of Hit rating for exemple).

So i can find it pretty understandable that with the transition from the more streamlined talent rows back to the talent tree we see more of a reverse-shift from baseline kits who feel more complete on its own to more talent tree power who completes the tree.

I don’t particularly like it, but people have been asking for talent trees for a long time.

I’m excited for talent trees, but seeing some of the stuff on them makes me a bit worried. I really hope I don’t have to pick between AMS/AMZ and Mind Freeze in the future; those are my best utilities, losing one would be really detrimental to DK as a whole.

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Blizz has been doing this since WoD.

Taking class abilities away and selling them back to you as new content.

More of the same old crap. When will they really listen to the players?

Well if you look at the tree you posted really closely, and I’m no expert on druids, but the class tree seems to be broken down into four columns with intersections.
Going from left to right as Feral, Guardian, Restoration, and Balance.

Notice the first circled talent which is a passive one; being in the class tree means all specs get some kind of benefit from it despite not having an active ability. And the one that matches in the spec tree being selectable likely adds some kind functionality to whatever that passive is boosting that is exclusive to Resto.

The second ability in the class tree is an active giving all specs to that spell, but it shows up as a passive in the spec tree. So every spec can have access to this heal, but it max potential will only be available to Resto which makes sense.


I agree that a lot of people will use the cookie cutter “guide” builds. But if you go to subcreation, you’ll see that no top players are playing those suggested builds 100% of the time.

THere are some things that will still be base line that we while we are leveling without costing points .

How much of my class is going to be in this talent tree compared to other add-on/extra systems like legendaries, covenants, conduits, soulbinds, etc?

  • We’re trying to put as much class related stuff as we can into this new talent system as a singular place to manage your character. There will still be some abilities that are granted to players from leveling up, but significantly fewer. We recognize that abilities such as Eyes of the Beast, or Astral Recall, or Teleport: Moonglade, aren’t combat altering choices you’re making, and you would be hard pressed to spend a talent point to obtain this ability again. Those abilities are not going away, they are not going to go in the talent tree, they will just be a bonus spell you get while leveling up
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This has been a concern of mine since the announcement.

Right now, all we can do is wait and see(and discuss among ourselves here, of course) but this is something we should all pay attention to and be potentially concerned about.

The original system, back in the day we gained baseline spells and abilities in addition to our talent tree. I liked that way.

Now since the new system was announced as having 2 trees then perhaps that will alleviate some of the issue.

I guess, now that I imagine the idea of having 2 trees, it wouldnt be so bad to have to spend some points to get back back to where I currently am as long as between the two trees enough is offered to make it intesting.

The only best thing we can currently do is voice our concerns and hope they do it right.


Unless those are put into the class tree I don’t see that happening . You won’t be able to put into multiple spec trees and run a BM/SURV hybrid .

Now if you put points into BM and Surv it will give you both a BM and Surv builds that you can save separately.

Even so it’s easier to just go with what some guide says then crunch the numbers on what one is statistically better than the other. I just don’t care. I was the same way with Azerite traits in that I didn’t want to deal with finding out what one was better. As long as people aren’t screaming at me for some wrong choice I’m good doing whatever.

Remember that is just an example and that they are still working on it .

Could be once they get into testing in the Alpha/Beta those matching talents could be in just one tree and not both .

No different then what we had for talents since MoP .

There will always be meta builds no matter what system they make for us to do our talents .

Hopefully this will put more into our Class trees that were more spec focused abilities .

Depends on what is offered in lieu, as well. For example, as a Enhancement Shaman, I wouldn’t mind trading out Frost Shock for a lower damage stun.

Or, dare I dream, might Lava Lash be able to be traded out for a 2H ability?

Yes it could very well be, but as I broke down to another commenter.
If you look at the Class Tree it is broken down into essentially for pillars with cross overs.
From left to right it is Feral, Guardian, Restoration, and Balance.

If you look at the first circled talents (I know they may change but follow me.) it is a passive and a talent select. Meaning since the passive is in the class tree and not the spec tree it likely enhances something all four specs have access to at base, and the selectable talent in the spec tree probably adds some form of functionality or effect to it that is exclusive to restoration.

The seconded series of circled ones are and active in the class tree and a passive in the spec tree. That would point to all four specs having access to this healing spell if they wished, but only the restoration tree being able to use it at its max potential.

Yes, all this could change, but based on their current mock up this seems to be the kind of synergy’s they are trying to build between class and spec trees.

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Honestly, the average dps, tunnels so hard and doesn’t interrupt anyways currently, so at least with the new system, maybe they can just talent into a little more damage lol.

But you do have a good point.

That would be much more interesting. Not implement the interrupt itself as a talent but give it some cool trait, like “After successfully interrupting a spell your damage is increased by 5% for 10 seconds”. DPS would suddenly start fighting over who gets to interrupt a mob. :smile:


I agree, but this still isn’t the point I was trying to make.

What I’m worried about is losing the effect of a spell that used to be ours by default. That and having to choose between an interrupt and something else.

I hope that the interrupt at least is excluded from the talent tree for DPS and tank specs.

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That’s the issue with every big change they propose. People have been burned too many times by the Blizz monkey’s paw that it’s hard to expect an actual good change.

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It’s how the talent trees used to be. What did you expect? This is what GD has been asking for all these years.

I’m so confused. What did players think the revival of the talent tree would be?