I’m just joking actually.
Yes, I was being facetious.
I’m just joking actually.
Yes, I was being facetious.
Hmm. Bad form, or just bad approach.
Then that just shows you aren’t thinking outside the boxto see the possibilities.
No it isn’t. You didn’t get a choice. You were given these things. Now you’ll have a bunch of choices and bonuses that come with them to make them more interesting and choose which works best with which bonuses.
Then don’t use them, because that was poor.
That is very weird then .
I think players should be asking themselves:
We all know blizz isn’t trustworthy. Let’s be realistic here, they screwed that pooch a heck of a long time ago.
How they think, unconfirmed, needless worry and needless posts about something that may or may not even be factual.
A comet might hit earth tomorrow that we have never tracked before, #discuss
Honestly, there is only one aspect to all the speculation.
Blizz is a business. Their business is making money. They make money via video games.
Everything else is just frosting on the cake. When people ask this or that, they just need to ask themselves “would blizz make money from this?”
That’s it.
I agree. I hate MM hunter playstyle and weird aoe. However Aim shot one my favorite ability. I wonder if I can use Aim shot on BM without that super long cast add that.
This is how it works currently
That’s because they changed the entire talent system. After the initial launch it won’t be getting weaker then stronger. I swear you will complain about anything.
While there are some concerns there, it is too early to make assumptions. We still more than likely have 10-12 months of Shadowlands for them to work on it. I wouldnt call it a deal breaker yet, but I hope that unlike locking covenants, and ALL the feedback about covenants and covenant abilities, this time it wont be ignored
Sorry, I really don’t get your point. You’d rather choose and have less skills than don’t have to choose and have everything? That’s a weird take to me, but hey, everyone has their own opinion.
To me it’s better to still have every baseline skill and have a flexible choice on when or whether to use those skills than just having a limited premade choice.
You want a choice in talent trees, I want the choice on the fly during gameplay.
(Only looking at the usual baseline skills right now with this post. When it comes to additional old legendary or covenant traits I like choices too.)
So just take the baseline ability in the talent tree?
I’m looking forward to it if it means I can give a discipline priest silence. Not having an interrupt on disc is the main thing keeping me from playing it.
Had you actually read further, you would have. But it seems you’re not capable of thinking outside the box.
You haven’t had a choice outside of talent trees for most of your abilities especially passive since Legion .
What do you think the systems were . They were all talent trees. Artifact Weapons/ Netherlight crucible ,Azerite gear /essences and Soulbinds/Conduits all talent trees .
But now instead of having systems that take those away at the end of an expansion just so we can get them back with new names to fit the expansion , we get to pick the ones we like and carry them forward if we choose.
I think it’s good if only because you don’t always need current baseline abilities. You’re supposed to be able to swap out saved builds anywhere, so I can see a lot of people having e.g. builds for outdoor content or builds for running old dungeons where things like interrupts have been eschewed in favor of things that are more useful or fun in those circumstances.
Kinda. Think of it like leggos.
What we have now is 5-7 prefabs that we can put together to make 1, or if we’re really lucky 2, things.
The talent trees break those leggos apart. Worst case scenario, nothing has changed and we still build one or two things. But realistically, the possibilities are many times as numerous.
Might be possible. Disc most likely will be the middle branch for Priest so it will be easier to pick shadow or holy abilities