Good, we don’t need a bunch more button bloat. No game should require you to have two dozen keybinds to perform at an adequate level.
Nope…not a one.
I in the classic LFD threads I have proposed…human hunters as wow’s downfall.
the dip in subs came wrath to cata. cata had human hunters. Coincidence? I think not!
It is always a hunters fault.
and humans ala HMP meme ruin everything too.
Combine the 2…human hunters ruined wow. they combo’d 2 bad things to become a voltron of evil.
No, it’s tank that ruin everything now. Haven’t you heard in the other threads how mean everyone is to tanks and now there is a tank shortage that the Evoker class will somehow make worse.
I’m mostly looking forward to talents.
The one thing I’m dreading, however, is having to inspect to make sure all my m+ pugs have their darn interrupts/cc talented… ugh.
That’s masking a real concern though. Across all specs and classes in the game, it’s inevitable that there will be “losers” who will be asked/forced to choose between utility that they already have, or who will simply lose utility they currently have with no way to get anything equivalent back.
Ferals are super familiar with this feeling for example. If they make Psychic Scream and Silence mutually exclusive, but then go “But now you have access to PoM!”, or if they put Sigil of Mistery and Sigil of Chains into mutually exclusive spots that can’t be picked up at the same time, those aren’t somehow good tradeoffs, or actual choices to be made. You’ll have just lost some CC.
If Balance picking up Skull Bash requires an investment that is in no way worth it, or locks them out from DPS choices (not from the actual choice of spending that talent, but from the leadup of talents down the tree from/to there), that’s also another way a supposed “new choice” could be simply an illusion. Talent trees are no less prone to WoW’s current talent system in being at the mercy of devs in structuring them poorly.
We level up, and instead of a new ability appearing as much as they do, we will earn a point to spend to craft our character how we want too. I think that sounds cool.
The other thing to consider with how these new talent trees with affect available utility is historical content. Mage Towers for example could become either impossible or horrendous if utility a spec is designed around is made mutually exclusive with other utility they also need. Even Torghast, certain specs with unreliable CC/interrupts have over its course found it to be a hellish experience, and the new talents might just make that sort of thing worse.
As long as they dont screw us over like in WOD. IE rework classes and remove more abilities than they add from MOP to WOD, then i couldnt really care less. Classes need a rework, i just hope they dont dumb them all down. If i wanted to play a simple spec i would play DH
Welcome to new wow expansions, they take things away and then put a bow on it and sell it back to you as new content
Is silly to expect them to come up with a lot of new abilities/passives just to put into the talent tree, what really matters is how much customization we are getting and that they change the way our specs works.
Is also interesting that you can spec for stuff like interrupts, cc or other utility that the current spec don’t have.
Ah the irony I see and the sadness I feel for general discussion at times like these…
If you HONESTLY thought we would keep our 30+ keybind kit AND then they add 7 or whatever more abilities on top of that… you are a fool.
This was literally the reason why legion+ systems were added to stop ability bloat and still give us cool toys every xpac to change classes up.
But complainers had to complain and here we are… back to talents and back to people complaining about talents.
Sigh, this community is just garbage.
How long before someone makes an addon to auto-decline anyone who doesn’t have an interupt talented?
An interesting point is that in the interview with HazelNutty, Ion said:
" To quickly touch back on another piece of your first question, I don’t think it means necessarily the complete end of borrowed power - gear is borrowed power, gear is the original borrowed power - you have a tier set and you get your four piece set bonus, and you know what you’re going to leave it behind and move on, replace it with something new. There’ll always be systems like that and more self-contained things. We don’t necessarily want to slam the door shut entirely there, because we think there is something exciting about patch specific systems or things that feel thematically tied to a piece of content, but in terms of expansion spanning alternate progression that is meant to be what drives your character through an expansion? That is not in the cards for the foreseeable future."
I found this sentence particularly interesting:
We don’t necessarily want to slam the door shut entirely there, because we think there is something exciting about patch specific systems or things that feel thematically tied to a piece of content,
So despite doubling down on saying no “alternate progression” over an entire expansion (ie borrowed power) he hasnt shut the door on partial borrowed power. So that would be similar perhaps to what is happening now in Zerith Mortis with things like the Sandworn Relics that give you gear you can then take to the Catalyst and turn into tier set pieces. Or whatever other patch-wide thing they add.
I’ll just wait till WoWhead has an article telling me where to put my points for my spec.
Every expansion they do this in some way or other. I hate it. Change for the sake of change is irritating. Try red, it’s the new blue!
They’re out of ideas.
We need new devs.
They been talking about ability bloat since WoD when they removed a lot of spells and we haven’t gotten anything new since then. (Permanent)
I would rather have a permanent system that they can add/remove stuff from than rely on borrowed power each expansion.
They can easily give us new toys with the new talents or even allowing more combination as we get more talent point as we get more expansion.