New Sylvanas novel preview

yup! but they are ours :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The babies are so fluffy!!


That’s gross.

Here in New England, we have many seasons!! We have:

Other Winter
Second Spring
Suddenly Summer
Third Spring
Real Summer
Leaf Season
Last Summer



a popular Canadian meme is Han on a Tauntan saying “I’m running to Timmies, you want anything?”


NJ it’s Summer, Why is raining again for the tenth day in a row, when did NJ become Hell and Why is it so damn cold outside?!

We do have a spring, when it remembers to show up :smiley:

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One time in NJ I saw a crocodile swimming down the street, no joke.

Not sure if he was a local or just passing through.


It happens…more than people want to admit, In my old town, we had one living in the sewer for a few months until someone caught it


Related story; one of my new coworkers saw me unpacking my office lock box (big giant chest my boss made sure was mine). She questioned why I keep at work: another winter coat, heavy gloves, two scarves, two pairs of sweat pants, a pair of shorts, two tee shirts, sandals, and an umbrella.

My boss looked at her and said “you’ve only been here for two seasons, huh?”

Coworker said “oh no, not that long, only a month and a half!”

“Yup, two seasons. You’ll see soon.”

That day it was 24 Freedom degrees (-4 for you). The next day was 68 (20 for you).


East Coast weather is just…weird :smiley:

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there’s a real ratchet muppet looking snowy owl that lives in my neighorhood and tries to eat all my neighbors small dogs. One time she picked up a dog on a leash and the community got a picture of it. She leaves me decpitated bird heads on my porch.

She’s my very own Dori’thur.

I love her.


I once witnessed a hawk in my neighborhood snatch up a small dog, but the hawk lost it’s grip on it as it was taking off.

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birds are savage.


We used to have three crows visit us in the backyard. They would just sit on the fence and watch us, totally unafraid.

I always feel safe when Crows are around. In most older religions, they’re good luck charms and messangers of the gods :smiley:


I love crows. I told you about the one around my house with the bad foot? Crows are very lucky.

I am lucky to live on the outskirts of my city so there is so much wildlife. In the summer when I leave my bedroom window open I can hear the pack of wolves that roams the territory outside my house. I live by a water source so we get all kinds of wild animals, wolves, coyotes, owls, hawks, egrets and cranes, snakes, frogs… all of it.

There’s a wildlife photgrapher who lives down the road and he sends me pictues of all the animals. he’s the one who took a picture of my snowy owl looking like a crazy crackhead.


What a waste of printing paper.

I remember one time, like 5 yrs ago, me and the family woke up, and I kid you not, there had to be 20 crows all sitting on my basketball court. It was pretty cool

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My only good bird story is when I got jumped by a gang of seagulls over a bagel.

Do not mess around with the Parking Lot Seagull Gang. They will murder a fool for a cinnamon raison bagel.


I heard they run a Bagel Extortion business underneath parking lots everywhere. They finally figured out that the people getting coffee and a bagel in the morning make good, reliable targets :smiley:


I’m usually a really welcoming person who values multiculturalism… but when new immigrants feed the seagulls at the Wendy’s i just want to throttle them… we don’t feed the :poop: hawks.

That should be the number # thing the teach to new citizens of North America… DO NOT FEED THE SEAGULLS. they can starve.

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I remember Akiyass mentioning in multiple posts that she’s an Odinist and went into detail about her religious beliefs.

I’m not. If you look up Asatru on wikipedia, you get this.

This is something I know about because Thorists, another sect under the Asatru umbrella, set up their main hof (heathen church) a few years ago in the county I live in. They bought an old church in a small town, and have had their followers come in from out of state. They only allow white people in the place, and they set up in a predominantly black area. They believe that white people are descendants of Norse gods, thus making them superior, and that other races should be wiped out. They believe this due to “Volkisch” tradition (norse spelling of folkish).