New Sylvanas novel preview

At the homeless shelter I worked at before my current job, we had this older woman (late 50s, early 60s) who would grab a loaf of expired bread every day or two, just to feed the seagulls.

She came in one morning as I was just settling in to request an ambulance. Apparently the seagulls did not want to wait for her to toss slices of bread to them. They wanted to fight over the whole loaf while it was in her hands.

She never tried to feed them again.


They are the worst.

Akiyass also claimed the Proud Boys were not a white supremacist hate group because they were lead by a black man, despite the fact that it’s a well known white supremacist group.

She the had the audacity to say that her social views skew left but she votes right… she’s out there canceling out her own vote.


It’s why decent people who are pagans, are afraid to admit they are. They don’t want to get lumped up with the people who use our myths and beliefs to be a horrible human being

It’s sad that there are always people who take a good thing and just have to ruin it for everyone else.


My current biggest gripe with neo paganism is with Gaia pushing New Age occultism, Eastern yoga practices, with David Icke conspiracy theories as Christian creationism propoganda.

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The Proud Boys aren’t a white supremacist group, but they are far right with a lot of extreme views. I know this because I also know a handful of Proud Boys IRL and half of them aren’t white.

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The proud Boys originated in Canada (although the US claims them), and while they have become a generalized racist movement associated with the alt-right. It has a lot of ties to white nationalism, and it’s rhetoric.


What has this thread turned into? Y’all drove Baal away.

We are talking about birds and racists Doness.

It’s girl talk.


Well, two women and guy, who’s sometimes confused sexually, but, yes, we’ll stick to girl talk. Sounds better.

But anyway, why is it that most New Agers are racist? Like what’s up with that?

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short answer, Eugenics.

There’s still a lot of “pure blood” rhetoric in New Age circles.

oh and Illuminati conspiracies. I fell down that rabbit hole for a bit.

There are a lot of “12 bloodlines” crap. Part of it is largely the fault of Dan Brown, American patriotism, and the LDS church.


It’s just weird to me, because you would think junk thinking like that would’ve died out in 2022.

(And apparently I’m all out of likes for the time being)

you are on the naughty list!

I’m sure there a few mods who are scrutinizing everything I say :smiley:

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won’t be long before they start editing me again.

My two week suspension was for “trolling” Thadeus.

From the things I’ve learned, the Proud Boys very much want to return to, and even go beyond, conservative traditionalism, which does tie to white nationalists rhetoric in that regard. But I know they allow people of all races and even sexualities so long as they support those traditionalist views. Many of them bring their wives in, who support their boyfriends and husbands politics despite some of their boyfriends wanting things such as the 19th amendment repealed (the ability for women to vote), and they also support drug use and the full decriminalization of drugs. One friend told me about these things, though he felt like he didn’t fit in with the group so he left it, which was fine with them and they stayed on good terms with him. A lot of what I heard just sounded really strange.

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They were advertising a convention before Covid where they were going to charge women $2,000 to be lectured on what a conservative man wants from a conservative woman, and it was just basically submission, and incel stuff. They are far more sexist than they are racist.

One of the guys hosting the convention was actually really cute, I kept thinking how could this attractive man be an incel? it’s about attitude not about looks.


Yeah, that’s the kind of stuff I was told about. It really sounded ridiculous and it made me laugh how bonkers it sounded. It’s a lifestyle though that some people engage in, as weird as it is.

As long as it’s not a lifestyle I’m forced into they can keep their niche kink.

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Oh I have an exam friday so stayed late in the amphitheater today, was making some memes just now once I got home

You see:

  • If Sylvanas = Arthas
  • And Arthas = Anduin
  • Anduin = Lirath but not really
