New Sylvanas novel preview

Whether that’s actually the case or not, she’s a self proclaimed Odinist, which self-identifies as a far-right racialist sect of that religion.


Wait, what did I miss?

So the Void Lords are ducks?


Lirath was first mentioned in the Beyond the Dark Portal novel, which came out back in 2008. He also shows up as a memory in the Three Sisters comic from a few years ago.

It all makes sense now!

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Woah, hold up now, I’m’a let Ren speak my feelings now

I mean, I’m not saying I can’t see it. But did Aki come out and actually say the thing?

Er no, you’re probably confusing it with this.

isn’t that what the QAnon Shaman was?

While I was in forum jail, White supremists decided to squat in my city and throw a street party for three weeks and couldn’t whine about it here :frowning:

My neighbor went to the “Freedom” protest the one who called Bylaw on me.


Little Lion <3

I love those “Freedom” protests. They are freely protesting to have the freedom to protest. The irony is completely lost on them.

Also it is fun to see them get COVID. A virus that they don’t believe exists but is also a Bill Gates, big pharma, chinese lab conspiracy.

you are going to have to fill me in on this forum Joke Denona I’ve been in Forum jail the last two weeks

I only saw a snippet about the Eternal Ones being frogs. Now they are ducks?

So I made a joke that the reason why there are no ducks in the WoW universe, even though there is a rubber duck fishing bobber toy, is because the First Ones are actually ducks. While also referencing things like one of those attackable Ardenweald books, where the “reader” says it is a work of fiction because ducks exist in the story.

On further reflection, it could be true, but what is a "duck" this book speaks of? That part sounds fake.

And I am making it my actual headcanon. I even made a forum post about a month ago on the GD forums about it.

I’ve even changed my Details nickname from #Gladstance to First Ones are Ducks. Sadly only guild members can see nicknames =(


And you were corrected by the Story Forum 1000% Accurate Prediction Predictor, me, who told you that the ducks are the ones who made the First Ones. This is 1000% canonical fact, don’t come at me.

Thus, the Void Lords cannot also be ducks. Because they were made by the ones who were made by the ducks.

Therefore, and also absolutely canonically accurate 1000%, the Void Lords are geese.


But if the Ducks made the first ones, who tricked the ducks into doing duck things? And why are the geese giving me murderous looks while holding tennis balls?


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This is very The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the galaxy, “The best laid plans of mice.”

Or men?

No, just mice.


No one. Duck things are the natural order of the universe. Ever notice in every expansion, food vendors have a new type of bread? Obviously so that when we learn how to properly pay homage to the First One’s progenitors, we can do so with the right ritual material; bread thrown into the water.

Notice that while we’re told by others that the First Ones exist, we have seen evidence that ducks must exist but nobody will mention that existence?


Ever have to clean up goose poop? Clearly creatures of the utmost corruption and insanity, those geese.

Do not chase the tennis ball which has three by three eyes, Micah. For when it is thrown, it leads you to the house in the woods with no doors. And you shall find your way within by forgetting that which is without. And thus begins your walk down the black spiral, a never-ending path covered in goose droppings.


ah yes, where I come from they are not called Canadian geese they are just called cobra chickens, or the Canadian mafia.


(they should be coming home soon…)




Okay, that made me laugh louder than I wanted too. Cobra Chicken is such a fitting name for them though :smiley:


There is only two seasons in Canada, colder than hell and “I love the smell of goose :poop: in the morning!”


I was at the beach once and witnessed a goose snatch a sandwich out of a woman’s hand….

They’re like…ugly loud smelly incarnations of evil.