New Sylvanas novel preview

Pretty sure they aren’t


That makes some of Sylvanas dialogue with a flirtatious undertone seem even more creepy.


There’s definitely going to be fan art of Anduin calling Sylvanas Big Sis.

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“Help me step bro Anduin, I’m stuck”

Would this make Zovaal the step dad? O.o


I think it does.

Flirtatious? Which dialogue? I thought Anduin and Sylvanas was just a gross fan ship.

Oh my gawd, like every interaction she has with him!! No joke, listen to their confrontation in the Undercity. The tone in her voice just drips with flirtiness.

Mind you, I think it’s just the voice actress doing a “cunning” voice, but I wish I sounded that bedroom-y when I was trying to get someone to bed.


Actually I was the one who made this assumption way back in the book release thread announcement. I knew this was where it was going from the Shadowlands cinematics where she tries to convince Anduin to join her.

I love how suddenly everything is “Baal’s idea” even when it’s not >.< give credit where credit is due.


I don’t see it that way. I do not know if “flirty” is the word.

Because of this conversation, I tried to recall an instance where Sylvanas was at all “flirty” towards Anduin, or anyone other than Nathanos. And I couldn’t.

Sylvanas may have a sultry voice, but that isn’t being flirty.

Jaina has had multiple paramours. Tyrande has been with Malfurion a while. Moira is single but hasn’t been portrayed as having a romantic interest after her hubby was killed. I don’t see them as “flirty”. Or sultry.

Maiev seems… passionate. But not flirty.

I just haven’t really noticed too many major named folks being flirty, except Flynn. And he seems to be flirty to… all sorts. Mayla mighta been making eyes at Baine. Maybe she was flirty.

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Or, and here me out, she was doing that on purpose to try and fluster him and force him to make a poor decision

To give credit, wouldn’t someone have to admit they’re wrong and it wasn’t in fact their idea?

Y’all know I add:

Y’all saw that, right?


I think people assume Sylvanas is flirty by how she talks. She does “purr” it’s an ongoing joke with the fandom and her VA. It’s just delivery. No flirtation.

Yes, Alynsa is right.


And I asked a simple question? No need to get defensive.

Twitter Grandblade is allowed to swear.

The religion itself is not racist, just some of its followers.

Lady Moon is Life(Night Warrior) and Death(Winter Queen).

Lady Sun is Void(and Unholy Light) and Little Sun(An’she) is Light.

Little Moon(Lo’sho) is Order.

The Realms of Death all seem to be living creatures as shown by Maldraxxus(blatantly Fleshy), Ardenweald(all Wood with no stone in sight) and Revendreth(veins are seen in the Endmire). If like the creatures of Zereth Mortis they are Eggs hatched into Stone-skinned creatures that look like Elemental Planes then Zereth Mortis may be a Titan of Death.

If that’s the case then all 6 Zereths may be Eyes of the Earthmother! In that case: Where is the central 7th Eye? Is the Earthmother the Black Goat?

They’re finally acknowledging Sylvos?

what, where did lirath come from


I literally drew in a breath when you said that because I think originally that’s where Metzen and Co were doing with their thier Lovecraftian fanfiction. World of Warcraft is based on the unfinished Lovecraft work titled “Dream Cycle.”

Presumably Azeroth is the Earth Mother according to Baine.

Azeroth is Azathoth, The Dreaming One, a take on the concept of Purusha in Indian Philisophy. When Azeroth wakes, the Universe will be remade. They seemed to play a lot into this at first with Shadowlands and the Jailer wanting to unmake reality by waking Azeroth, but the new raid is a poor realization of that concept, and I am disappointed.

The Old God quote about “the goat with a million eyes who watches from the outside”

Outside the ordered universe [is] that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity—the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes."
~ HPL , The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath]

Azathoth is the 7th power that covets what the 6 hold fast. The jailer is trying to eat her soul to consume her power. This is where speculation that Azeroth is not a titan World Soul at all but in fact an Old God, or that the First Ones are Void Lords, actually is rooted in.


Have you had the dream again? A black goat with seven eyes that watches from the outside.

Not a million Eyes. Just seven.

The Earthmother if she does indeed turn out to be the Black Goat with her Children being 6 of her 7 Eyes seems to be based on Shub-Niggurath the Black Goat with a Thousand Young.

The Earthmother is said to be the creator of the Tauren which would be expected of a Goat(Goats and Yaks look almost indistinguishable) and sent out her Children to fight off the Old Gods.

A Seven-eyed Goat sending out 6 Zereth Titans to fight off the Old Gods makes one wonder just what those particular Old Gods were. Azathoth? Yog-Sothoth? Nyarlathotep? The Nameless Mist? Darkness?

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seven is a sacred number.

In the Old Testament God created the universe in 6 days on the 7th day he rested.
Pythagoras, whom the philosphy of Alchemy was created by, and by whom a lot of the philosophy of the Shadowlands and the Eternal Ones refer to, seven is the most sacred number because it combines the union of the number 4 ( material) with the number 3 (spiritual). There are also Seven levels of Heaven.

In Tauren Mythology, or in one of the old books that used to be scattered around Azeroth you could ineract with, was a creation story where The Nameless Mist, mated with The Darkness and that’s how the Universe was created. That lore as since been removed from live. I would imagine it’s because they are retconning thier intended earlier lore to fit in the Eternal Ones. But they could very well make the Eternal Ones Void Lords. What they had originally envisioned for this franchise is a lot cooler than what they are currently presenting, and that makes me so disappointed. I want WoW to be Lovecraftian, that’s why I got into it’s lore in the first place.

I’m not going to stop holding my breath for Void Lord creation mythos until they stop gaslighting us with Old God whispers.

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