New Sylvanas novel preview

It’s actually not, we had a whole thread disprove this. She was stabbed by frostmorne in the gut. When fristmourne ripped her soul out, like it did to Uther, the soul was ripped out if her chest.

You are the last person I expect to fall to forum groupthink.

We can even see this in the chronicles art which is when it was retcon’d in the first place

She only has one wound, on her chest.

You’re materially wrong. Golden and the CDev team forgot and retcon’d what Golden wrote for Chronicles and continued the Chronicles art choice/error into BFA and Shadowlands

You are denying what is materially in front of your eyes visible even on her current model if you remove the armor

Even Taliesin recognizes this is an unquestionable retcon

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Just FYI to both of you Golden gave Worgen tails in one novel.

I doubt she cares.


We don’t see Uther’s chest wound either, that was added by Shadowland lore. Additions are not retcons. Both Uther and Sylvanas have two wounds a death blow and a soul ripping wound.

No, Golden admitted it was a mistake and not canon in a tweet.


Uther only has one wound. Where Arthas stabbed is where his soul left.

Sylvanas only has one wound. Where Arthas stabbed. On her chest

This is visible on the model.

This is visible in Warbringers given the angle

This is visible without a doubt on the Chronicles art.

You are not correct.

Golden & Co has retcon’d herself and is now under obligation to sustain the current narrative choice.

And if she did it with this INCREDIBLY important detail, all else is fair game.

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Golden wasn’t involved in Chronicles.

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The retcon stands. She chose to sustain it rather than correct it.

I see this more as an attempt to make things better than they are in-game.


That doesn’t make sense. Souls aren’t stored in the chest.

Its such an incredible easy thing to check. It shows this writer is not interested in her own material. If she could not be bothered with figuring out if Worgen have tails do you really think she cares where Sylvanas was stabbed?


…the embarrassing truth about where souls are stored within your body is, well, there’s a reason why bodies void themselves upon death.


In Cata to WoD Sylvanas had a belly revealing top amd no death woumd scar. The comtinuity on this is mrssed up already. This isn’t a retcon, it’s readding continuity.

If you notice now, she has a corset or a abdomin shielding armor… to presumably hide her death scar. RG Sylvanas was wearing exposed midrif when she died. It’s continuity Baal.

Do you understand, Frostmourne drinks souls, it drinks it up, every day, it drinks the souls of Elves from Eversong. Sylvanas is just afterbirth who slithered out of her mother’s filth. They should have put her in a glass jar on a mantlepiece. If you have a soul, and I have a soul, and I have a sword, my sword stabs into your body, and starts to drink your soul, it drinks your soul. SLRP! IT DRINKS IT UP!


Oh that poor girl.

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Don’t give him free promotion. His opinions are garbage.


This post sounds so… moist. :persevere:


Do you like that I made him the villain in That Other Side?

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I do :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


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I built up the courage to read the excerpt. I’m calling it now, Jirri will be a minor character who will be killed for cheap emotional payoff.