New Sylvanas novel preview

Lirath was killed by the old Horde. It’s why Sylvanas is triggered by the Old Horde and thier war drums. They won’t retcon this. Sylvanas will become someone in the Horde who keeps orcs in check. Wait and you will see.

To retcon that they would have to retcon her entire antagonistic relationship with Garrosh.

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Currently gonna bet that is indeed what Golden would do and will recenter that conflict on something else

Retcon her own book? War Crimes? Really Baal?

I’m about tired of Sylvanas; Danuser and all them can say what they will, but the character has been utterly stained! But, no, whilst Arthas is reduced to a Tiny Orb and Garrosh is turned to dust, SYLVANAS is spared the rod completely, and if rumors are to be trusted, will be a continual presence in the coming expansion!
This expansion has to be the worst I’ve played! So let Sylvanas go! Or at least let judgment fall upon her! She is the one who tortured Koltira, ruined Gilneas, Teldrassil, Lordaeron, Killed Saurfang, Liam, opened the way for Azshara to let loose N’zoth! And so many more! (Be reminded she watched as the Jailer Dominated Anduin! Which is a rather… Suggestive thing to say…)
But, no… I am seriously contemplating why I’m still here (Remembers Dung Group who rarely plays now) Oh yeah! Those guys!


I liked the preview. I’ve been wanting to know more about Sylvanas’s life before she was killed ever since I played the campaign in Warcraft 3. I think her story affected me deeply since she was presented as the lone female leader against Arthas and the undead in Warcraft3. The way Arthas punished her as a banshee seemed especially harsh and disturbing. I am for sure preordering this book!


As much as I respect Baal, his annoying habit of complaining for the sake of complaining is tiresome. This is one such time.

I said my piece on the excerpt we got. It’s good. Hopefully the rest of the book does her justice

She stood by and watched as the Jailer dom…Actually that’s a rather dark joke…My God there’s a lot of dark jokes that can be made from this Expansion Vomits in Mouth

I’m just skeptical about retcons as an excuse to dismiss writing choices. It’s an easy excuse.

I don’t believe Christie Golden is a bad of a writer people make her out to be and Baal has a personal feud with her.

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There’s literally no reason for Golden to retcon her own novel though. I get people like Baal will always hate and complain about Golden, but this is just bordering on insanity at this point

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She retcon’d her Arthas novel with the change of wound location

This is something that literally already happened

The wound’s location in the new book will be consistent with the current location that is a retcon of her previous book


Her wound is on her abdomin…her wound will always be on her abdomin.

I’m skeptical of whatever Blizzard puts out about the lore nowadays. I can’t help but be pessimistic.

Ma’am the wound is literally on her chest in the soul split cinematic

It’s been retcon’d


I think Golden is an excellent Writer (Regarding some now sadly retconned Star Wars books, and some WOW books too)! In these situations it’s more the directed material. She’s more of a scriptwriter while blizzard is the director who tells her what to and what not to do.


Agreed! We went from rather Epic Wars and stuff to… “What’s happen with Sylvanas Ya’ll?”

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Even if they change where he stabbed her (and why the hell does that matter to begin with?), I half-seriously wonder if someone will still complain over the mere fact that it still means that Arthas penetrated her with a big long hard thing against her will, and that they’re not comfortable with that.


That’s where her soul was ripped from her body. Not her death wound.

Go watch Warbringers again.

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She’s not going to retcon Arthas being the one to kill Lirath. Golden wrote the Arthas book, making him one of her characters. She won’t villainize him more than she already has. That’d make Sylvanas feud with Arthas more important. It’s too serious of a move to make.


Sylvanas only has one wound. It’s now her chest. We’ve been over this.

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Removing one’s soul (an ephemeral substance) damages one’s physical body?

And I’ll be honest, I only watched the Azshara ‘Warbringers’ video. I knew that the Jaina and Sylvanas ones were going to be directly related to the utterly contemptable Faction War storyline and thus already irredeemably tainted in my eyes.