New Sylvanas novel preview

Well… they do. They’ve chosen to die on every hill they can find.

Sometimes the birds are the racists.

Just you watch. The Parking Lot Seagulls Gang will start dressing in tactical gear and ganging up on single unarmed sparrows 5v1 to show how tough and macho they are.


The article says that there’s no clear division between the terms “Odinism” or “Asatru.” It can also be used by these people, for example.

Of course, Akiyass no longer plays or posts, so we can’t ask her.

I do still miss her. She made me think, beat me in arguments, and said I was one of the more cordial and genuine people she disagreed with.


And you are allowed to. Don’t think that just because some of us had one kind of relationship with Akiyass that it ever invalidates your own.

I’d like to think Akiyass and I were… Complicated? Sometimes antagonistic, often times on opposing sides, but largely respectful towards each other. There were limits we both seemed to respect, intentionally or not.

But I’d see Ren say something similar to what I said and get a very different reaction. I saw the way Akiyass would respond to Micah and fume at the vicious dismissal.

But then I’d jump in, and Akiyass would behave the same as normal to me.

Different people, different relationships.


Same. I love the love hate dynamic we had. I miss that brat :frowning:

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Well, if you’d just asked any of us beforehand, we’d have told you is was a silly waste of time to hide under a bridge in rural Scandinavia waiting for him to cross so you could run up, roar at him, then try to hit him with a big wooden club when he couldn’t answer your riddle.



But would we have actually told Ren? Or anyone for that matter? Would we really?

I think it’s much more likely we would debate the lore of trolls and bridges, somehow invoke Sylvanas in the matter, talked about dead night elf souls, and finally settled on discussing birds and weather and racists.

And, of course, hidden near the bridge to take pictures.


Hopefully the book is at least passable, that said I’m not spending $20+ on a novel that could just have easily been a few ‘Stay a while and listen’ dialogue options in BfA. My admiration and condolences to those who have the dedication to do so, at least.


Back on topic, there’s already a Goldenism in the excerpt in the form of Lirath and Vereesa’s names being a combination of their parents names. I don’t know if Golden is the one who gave Lireesa her name but I’m assuming she did because of how well that lines up. This is a basic and lazy way to give characters names, which I’m guilty of doing for some of my own characters, and it’s kind of an indicator of Golden putting her RP habits into writing. This is a tool that can be interesting in roleplay since it’s two different people’s characters combining together, like a metaphorical mixing of genes, but when it’s characters named by one person it’s kind of self congratulatory (not sure if there’s a better word I can use to describe this). It’s essentially Golden procreating with herself and is similar to the recent incident of her quoting Anduin in regard to Ukraine (because it’s her quoting herself).

The characters that are in stories are creative extensions of the authors who have created them, they come from them. Combining two characters names in another character is a way of honoring that character’s parents. It’s the same as someone named John Smith having his son named John Smith Jr, it’s a name given in honor of the father. Character names are made by the authors who made those characters, so when those two characters have a child and name it after themselves, it’s a meta form of the author honoring their own characters and themselves; it might not be so bad to use this technique on one character, but it’s been done on two, both Lirath and Vereesa, which is excessive. Golden is also working backwards to achieve this since Vereesa isn’t a character she named, essentially stealing Vereesa from Knaak in a similar way to how Roux named Thrall’s daughter Rheze; she’s making a character she didn’t create be named after characters of her own creation.

If you’re wondering what I mean by Golden’s RP habits, she’s mentioned that she’s been an active roleplayer on Wyrmrest Accord and has included some of her RP characters as cameos in her books, such as a Night Elf priest and the white haired warlock that showed up at Theramore and Garrosh’s trial. There’s been an increasing occurrence of unimportant events that happen in her books which I’ve suspected to be situations she’s RP’d with people ingame, that she’s included in her writing for some bizarre reason, such as the random and minor plot involving Anduin’s butler dying. She’s basically getting ideas from things she’s played out. The more I think on this naming situation the more I think about other characters she’s named, like Finel, the last Elf to leave. Kinda sounds like final, get it?

I’m really tempted to pre-order this book so that when it releases I can make a topic listing all the Goldenisms in it and explaining them in detail.


As an insult though?

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I’m like Cursewords, I speak bluntly and I never tolerated her crappy attitude towards me or others. Most people don’t like being told to their face that someone doesn’t care about what they have to say

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It just came out as an insult because her soul was split, guaranteed.

I bought two pre-orders and the audio book :flushed:

Why two though?

I initially pre-ordered it from Amazon at news of release. But Chapters-Indigo, a bookstore in Canada, tends to release WoW books early so I also pre-ordered through them to see if I get the book before the official release date. I’ll cancel whichever pre-order doesn’t arrive first.

I got Shadows Rising two weeks before initial release by ordering it through Chapters-Indigo.

I’m really hoping I get the Sylvanas book early too.


This, honestly.

If it were Alleria or Vereesa that are reminded of Lirath when interacting with Anduin, I think that’d be fine. It’d certainly help explain why Alleria would feel any kind of loyalty towards Anduin outside of her loyalty to the Alliance. Its a little difficult to image a lot of characters letting Anduin take the lead, but when you have Alleria who’s been fighting since the Troll Wars, as well as Turalyon who has over a thousand years of combat experience, one has to wonder why they’d follow Anduin.

For Turalyon its easy enough to just assume he’s just following human culture, but Alleria? The idea of her seeing a bit of Lirath in Anduin would work. She’s a character strongly defined by her love, after all.

It’d even go some lengths to provide another perspective as to why Vereesa and the Silver Covenant have continued to support the Alliance’s efforts. There are reasons already existing, sure, but this would just add another way to look at it.

Sylvanas though? It just doesn’t quite feel the same. Honestly, she should see more parallels between Anduin and Arthas, and if that HAS to have a good connotation to it, she could ponder if Arthas might have turned out like Anduin had he not run afoul of the Scourge/Legion. If that had been a catalyst for her to do some soul-searching on her own actions in undeath, and led to personal, internal growth, that’d be fine.

Just my two coppers.


She was already named, though. It’s in a book in the Hunter Order Hall.

Thas’dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners, Part Seven

A few years before Horde invaded Azeroth, the ranger-general of Silvermoon was Lireesa Windrunner, who had three daughters: Alleria, Sylvanas, and Vereesa.


I know this. We don’t know who gave her that name though. So I’m now under the assumption that the name was created by Golden, that may have been a contribution she’s given possibly alongside writing atleast some of Tales of the Hunt.


Interesting thought: We know the ranger-general position to be an inherited one, with Lireesa being the ranger-general. If she and Verath are married, that means he took her last name. This brings the traditions of Quel’thalian marriage into question, and makes me wonder if they have marriages at all. Is men taking the last names of their wives just a special case for the Windrunners? This needs explanation.


In the Middle Ages and Early Modern period a lot of men who married “up” took their wife’s last name.

My ancestors are such a case, I found out in my research.

What should be my two last names aren’t because one dudebro ancestor who was just a wealthy merchant married a Spanish countess and another who was the kings best friend but not high noble married a Marquesa

Could easily use such, that all Blood Elf families are ranked by social register and whoever is lower family takes the spouse name