New Sylvanas novel available for preorder

If that is the case. I say we do a good old fashion book burning.

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Alleria never was RG, she refused the position. She wanted to be Ranger Captain because it offered her more freedoms.

As eldest it was expected of her but she took the bow but not the job.

Sylvanas was better suited to it anyways, and earned the position, it seems.


Her earlier books are better, like Arthas, they tend to go downhill later on.

Oh, I swear it was Alleria. Apparently it was their mom? I imagine her death probably had a role to play, then.

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Yeah Lyreesa was RG, she died in the 1st war. She was thier mother.

Little brother Lirath also died, in the second war I think, they may retcon when, they have bee fuzzy with timeline stuff, but he’s in the Three Sisters comic.

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People complained about “orc overload” from WoD. She was tolerable in Legion because she only showed up at the start and Stormheim (and to yell at Horde players to take Warden Towers), but then it’s all of BFA and all of Shadowlands

It’s like
 enough. Please. She’s not Kerrigan. I don’t get to delight in her villainy the same way as I did with the Queen of Blades in Brood Wars.

Either way, I’m sitting on exactly 1 week of subscription time remaining and I have no intention of resubbing. I’ma let people enjoy the Sylvapalooza who enjoy her vague nonsense and her general air of existing between plot branches at any given time, but I’m gonna give that a hard pass unless she’s permakilled in the raid (which I’d definitely bet against).


These forums are reacting the way I thought they would.

I’m actually interested in this book, retcons or not.


The Windrunner name was a prestigious name and I think they all tried to uphold their legacy. I think Vereesa and Sylvanas were always close. Alleria seems more distant. I think it was devastating to Sylvanas when Vereesa backed out of joining her in Undercity. I think it was as fundamental to the development of her character as Arthas.


Absolutley and the Gathering must have felt like a slap in the face after the events of the Three Sisters comic.

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Its just 
 it would gross me out so much if Anduin of all things is what brings her back from that edge?

Like, no, young Brad Pitt’s sensitive eyes should not be the motive for such a change, given her commitment to her twisted ideology. And “turning him into” Arthas, should not be “her point of no return” to make that “pivitol choice”. It was Teld for goodness sake. That was her thematic “Forgotten Shore” moment. The choice she made that committed to her path, even if there were misgivings later one. She made her choice, as it appears she made her choice with Anduin in 9.1.

It is time for Sylvanas to own the choices she’s made if nothing else.


Hey, I’ll buy it and enjoy it, I’m just not going to take it too seriously, since everything about Sylvanas is always subject to retcons within what seems like a few months of reveal. It’s okay to admit to liking something just because it’s gone so weird that it’s comical. Why be ashamed?

Blizzard’s Sylvanas obsession is just a phase, much like with Anduin now—as well as Thrall, Jaina, and Malfurion in the past. The Anduin and Sylvanas stuff is crazy heavy, but it’ll pass in time.


I would literally ascend into the Heavenly Sphere of Saturn, gaze upon the wretched depravity of humanity, and willingly fling myself into Hell via stripper pole like Lil Nas X in Montero.


I agree, and she had the empathy for the Forsaken to allow it to happen even though she had her doubts. Having Calia there and revealing herself was wrong. Anduin knew it too. His bones were telling him so. She kept her word though and did not harm any Alliance citizen.



They’re going to take the originally patchy story that they then retcon’d and further retcon it into its final retcon’d form? So that all the WoWpedia articles get updated with this new version of the story and future generations won’t remember what an absolute clusterf**k this plot was?

That about right?


That whole situation was so multi layered. Like you knew what was gonna happen and how defensive she’d get after Varimathras.

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A messier version of Arthas’s novel, but yeah.

The Desolate Council was also loyal to her. She didn’t force them to be, she allowed them to govern themselves.

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Until you know, she murdered all of them(Or at least had them conveniently eliminated)
but yeah, we’ll ignore that I guess

Which is a noticeable problem for those who get too close to Sylvanas. You wind up dead or discarded


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Please enjoy.