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I’m asking because there was no fist pump victory for anyone, yet I keep seeing people act like the Alliance is special in not getting one, and I can only assume that’s because they consider Teldrassil one since horde didn’t win any warfronts iirc.


Sterilization as in we would never again find any relevance in future stories; as it would take YEARS of concentrated work and effort to even attempt to rebuild our current remaining cast. Let alone from ground zero. And Blizz has repeatedly shown they would rather do anything else but even build up our remaining cast. Not to mention, I highly doubt the Alliance playerbase would TOLERATE the amount of resources and effort that would need to be placed into the Horde for your “solution”. They would render the Horde little more than a playable husk for their own satisfaction, then SCREECH about Horde Bias if Blizzard then actually put in the proper amount of work to fix what you demanded broke.



I am going to take a break from this conversation and perhaps wash my brain with bleach.


I’d rather think of a Baine-skin rug and Tauren steaks than think of a CGI cinematic with the entire Horde in a line ready to get … snipped.

I understand now that you were responding to Droite who was referencing removal from the story. But that image is burned into my mind at the moment.


It was more along the lines in how the alliance always gets made to look like idiots for trusting the horde every time they say they will change, than two expacs later the horde is back to comitting war crimes.


Fist pumping in regards to how players feel. I just don’t think being used by another warchief to their own ends and mass murdering innocent civilians back is a fist pumping moment.


Admittedly I had a double-take because I thought you were mistakenly implying that Teldrassil was a fistpump moment for the alliance before I realized what you were saying.

Do you think that GoT-style narration of the Alliance would reassure Alliance players?

A fist pump moment wouldn’t save this so I don’t know why it would be necessary. Everyone holds the idiot ball in wow.

Of course I want everyone to feel good about their factions and have their fist pumps, but it’s not an Alliance exclusive problem and maybe you weren’t saying this but I am getting sick of people saying Alliance didn’t get it and implying the Horde did. It’s a narrative problem with the writers shallow naval gazing during shock story telling, instead of like… Making the story fun, we’re all miserable. Do you get what I’m saying?

I could have started this discussion clearer, I admit.


How do you think we feel being forced into committing those War Crimes? There is a reason Blizz has to shoe-horn despots into the drivers seat of our faction with forced gimmicks, and silence the majority of the Faction that represents the WC3 Horde vision for years … for these stories. But never giving us actual motives to operate off of. We’re a plot-device, not a Faction to be invested in.

Its why I say that sadly our two most in-front characters are perfect reps. Baine is a worthless, deeply flawed plot-device who’s own characterization needs are always set aside for the stories’ needs to use him. And who can only find value in what value an Alliance character finds in him. While Anduin is an insufferable walking paragon of virtue and flawless morality, who picks up more Sue traits every patch.


ahahaha the irony


Why did I suddenly feel so funny? Orcs queue for a tent in the middle of the forest. They come in, the sound of scissors clicking, they come out … And then I felt not that sad, but …
How to reflect the tragedy of this situation? Isn’t it “the importance of procreation” in WoW stories? The orc comes out, says “But nothing has changed” and goes to do Loktar-Ogar. The mass execution is easier, sad music, slowly marching rows, the silhouette of a column rising up a hill, the rhythmic sound of a bowstring under each step, then they show a mountain of bodies, someone says “We must forget them and everything they have done for us” and already Looking from the top of a mountain of corpses, we see the departing young members of the Horde, ideally with a little girl.
Yes, mass execution is easier.

Until and unless the complete story of the behind-the-scenes decisions is ever known, I am always going to strongly suspect that there was a pre-beta-test stage of development where this was in fact the plan.

After Cata/Mop, a faction war was going to be difficult to sell me on too, but I think I might have been able to enjoy it in that situation. I did have some excitement upon seeing the BfA intro cinematic, thinking maybe they could actually pull it off. At least it might have been a case where both sides had grievances and a point, instead of only one side.

Been there and done that in Vanilla to Wrath. Was told it was all a lie anyway. Not gonna fall for that trick again.


I know this has been said a hundred times at this point, but I still maintain that it’s one of the key points to understanding the Horde players’ position in all of this: the BfA intro cinematic was an unfathomably massive betrayal of Horde players’ expectations, and the literal high point of the expansion. I don’t think it’s unfair to say that the Horde player’s narrative experience literally peaked before the expansion was released and declined for the entire two years of the expansion’s lifetime after.


Fixed that for you.


I can agree with that.


Horde guilt got you bad.


big same, it’s more apparent hordeside


Correct, true, facts, etc


As presented in A Good War it has the feel of a perfectly executed military campaign and a horde victory, with the bitter aftertaste wisely limited to Saurfang’s perspective. It is complex and interesting. It challenges the notion that there ever really is a good feeling military victory, even when the survival of your people is at stake. It challenges Saurfang’s notion of A Good War while also presenting it as a sweet victory in the eyes of the average grunt. There are great horde moments in that book.

Edit: Furthermore, the Alliance as bullied underdog is not a characterization found in AGW. The narrative is one of counterintelligence and strategy winning the day against a powerful and entrenched enemy on their home turf.


Ok, hear me out…

Something like this may actually be our reality. Instead of Nathanos being in the body alone though, he could be sharing the body with anduin in the end. It could explain why the Scarlet Pamphlets datamined include accusations that Anduin has a banshee lover.

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