New Sylvanas novel available for preorder

I mentioned it earlier, my experience with Golden is mostly limited to her Star Wars books:

  • She had Jedi Master Quinlan Voss getting nasty with a Dathomiri Witch turned assassin turned bounty hunter Asajj Ventress. She tries to help him assassinate Count Dooku, he falls to the Dark Side, she saves him, dies, and it redeems him (and her for all of her… stuff).
  • Later she had paragon of his lineage, Ben Skywalker falling in forbidden love with the Sith Lady Vestara Khai. She starts to come to the light side and realizes she’ll always revert to using the dark side to protect him and flees (after she was forced to reveal a secret about him). There would have been more but Disney killed the EU.

I’m expecting lots of Wrynnrunner incoming.

Like I am thinking we might find out the Jailer is holding Sylvanas’ child hostage and that child’s father is Anduin (who doesn’t know it yet) from a one-night stand that happened during BtS on the night before the Gathering.

Eventually the child will marry Calia (Sylvanas is like 2k years older than Anduin) and unite the world under one banner - before bringing about the apocalypse on Azeroth.


Eughhh I cringed so very hard at all that lol.


I would take horribly guilty pleasure in a can’t kill Nathanos without killing Anduin arc, that evolves into Sylvanas actually loves anduin. So weird and cheesy/awesome/horrible.

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How does one even come up with these ideas, let alone put them in text. It’s equal parts marvelous and nauseating.


Whenever people say the BfA cinematic excited them I’m always dumbfounded. The idea of being excited for a faction war after how Cata/MoP’s was so bad and constantly hated by the forums during their day is so foreign to me. My first reaction when I realized what was going on in the BfA cinematic was “oh god not again.”

Was wildly popular. People were incredibly engaged with the faction conflict. Forums complaining isnt a good metric. MoP is remembered as one of the best expansions for PvP, and one of the best expansions period. What both expansions did well was portray the faction conflict as relevant and secondary, yet also not overshadowed by schizophrenic storytelling. In cata, Deathwing was obviously the enemy. In MoP, the Sha was obviously the main problem. Yet both expansions managed to make the faction conflict feel important.

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Well, given the choice, I’d have never touched a faction war story again. But given that it had already been announced, the cinematic did give me hope that the situation might at least have some nuance. It looked like the Alliance might be getting their turn to be aggressive, and for reasons that the Horde player didn’t have to agree with, which would have gone some way toward evening the scales after MoP. (Yeah, I know people think it’s still coming after Shadowlands, by by then, it will be too late.)


I mean, someone thought up, wrote down, proposed and got approval for the Burning of Teldrassil, so…



And the current writers think they’re doing a better job than cata/mop lmao.


lol the story forums are filled with paranoid people who think that the writers are out to get them personally. This forum is a terrible metric for measuring the popularity of anything at all.


I didnt love every endgame zone of cata, but I liked Hyjal and TH enough to make up for the rest. The oldworld revamp made the entire expansion. Worgen and Goblins were great, and their starting zones were lovable.

The BfA stuff concerning the Kultirans, the Zandalari, and Azshara is all good. Its just the handling of Sylvanas (the obviously directionless scrambling) that felt bad imo.


The old world revamp was really uneven and gyrated between insanely good to actively toxic and were accompanied by some of the most baffling development decisions I’ve seen in WoW (like cutting the entire Worgen leveling path in the EK even though it’s obvious that it’s where the bulk of the old world effort went to)


I dont care I loved Hillsbrad. Jenny is my boo. Sorry about Southshore.

I like zone stories quite a bit, but god the overarching narrative is a trainwreck.


I do find it a bit odd that you complain about Sylvanas’ ultimate direction in WoW when it was pretty apparent where it was headed in Cataclysm. The things that she and the Forsaken did were never harbingers of a peaceful, stable future for them.

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Sylvanas seems to have skipped this step though? She had no Wilson and nobody around acting as a moral compass who didn’t give her unconditional support in all of her destructive behavior.

Wilson’s influence on House was positive because he would tell House straight to his face when he’s being a huge jackass and would often put his foot down and refuse to indulge House’s bad behavior. He refused to be an enabler, whereas Sylvanas was surrounded by nothing but enablers.

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Are you just trolling me at this point?

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No I’m not. Where were her positive developments that apparently led you to believe that she had a positive future ahead of her?


I get what you’re saying and wasn’t trying to imply that at all. I meant more along the lines of, I’m exhausted when it comes fighting the horde, who’s going to revert to being monsters every two expacs and the alliance looking like righteous idiots for believing that they will change for the upteenth time, if that makes any sense.

I’m tired of fighting Faction Wars that in the end mean jack all because both sides always end up holding hands and singing love songs.(Slight Sarcasm).

So in short…I’m exhausted,tired and don’t want to deal with anymore faction wars or anything to do with the horde. But that’s me. :wolf:


Let me guess? In the book we will know what are her true intentions and her “master plan”? It seems that the game has no other characters. Tired so tired.