New Sylvanas novel available for preorder

Well they later said she’s been working with the Jailer since the end of Wrath, so positioning her into the role of Warchief (where she’d have the absolute authority to start a new war and cause a massive amount of death/souls for the Maw) to me implies she’d be aware that she’d be moved into that position.

At this point I’m hoping her raid encounter involves her finding out the Jailer tricked her into thinking she was doomed to the Maw so she’d be scared enough of her ‘fate’ to agree to work for him.


Isn’t it also a possibility that the Zooval knew that Sylvanas would do, what the previous two Lich Kings failed to do? Which was kill as many people as possible. :wolf:

(Admittedly she was pretty successful for the bulk of BfA)

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They said that in a Dev stream, and were very vague in what capacity she was “working with him”. For all we know she was just working through her Val’kyr as a Proxy for a while before she started working under him directly. There is a lot of hazyness here. But, frankly, with her and Mueh’s behavior, I don’t think she knew the Jailor had a hand in making her Warchief. Even if she did use a position in a way that ultimately benefitted him.

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It’s not a blame against her, it’s a blame against the writers.

See … considering she’s used similar manipulation tactics against her Forsaken to get them to move in ways convenient for HER of their own volition, I’m not convinced that a lot of her prior relationship with Zovaal isn’t something similar. Him, setting up a lie, that would get her move in directions convenient for him of her own volition. So, if that is the case, him making her Warchief would fall under that same expectation. She may not have wanted that job, but that doesn’t mean she wont use it if needed.

There is only one example of a character being killed off after a biography though. They didn’t kill off Thrall after Lord of the Clans, and they didn’t kill off Illidan after his book either.

Your assumption is just that, an assumption, and nothing more.

I was asking mainly because…Zooval is using sylvanas in the same exact manner Ner’zhul and Arthas were meant to act as the Lich Kings…you know, to bring about his ascension and have death rule everything. :wolf:

Probably. If anything, I would wager its why her Val’kyr singled her out at ICC. They knew her only hope from her torment of Undeath was Death itself, so they gave her just the right type of scare to get her to do what they couldn’t with Bolvar or Arthas. It is the reason she thinks only fools “Hope” after all.


Thos wherent biographies Lord of clans isnt about thrall, and illidan isnt told from illidans POV

These books are planned months, if not years in advance, and this is releasing after her raid encounter. If they do kill her in the raid (whether via the players, another character, or Zovaal himself if she decides to have a last-minute betrayal of him for whatever reason), conveniently releasing the ‘definitive’ book of her life from beginning to end? to fill in the behind the scenes stuff we the players weren’t privy to would only make sense.


If Golden manages to pull this off and actually makes it relatively coherent I expect the the story forums will flip. Especially the ones who have been sending her hate(sometimes even death) tweets.

Then you still only have one example of a biography being released when a character dies, and your still just assuming that will happen again based on only a single example.

By itself it’s still not a good argument that it indicates Sylvanas’s demise.

In context of the forthcoming patch I grant it seems continent, but the book isn’t scheduled to release until November, which I think points to a stronger likelihood that Sylvanas’s story and character will remain relevant even after 9.2’s release that’s even if they were to ‘kill’ her in the raid - since we’re in the Shadowlands a characters death in a raid encounter may not have the same meaning as it would on Azeroth.

You think story forum posters send death tweets?

At the end of the day I really don’t see Sylvanas coming back with us. But, I am VERY on the fence about whether her end will be in 9.1. Frankly, I suspect that she will survive the Raid, but might get captured. In no small part due to the Jailor giving her a bit of the Denathrius treatment now that she has effectively trained her own replacement. If he abandons her, and it turns out her afterlife really IS a lie he manufacture, there is a very remote possibility of some form of redemptive path opening up for her.

Not sure how successful she’ll be on that path, but I genuinely do not believe its possible to validate her twisted ideology she turned herself into Arthas for AND even have that tiny, remote option.

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Cause theres only one biography, this sylvanas one is gonna be the 2nd one out of the all the books

Been a while but I do recall Golden saying she got those types of tweets when Teldrassil was announced. Suffice to say I expect people who care enough about the lore to actually send death threats would probably post or at least read the story forums.

I predict there’s at least one chapter dedicated to a POV of what making love to Nathanos is like.

If I remember correctly, years back there was one particularly insane guy who was utterly obsessed with classifying different schools of magic and elements (not Yvenathilm) who might have been the reason the lore twitter account shut down. Apparently he tried getting stalkerish or something, but not only was he forum-banned, but he was bad enough that he had his entire posting history purged from the website.

He’s the guy who would insult everyone who disagreed that fel magic wasn’t just corrupted life magic. You could really set him off by saying a pitlord was a warlock.


yeah, he got sent to the maw. Even fan sites banned him.


Dry and unpleasant, like his sense of humor.
And for some reason, I imagine it involves feet. He just seems like the type, y’know?

Step on me, Ranger General.
Call me… your queen.

If you’ll excuse me, I need to go forget that I typed any of this.


Almost everyone I’ve met, including hardcore Sylvanas fans, have been in near unanimous agreement that Sylvanas will reward Nathanos on occasion with one of her used socks.