New Sylvanas novel available for preorder

Of course they will. Zovaal clearly wins in 9.1.

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As you stated they don’t care about the people on the forums. They care about the standard player who barely pays attention to the story. They aren’t going to pull the rug out from under them and make her a good guy just because of a book.

So no don’t expect some drastic change from her current direction. In fact expect them to double down on making her stupid evil.

Sure Zovaal might win 9.1 but he won’t be coming out of this expac the winner, neither will the current Sylvanas.

If you need a novel to make sense of your video game character’s motivations, maybe grand overarching plots or even the most basic of character beats aren’t for you.


Eh. MMOs make for terrible long-form storytelling, and of the current popular MMOs WoW has the worst in-game storytelling tools available and it shows. I have no problem with them expanding the lore into books, they’ve done it since before the game launched. My only problem with it is when they kill off important characters like Cairne in a book, they should never do that.


I’ll just read the Cliff notes after it is released, cause I do not desire to actually own and read the full story. Just me personally.

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Can’t wait for Blizz to tell us how genocide is actually good over 300 pages :roll_eyes:

Ah Eth always the eternal optimist.


This isn’t really subjective at this point anymore…

Look, I think people are putting the cart before the horse here. We have little to no idea of what the book will try to tell us, and it’s almost seven months until it’s released, at which point 9.1 will almost be past content. We’ll simply have to wait and see.

For me, the book is completely irrelevent. It doesn’t matter what it contains, or what it tries to say. My opinion of Sylvanas will not change, and neither will I muster a single micron of sympathy for her, even if it was revealed that the scourge ran a train on her before her conversion to a banshee. Not with her current actions in mind.

Like I said I’ll just read the Cliff notes of the book, I’m not putting any cart before my horse lol.

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Oh it wasn’t aimed at you personally. Just that alot of people seem convinced this book will try to redeem her, based on their preconcieved notions, or their wishes and fears. And we simply don’t have that kind of information yet.


Idk personally I do feel like it will be an attempt to redeem her in a way, if nothing else it will be an attempt to make her more sympathetic in the eyes of the reader.


Considering it’s golden that’s writing it, I don’t think so. She did afterall write Elegy, which portrayed Sylvanas actions, if not necessarily herself, as truly monstrous. I somehow doubt she’l do a 180 and try to portray that Teldrassil as anything but abhorrent. And her character is intrinsically linked to that event. You can’t redeem her without spitting all over the Alliance. They could do that, of course, but they almost certainly won’t. So i’m not actually worried that much.

Good luck with that. Like seriously, there isn’t anything they could do with her for me to feel sympathy for her at this point.

Oh I’ll not be trying to sway anyone’s opinions of syl, whether they be good or Ill.

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But it still doesn’t matter in the end if they portay the Teldrassil genocide as a good thing and let Sylvanas get away without consequences and make her just rejoin the Horde as if nothing happened.

People paid money to experience the story in the past, and now we’re told that everything bad about Sylvanas is getting retconned just so the genocide of the Night Elves (most popular Alliance race) can be glorified?
It just sends such a bad message and it spits on everyone besides Sylvanas fans, including the honor Horde fans.

Hah, let them. The meltdown would be glorious. The justified rage from Alliance players would rattle the forums themselves. The consequnces for the game would be catastrophic, as even more people leave the game in protest.
But no, they won’t do that. Blizzard are stupid, but not that stupid.

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It can’t be more catastrophic than it was in the past, and barely anyone seems to care anymore about a resolution for Teldrassil because they have ignored it for so long.

They absolutely will with Danuser in charge, and especially since they said that Sylvanas is a hero. Tho whom? She betrayed literally everyone.

It wouldn’t be as Teldrassil was, true. It would be a thousand thousand times worse. There is one thing to genocide a species for drama. But to try and redeem the one who did it, and let them return to the faction that was part of it? A whole different thing entirely.
You underestimate how bad the reactions would be, Ethriel. With that in mind, stop beating yourself up with the worst scenarios you can conjure. We will have answers soon enough.

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I think most Night Elf / Alliance story fans have already quit or given up by this point. They knew that Sylvanas was going to get away with it and that the Night Elves would never get justice, a resolution, a new home or their lands back.

It’s over at this point, they’ll have Sylvanas defeat us in the 9.1 raid, then glorify her in the novel and say that everything she did was okay or good and then make her return to the Horde as if nothing happened. Maybe even kill off Tyrande or something so that nobody in the Alliance or Horde will have a problem with her :roll_eyes:

Guess it was really too much to ask to just have a resolution for Teldrassil in some way by freeing the souls, getting our zones back and a new home. Nobody even asked to take anything away from the Horde, but not even the minimum of a resolution is granted.
The writers are truly trying to tell every Night Elf player to get away from their game, this is why they are glorifying a genocide against them now… wow.

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That’s such a stupid video it hurts. Ugh.