New short story

Yes and the economy is shrinking.

Raw GDP isn’t the best way to measure an economy for the average person.

I’ve always liked Gazlowe. He was interesting in Shadows Rising and he’s interesting here.

It’s nice that the Goblins get some development without erasing their previous character. The greedy, self-serving nature of most of the Cartels is still there. Gallywix is still hanging around, if anything this sets up conflict between the cartels in the future.

The habit of self-preservation and reasonable self-interest that’s always been present in the Goblin PCs/certain Goblin NPCs like Sassy Hardwrench is now just at the forefront. This is a good start with that.


I’m sure the social programs are the reason for that and not the bellical conflict not far from your borders or the post-pandemic bubble burst.

On one hand I’m glad that goblins get something focusing on them and some amount of character development.

On the other hand its growing more and more obvious that by the end of the fabled undermine patch goblins will just be slightly bigger green gnomes with canonically worse tech. And the aftermath will be most of the gobins home city left in ruins after we “save” it.


caught up a bit with the GD thread and lmao that the person Zerde anointed as the spokesperson of all horde players ever actually is a nelf stan.

Just thought I’d note that, because lmao


I’m shocked.


What shall we do?!

Whelp, guess Amidrisaal needs a good purging now. Who’s with me? :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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I guess Horde fans are just gullible considering how many red players liked it. Or maybe Horde fans just agree to the sentiment and that they prefer the darker side of their supposed morally gray faction.

I do not need another decade of complaining and Tyrande quests.

The tree can live.


so, 8 or 9? oooooooOOOo


I mean, we’re still gonna get it, I don’t know if they know how not to complain.


Since when has our narrative depth in our factions ever mattered in the major story?

The writers don’t care, they’ll do whatever they want.

This is just more one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing.

God forbid Blizzard does something different with the goblins other than “funny little green men go boom or are stupidly greedy”. The story was fine and it gives me more cause to believe that we’re going to the Undermine in this expansion.


From a post about a Horde short story with more blue likes than red. Like there are only 14 like for a goblin short and most from the Alliance players. The irony.

your point is?


My point is there is a noticable pattern of who ended up liking the story and who likes a post about how they hate the more progressing Goblins.

Like there is about a complaint about how Forsaken had to be tonned down. In Warcraft you are either a hero or a villain, there isnt much inbetween and if the Horde doesnt want to get hit with the Villain bat they will jave to act more like the Alliance.

Speak only for yourself. Don’t include all of us in your ‘we’. tyvm.


the usual suspects who are spread across both factions who are trying to turn this into some culture war noise.

And then you trying to pretend like this means something about a playable faction?

From 9 likes.


Which is still a pattern. Who knows maybe the Horde kept getting hit with the villain bat is people like Erivien kept asking for the true Horde and kept making noice about it. And so you got the “true” Horde along with all the consequences that entailed.