New short story


Well Iā€™ll be enjoyed our Alliance faction leaders be heroic. Maybe the Horde wont get hit with a third(or fourth or fifth, hard to keep track of it all) villian bat anytime soon, maybe.

I just donā€™t understand why someone would want to play as an ugly evil gremlin. That seems surreal to Me.

This doesnā€™t make sense. You cannot conclude likes or posts on the forum prove a person is only one faction or the other.


Someone needs to make sure Erevien is not the guy to start important lore discussion threads.


With terminal faction brainā„¢ you can!

Just bash your head into a brick wall 10 times while repeating ā€œGarrithos did nothing wrongā€, and you too can see the world in a fresh new perspective!


Toss in some tickle fire balls to help


Cause you are one in real life?

Anyway, Iā€™m with the OP. Kind of tired of nice guy Horde types. Goblins are greedy little monsters. Thatā€™s why I liked Gallywix. They are trying to fix yet another Horde race. The orcs and the Forsaken werenā€™t enough.

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Or derail othersā€¦

My poat just says ā€œa good subsectionā€ it doesnt give a figure but if this was the only post about it I wouldnt bother. But people have unronically though Garrosh(and Sylvanas)was right or want more Alliance cities to burn. Now we have a short that possibly tries to rehabilitate the goblin race and I can see a bunch of people just wishing they remain the ruthless(and frankly evil) stereotypes they have been for decades.

Do all people self identify with the faction of their posting avatar? No, but a good chunk does and you would think a story about the goblins becoming more nuanced would attrach some Horde love from an expansion that will likely not have alot of Horde content and yet it didnt and seemed to have the opposite effect.

Weā€™ve disagree about alot of things in the past, Zerde. Some of your takes I thought bent the rules of logicā€¦but this is the worst.


Have fun taking quests from Alleria, Anduin, and Jaina.

I thought that was your whole schtick, just for the horde as a whole, so weā€™re always there to prop up your favored factionā€™s infallibility


Of course he wants and needs the horde to be evil. Otherwise thereā€™s no point in coming here


And other people agreed with what I posted.

Look, you would think a short story that focused on making goblins be all around good guys/nigh heroic even would have a more positive discorse toward it. Instead Erivienā€™s take certain has a following.

Ah, Zerde, noted expert on what horde players want.


You people donā€™t even know what you yourselves want. Half of you want to be honorable, the other half want to be genocidal, and a smaller subset just want to be furries or elves. This is why I 100% approve of Blizzardā€™s decision to write off the Horde as a lost cause. You people do not know what you want. The problems with the Horde, they all begin with you.

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I am not even sure Horde fans know what they want.

As I said Warcraft is pretty blunt in its good or evil lines in the sand. If a Gazlowe story about a fair boss who does everything to help his employees while still looking at the bottomline is not well regarded, then might just think the old goblins that are ruthless capitalist is the one preferred by players.

Hint: Weā€™re not a monolith, and how many people are both faction players chiming in. Again, why you have no point.


And yet Warcraft is pretty monolithic. Your either a good guy or a bad guy and the Horde can either want more characters like Gazlowe or they will end up with more like Gallywix.