New short story

As do the trade princes.

With an end, other than profit for the trade prince.

Prevailing wages.

Such things other than profit for the trade Prince.

It is high time the Goblin Worker understand their inherent wealth - and high time a Goblin Leader worked with the workers.

And why is that inerently bad? Doesn’t make sense. Goblins are that way and that is okay to write. Why change it now? Is Blizzard trying to 1000% bugger off the last Hordie still caring about the story that aren’t content creators.

Your misunderstanding of Goblin lore does not make you special.

If every Goblin understands their worth, and the Goblin leaders get that - good.

It is a matter of time.

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For all the communist talk, its kinda funny that Gazlowe is basically just trying to sell the American dream to goblins.

White picket fences in every yard (to denote where the landmines are), a chicken in every alchemist’s cauldron, that kinda thing.


And why do you hobble the goblin story by cutting out the pretty obvious story of a goblin seeing the resource that is the masses of laboring goblins and rather than trying to compete with the trade princes who already have a lock on the robber baron thing, leverage the power of numbers to gain power?


A hyper capitalist race suddenly cares about workers rights? Where is the logic?

I hate to be a Gazlowe Booster, Gallywix is a better character and more fun - except as a leader.

I mean, I understand. Between Gallywix and Gazlowe…. Heck, Blizzard didn’t want to saddle Gazlowe in Cata with being Horde. It almost seemed like Blizzard wanted to keep Gazlowe clean.

Blizzard just pullled the band aid too slowly, imo.


A worker’s product is their labor, which they sell to an employer. By working together to bargain collectively they increase their bargaining power and can better control their product and the price it goes for and the conditions they labor in rather than going alone where there is a large power difference against them. What’s not capitalist aabout that?


looks at real world humans and starts to sweat nervously

Gazlowe wants a revolution. He will be the first secretary of the Räterepublik.

Gazlowe learned about workers complaining, and the costs of keeping a reputable name.

I don’t like “the softening” but it makes sense and has lore back up. So, I can go with it.

If Gallywix blew up Goblins without a care, it makes sense that Gazlowe might use his value of their existence as a reason to join him, when other Goblin cartels do not pay heed to their lives.

In BfA, Gazlowe showed he would pay the families of those who died. He isn’t as fun as Gallywix, but he seems to be sensible.

Then race change him to a better fitting race and leave the true goblins alone.

No. What. Even a Goblin learned the value in compensation of workers.

Or a different way of earning profit - a more egalitarian way.

I have never been a fan of the idea that all members of a race need to think the same way. Gazlowe and Gallywix are good examples of the right and wrong ways to be Goblin Leaders -

Goofus and Galllant

I am here for it


I would say it comes down it Gazlowe is more of a person, while Gallywix is more of a caricature—He was the embodiment of a 19th century gilded age robber baron. A caricature is fun, but at the end of the day it is very flat as a character when you need them react outside the scope of a single way.

Gallywix would make a great villain to face down in Undermine, he is designed for being the representation of everything wrong with goblin society and the sort of ruin it can bring to everyone.


I wish this was an actual discussion about what occured within the short story, like how the machines run on what is essentially vegetable oil or GOBLIN ALCHEMY actually becoming a plot focus instead of some niche gimmick.

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What story did you read?

Gazlowe’s still a full blown capitalist, just one that understands the value of repeat customers and that routine maintenance is cheaper than downtime


Goblin alchemists are cool yes. We need more of them.

They’re not a monolithic lol

Should be tho.